Baloo said:But basically, in the Post box, you can have a button labelled YouTube. Click it and it drops the bbcode [youtube] [/youtube] into your post.
OK thanks Rosy, I mainly just wanted to give positive feedback - the forum updates look greatrosy23 said:We haven't removed any forums. Feedback was removed a long time ago.
YinnarTiger said:The upcoming calendar on the main page mentions the winter solstice. For most readers it would be the summer solstice surely?
tester said:Probably been that way since pre in this form was alive I think (software written in another hemisphere)... changed it anyway probably wrong dates and all...
skybeau said:The "jump to" box still doesn't work when browsing on mobiles.
skybeau said:The "jump to" box still doesn't work when browsing on mobiles.
skybeau said:Oh, and what is "SitInTheCorner" and green user name text mean?
skybeau said:Was hoping that tester was able to provide a reply, to be honest.
skybeau said:re: corner, cool, won't ask any more about that then!