Barry Hall | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Barry Hall

btoz_01 said:
Scott thinks footy is all about playing the man. He looks clueless when they show him in the coaches box.
He forgets there is a game to be won and you cant win without kicking a wining score.

Well I personally think that Scott has managed to overachieve so far with the list he has.
It was a great headlock from Baz. Half the team tried to drag him off and he was still choking him. Thompson deserved every bit of it too. Hope he doesnt go but he will for sure.
Having watched it on YouTube Thompson got what he deserved. Actually, he deserved more and it wopuld have been nice to see another Dog do the job on him.

If Hall gets weeks or a fine it'll be a massive injustice.

Brilliant headlock.
Funniest thing i`ve seen on a footy field in a long time,Thompson knocking over Hall,it was very cheeky.

I think Bazza should just get a fine for wrestling.
Let's face it, the aim is to try and rile Hall to a point that puts him off his game and ideally makes him retaliate. Goals achieved as Hall was pretty much useless for most of the game. There is no doubt Thompson was skirting on that line, however, from the footage I have seen, I cant see it being alot different to the way some backmen treat every key forward. Hall just doesn't have the self control. Were at least two face touches which are usually considered hoodoo by the tribunal. Will be interesting to see what penalties are dished out.
3 things. 1. Where were the umpires? 2. and what were they doing? 3. Where were Hall's teammates? From the little that I saw, and they were just the 'highlights' on the news, the only bulldogs teammate that came in to help was scrawny little Josh Hill (I think it was him). At one stage I counted 5 nth players all over Hall and not 1 dogs teammate.
mb64 said:
Agree,the Kanga players were a disgrace

agree but the league turn a blind eye to this. Remember the lions players hitting Reiwodlt as he was coming of the ground & also last week C Brown for going D jackson even though he was in the hands of the trainer!. They did nothing to those instigating players. So I expect nothing to happen to the kanga player.
Al Bundy said:
agree but the league turn a blind eye to this. Remember the lions players hitting Reiwodlt as he was coming of the ground & also last week C Brown for going D jackson even though he was in the hands of the trainer!. They did nothing to those instigating players. So I expect nothing to happen to the kanga player.

funny you mention those lion players, wasn't Scott involved in that?
I don't the tribunal, or MRP.


Barry Hall almost chokes a bloke unconscious, and gets a $3000 fine with early plea.

Daniel Jackson lays a headbutt softer than I've received from my 2 year old daughter, and gets 3 weeks.

David Hille runs through a bloke after kicking the ball, and gets nothing.


I just don't get it.
Thought it was a good show from Hall. If any of you think what Thompson did was alright, then your mind isnt in the right place. Barry just let the little so and so know who was boss, nicely as was humanly possible (for bazza at least).
Jason King said:
Thought it was a good show from Hall. If any of you think what Thompson did was alright, then your mind isnt in the right place.

Terry Wallace on SEN tonight couldnt understand the uproar, but we already knew his mind wasn't in the right price.

Personally I think Thompson pushed the boundaries but hardly worth the focus its received. If the same thing had happened with say McGuane and Hille would we have hear much more than boo from the media?
Jason King said:
Thought it was a good show from Hall. If any of you think what Thompson did was alright, then your mind isnt in the right place. Barry just let the little so and so know who was boss, nicely as was humanly possible (for bazza at least).

Defenders have been doing what Thompson did since the year dot. Riewoldt punching Pears' injured forearm was less savoury IMO, but still not overstepping the mark.

Hall took the mildest of a number of options open to him. A little wrestling shouldn't be seen as punishable by death. By hook or by crook, the penalty more or less fit the crime in this instance, although $4K is on the severe side.
GoodOne said:
Terry Wallace on SEN tonight couldnt understand the uproar, but we already knew his mind wasn't in the right price.

Personally I think Thompson pushed the boundaries but hardly worth the focus its received. If the same thing had happened with say McGuane and Hille would we have hear much more than boo from the media?

I think one of the issues is that apart from Halls notoriety, that he has accumulated so many points. Thompson knew that if Hall gave him what he deserved his career would have ended. He was provoking a player with very limited means of retaliation. All of course makes you wonder if Hall didn't have this dangling over him whether Thompson would have had the guts to do it. I suspect he probably wouldn't have.
Thompson is known for being a provocative backman. In fact it was being spoken about before the game about whether Thompson would get up Hall's nose. I really don't see what the real difference in his game was that has caused the uproar. The only logical explanation is the Hall factor. In the end common sense has prevailed.
GoodOne said:
Personally I think Thompson pushed the boundaries but hardly worth the focus its received. If the same thing had happened with say McGuane and Hille would we have hear much more than boo from the media?

The uproar is purely because of Hall's reaction.

Tygrys said:
I think one of the issues is that apart from Halls notoriety, that he has accumulated so many points. Thompson knew that if Hall gave him what he deserved his career would have ended. He was provoking a player with very limited means of retaliation.

This is actually one of the main reasons why I reckon Thompson deserved what Hall gave to him. He essentially went out to end Hall's career.
What Thompson did was no different than what Romero/Libba/Dimattina did at the Bulldogs. Bit rich the whingeing from the Bulldogs considering they made an art form of it for several years.