Scomo has been over simplifying/misleading about schools from the beginning.
In his first messaging, he actually said closing schools would make the spread of the virus worse.
We started to get a handle on it once school holidays started.
Forget that there's a thousand plus kids at a lot of city schools. You could even forget that there's a hundred plus staff members (not just teachers - ES staff are normally forgotten in all this).
One of the big benefits to having schools closed is the reduction in all the subsequent travel. Parents dropping kids off, kids on public transport, high school kids travelling far and wide during lunch times/free periods/after school etc.
Plus there's the big one: attitude. As soon as schools open, there'll be a lot of 'Well if I can be around a thousand people at school, surely I can hang out with my ten mates afterwards.' And it'll be hard to argue with that.
So I guess the question is, when can we open them. One of the best things I heard from our federal government is that they're trying to get the infrastructure in place to test, trace and target isolate. As soon as that happens, then you're in a much better position to be opening up.
If we could target test every single person in a school community (kids/staff/carers) then we should be able to open up. If that seems impossible, then that tells you just how many people there are in a school community that could spread it if we open up too soon.
I think we are (optimistically) also potentially in a position to eradicate the community spread of this virus. If we open up prematurely, that's off the table.
Side note: As I microbiologist, I don't want schools open yet. As a teacher, I can't ******* wait. Teaching online sucks. 5 - 6 hours of zoom every weekday, nearly double the amount of parent communication, prep time has nearly tripled to the point that I'm now working 7 days a week, and marking/monitoring is a nightmare. Plus, I know some kids are slipping through the cracks, and it's a horrible feeling.
Also, there is no English word for the feeling of trying to video conference 26 year seven students while they each struggle to type in a password to an online textbook, and you're simultaneously being a maths teacher, tech support, lion tamer and emotional support.
Maybe 'Frustpointlesshausting'.
If teachers are saying schools shouldn't be open, it's not because they think that's the easier option.