Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Exactly. Are workplaces high risk areas? What type of workplaces? How do we deal with it, do we need to change the rules/settings? Surely we have a fair bit of data now to conduct analysis and update guidelines?

How many transmissions have occurred at supermarkets?

If supermarkets are "safe" most retail could also be safe?

I don't see how any indoor retail is safe, supermarkets are open because they are an essential service.
Yes I've spoken on here previously of the deranging effects that social media has on the collective societal mind. That was more in relation to how there have always been deranged idiots in the world. In previous eras though, only the really committed deranged idiots would be heard, if they had the courage of their convictions to stand on a soap box in the park and shout all manner of incoherent nonsense to anyone walking past who would listen.

So therefore, it was only the really committed morons (which is only a small percentage). And their audience was only small. Only a certain percentage of people passing by would actually listen to them. Most would just shrug their shoulders and keep walking. These days, every deranged fool has access to broadcasting to a large audience their incoherent nonsense at the touch of a button. That nonsense then gets further deranged in rapid time as it manifests into a giant Chinese whisper mill.

The example you give is a slight tangent and variation of this theme of the deranging effects of social media. And no less relevant.

One of the best quotes I read on the subject. "Who thought it a good idea to put every village idiot in the world within instant contact of every other village idiot in the world."

Admittedly, this is a bit hypocritical, as I am using a form of social media here. But I'm am very much of the belief that despite all the benefits and capabilities social media has given the world, it has actually been a net negative for society. As in, the negatives outweigh any positive influence.

Agree PT.

I once thought that the internet would solve the world problem of disinformation. "Information wants to be free" was the old hacker credo. Surely everything would be more open- free education, harder to hide lies and conspiracies, global communication would bring understanding and peace. Well I'm exaggerating but I was optimistic!

What we have now is competing disinformation, russian bot factories, bile and BS on Twitter and wherever. And yeah, I get sucked in as well...
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So again Andrews has re iterated that vaccinated people will enjoy liberties that non vaccinated people won’t eg football, pubs, cinemas etc

How is that going to be managed ? And is it only for fully vax or single dose as well ?
I can't see how it works. I'd rather go Darwin Theory than try to police that. We've seen that certain people will always do the wrong thing or find a way to.
It's going to lead to large scale protests, social disruption & chaos.

Biggest concern right now is the exposure young people are about to face to the virus. Still no vax & little research data of long term side effects from long term covid etc.
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I don't see how any indoor retail is safe, supermarkets are open because they are an essential service.
Isn't there a limit of people allowed in? Most wearing masks. Social distancing. This was my argument against what Dan does. Shops to purchase clothes, shoes etc....OK as you can buy online, but services like hairdressing staying closed is stupid.
Nadia Bartel breaching Covid rules with a bunch of friends together in a house and doing nose beers ?
Let’s go easy on her. After all, she’s been so brave since her separation from what’s his name. Single mum and all. So brave. She’s the first woman in history to go through a breakup. I know it’s been a few years but she was probably being consoled by her closest friends. At least, thats what I think the mags will spin it
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Let’s go easy on her. After all, she’s been so brave since her separation from what’s his name. Single mum and all. So brave. She’s the first woman in history to go through a breakup. I know it’s been a few years but she was probably being consoled by her closest friends. At least, thats what I think the mags will spin it
Will play the mental health card. Will be considered even more brave now and acquire even more sponsors as a result.
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I don't see how any indoor retail is safe, supermarkets are open because they are an essential service.
So have supermarkets been transmission sites? Either public or staff transmission?

Isn't that the important question? Being essential means nothing from a transmission point of view.

Supermarkets have never closed, and been packed. They are a great case study for retail transmission. If there is little risk of transmission in this environment what can we learn from it? What can other retailers learn? How can these learnings be used to set guidelines?
Agree PT.

I once thought that the internet would solve the world problem of disinformation. "Information wants to be free" was the old hacker credo. Surely everything would be more open- free education, harder to hide lies and conspiracies, global communication would bring understanding and peace. Well I'm exaggerating but I was optimistic!

What we have now is competing disinformation, russian bot factories, bile and BS on Twitter and wherever. And yeah, I get sucked in as well...
Some of what you touch on is what motivated me to go phoneless much of the time. Takes me back to simpler times. I begrudgingly have a mobile phone, but often just leave it in a basket on the kitchen bench and don't carry it. Particularly on weekends. I shouldn't need to be instantly contactable at all times (every generation of people prior to the latest tiny spec in human history got by just fine) and I certainly don't need all of that social media temptation at the tip of my fingers all of the time. Like you say, we all get temped by that rabbit hole and it does us no good. Can honestly say, I very rarely come away happier. I was already thinking along these lines and the documentary, "The Social Dilemma" confirmed and gave clarity to my thinking.

Makes things difficult in the current situation of QR codes and checking in. But depends on how one turns that situation around in their head. The benefit is, that given I have to physically check in with pen and paper, it becomes all too hard and a bit of a nuisance to go into establishments, unless I feel compelled that I REALLY need to. Means I'm saving heaps of money that I may have spent at shops on items or takeaways I don't really need. But am I really missing out on anything that matters much? Probably not.

Must say, it drives my wife nuts though. And her expectation of me being instantly contactable shows just how rapidly (in the space of probably just over a decade) such an idea has gone from novel to inherently expected, or even a societal addiction.
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Isn't there a limit of people allowed in? Most wearing masks. Social distancing. This was my argument against what Dan does. Shops to purchase clothes, shoes etc....OK as you can buy online, but services like hairdressing staying closed is stupid.
@TigerForce, there you go again, on about your hair, you must have a lot of mirrors in your place ;) :)
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Isn't there a limit of people allowed in? Most wearing masks. Social distancing. This was my argument against what Dan does. Shops to purchase clothes, shoes etc....OK as you can buy online, but services like hairdressing staying closed is stupid.

So having a hair dresser breathing over your neck in the middle of a pandemic with an airborne virus is a good idea? I'm sure your hair will be fine.

The closer we get to these vaccination targets the sooner things like this will become a reality but it was never appropriate while we didn't have the benefits of vaccines.
So having a hair dresser breathing over your neck in the middle of a pandemic with an airborne virus is a good idea? I'm sure your hair will be fine.

The closer we get to these vaccination targets the sooner things like this will become a reality but it was never appropriate while we didn't have the benefits of vaccines.
They have to wear masks while cutting.

@TigerForce, there you go again, on about your hair, you must have a lot of mirrors in your place ;) :)
If my hair was OK, I'd let it grow to a Jesus level, but it isn't. Terrible noggin I have.
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They have to wear masks while cutting.

If masks were 100% safe then you'd have a point, but based on the number of people I see either without them, or not wearing them properly (including my own local barber) I don't your approach would have worked.
If masks were 100% safe then you'd have a point, but based on the number of people I see either without them, or not wearing them properly (including my own local barber) I don't your approach would have worked.
Been to him in the last 18 months when opened and no problems happened. As long as everyone abides the rules, there shouldn't be a problem.
So have supermarkets been transmission sites? Either public or staff transmission?

Isn't that the important question? Being essential means nothing from a transmission point of view.

Supermarkets have never closed, and been packed. They are a great case study for retail transmission. If there is little risk of transmission in this environment what can we learn from it? What can other retailers learn? How can these learnings be used to set guidelines?
We don’t know. They come up as exposure sites in their spades but you never get info on the transmission levels of them - or any other listed exposure site either.