interesting - self interest to be able to travel Is the driver.Haven't straight out asked him but from what I could gather, I think he realised that his ability to move around the country & attend events etc. could potentially be halted given some of the news coming out of Europe & other place that it's case of no jab - no play ie vaccine passports. He was also quite worried about potential side effects. FWIW I asked him yesterday & he had none whatsoever.
As someone who has dealt with process safety risk in industrial settings (and risk assessments that consider safety consequences) I find fear mongering on the side effects disturbing in how they are portrayed. if We had the same fear about driving our car we would never get in As it is way more risky. Falling from heights, getting hit by a vehicle, hitting your head on the ground, getting electrocuted by becoming an earth etc are all things we should worry about more and take precautions against. (Still trying to get my 12 year old to look left and right every time before crossing a road)
we need some serious advertising explaining risk visually and also that eventually we will open up ANd once that happens the risk of COVID death For the unvaccinated will skyrocket.
I do think a vaccine that causes no serious effects / death should be still something we expect, but given we don’t have it yet then twhat we have is way less risky than no jab. Polio vaccine I think had some rare cases where it caused polio and eventually we worked out why that happened and fixed it. It’s still horrific for anyone who gets impacted.