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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Yep Ivermectin going great in Oklahoma!!!

You do know this is fake news. Has the guardian printed a retraction?

Says a lot about how gullible our media companies think its readers are ( with some justification unfortunately). What's happened to journalistic standards? No checking of sources. They just quoted (or misquoted) some random who has not worked at the hospital for two months, presented as an expert without checking the actual facts with the hospital. Then of course no retraction. It's already out there as 'fact' and then a 'meme' for the internet warriors.
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Pretty sure I read that journos can email in questions for the health dept, and that someone will be doing a tele-presentation each day.

Perfect way to cherry pick which questions you feel like answering if that is true.
You do know this is fake news. Has the guardian printed a retraction?

Says a lot about how gullible our media companies think its readers are ( with some justification unfortunately). What's happened to journalistic standards? No checking of sources. They just quoted (or misquoted) some random who has not worked at the hospital for two months, presented as an expert without checking the actual facts with the hospital. Then of course no retraction. It's already out there as 'fact' and then a 'meme' for the internet warriors.

Fair enough.

Still, Ivermectin overdoses are running rampant in the states.

Happy debunking Lamby!!

Any detailed info on Ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh yet?
Correlation = causation is the catch cry of conspiracy.

Correlation is a starting point to warrant further investigation. That is all.
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You do know this is fake news. Has the guardian printed a retraction?

Says a lot about how gullible our media companies think its readers are ( with some justification unfortunately). What's happened to journalistic standards? No checking of sources. They just quoted (or misquoted) some random who has not worked at the hospital for two months, presented as an expert without checking the actual facts with the hospital. Then of course no retraction. It's already out there as 'fact' and then a 'meme' for the internet warriors.

Ivermectin freaks in Australia as well Lambster

Really, this is too easy. This is liking shootin' fish in a barrel.

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Ivermectin freaks in Australia as well Lambster

Really, this is too easy. This is liking shootin' fish in a barrel.

I'm sure these stories will keep coming

Ingesting horse ivermectin is a bit sad and desperate for a number of reasons.
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Anty. I note you post the WHO article on Uttar Pradesh. The medical kits mentioned in that article that are given to every symptomatic, positive case or close contact contains paracetemol for symptom relief. ORS packets (reyhdration), multi vitamins (Vit C and zinc )which assist the immune system and Ivermectin as the anti viral medication. These kits have also been extended to symptomatic children over the age of 5.

We have gold class track and tracing, full lockdown restrictions and a vaccination rate of 35% . Uttar Pradesh has few restrictions, having opened up since July, and basically all businesses are open and has a vaccination rate of about 12%. So what explains the fact our cases are going up and Uttar Pradesh have basically no cases.
Anty. Previous post on UP protocols

Referenced article
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Well it looks like lockdowns into the near to mid future. Gladys, Dan, Scotty and Josh agree we need to get to 70% plus fully vaccinated before we start opening up and Dan will loosen some restrictions after we get to 70% first dose. Probably a good ploy to encourage jabs.

Meanwhile Uttar Pradesh which has been steadily opening since July after a devastating Delta wave is releasing restrictions even further despite a fully vaccinated rate of under 15%. I wonder if any journo is going to ask our erstwhile leaders if there are any lessons we can learn from the experience of others who have successfully weathered Delta and come out (hopefully not temporarily) the other side.

Uttar Pradesh has a rapid test trace and treat protocol as opposed to our and most western countries test trace and isolate protocol. Maybe treating viruses early is a good idea.

Anty another post where I have links to UP protocols and policies.
Anty. Previous post on UP protocols

Dude, one dose, many? Administered how? That tells us nothing, which is why I asked.

If Uttar Pradesh is the poster child for ivermectin success why is there almost no information about how is being used?
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@lamb22 any reason why actual state poison control centers would be lying about ivermectin poisoning instances?

Are they in on the big pharma/msm conspiracy too?
Dude, one dose, many? Administered how? That tells us nothing, which is why I asked.

If Uttar Pradesh is the poster child for ivermectin success why is there almost no information about how is being used?
Sorry Anty. 14 day protocol in this case. Original protocol was three days then tests on days 4 and 5. FLCCC protocol is 5 days.

Anty I am going to enjoy the Cat's demise tonight and also celebrate a very good Dee's team. I'm pretty exhausted on this thread and pretty much said all I want to.

I might actually watch the granny now. Good luck to you . Stay safe, Take care and see you in preseason(y)
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Whatever happened to the "greater good". I
Be very, very careful of what you wish for.

You can't get pissed and get behind the wheel of a car so why shouldn't there be repercussions for people who refuse vaccination?
Of course you can.
If you crash or get picked up by the Plod, there's consequences. If you get home safe, who notices? If you don't get vaxxed n get cooties, there's consequences. If you don't get crook, who notices?
Again, the reality is that the truly correct phrase is “Living AND dying with Covid.”
Last time I looked, living n dying were a guaranteed unbreakable partnership. There's just some variations as to how you complete the cycle.
If NSW opens up at 70%, COVID rips, it spreads to all of the others states, causing hundreds of thousands of cases and thousands of deaths… Gladys should be put on trial for treason.
Isn't this the numbers that all our illustrious dribblers agree to during the National cabinet meetings on how to deal with Cooties? Then as soon as they're back in their home states, certain dribblers put on their tuff boy *smile* face, erm Norf face jackets n do whatever the *smile* they want.