Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Sixpack can speak for himself, but when I see an ad hominem attack on Darwin and a clear attempt to argue from a cultural relativist position I'll gladly butt in.

Besides, I'm hardly Robinson Crusoe here - Panthera Tigris and Tiger74 pretty much called you on the same thing.
antman said:
Sixpack can speak for himself, but when I see an ad hominem attack on Darwin and a clear attempt to argue from a cultural relativist position I'll gladly butt in.

Besides, I'm hardly Robinson Crusoe here - Panthera Tigris and Tiger74 pretty much called you on the same thing.
In other words you have no comeback.
jayfox said:
In other words you have no comeback.

Very witty, but I posted that in response to your "you are a johnny-come-lately who has misinterpreted everything I wrote" post. In other words, no argument or content, just a butt-out comment.

My post on the other hand actually had a point and cited two other posters who made similar points to me.

Now be a good chap and think before typing.
antman said:
Very witty, but I posted that in response to your "you are a johnny-come-lately who has misinterpreted everything I wrote" post. In other words, no argument or content, just a butt-out comment.

My post on the other hand actually had a point and cited two other posters who made similar points to me.

Now be a good chap and think before typing.

If you can't see my point or acknowledge what I was saying after re-reading my posts then I can't help you mate. Problem is I don't think you have re-read my posts at all. Either that or you have misunderstood or misinterpreted my posts deliberately. I really don't think it's that hard to understand but obviously it is for you. Anyway I'm done talking about it with you because you clearly will not admit your error.

Six Pack said:
I have nothing to add to the debate about Darwin.

This debate really has nothing to do with Darwin.
Correct me if I am wrong but I think Michael J is quite simply saying our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing or people from it. If Alex P was brought up by aethiest parents he would probaly be on here arguing on the same side as Evo, Pantera and sixer (well, maybe not sixer).
jb03 said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I think Michael J is quite simply saying our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing or people from it. If Alex P was brought up by aethiest parents he would probaly be on here arguing on the same side as Evo, Pantera and sixer (well, maybe not sixer).

jb03 said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I think Michael J is quite simply saying our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing or people from it.

Yep, you've got it JB. I tell you it's not that hard. It's just that some people like arguing for arguments sake.

jb03 said:
If Alex P was brought up by aethiest parents he would probaly be on here arguing on the same side as Evo, Pantera and sixer (well, maybe not sixer).
It would certainly have made my faith harder to come by there is no question of that. I would like to think that I would still have become a Christian but who knows it is not something that can ever be tested. Some people who are brought up in Christain families become atheists and some people brought up in an atheist household become Christians, but I would imagine that these are the minority. Our families certainly an enormous amount of influence on what we believe along with other sources, which has been my point all along.
jayfox said:
It would certainly have made my faith harder to come by there is no question of that. I would like to think that I would still have become a Christian but who knows it is not something that can ever be tested. Some people who are brought up in Christain families become atheists and some people brought up in an atheist household become Christians, but I would imagine that these are the minority. Our families certainly an enormous amount of influence on what we believe along with other sources, which has been my point all along.

I come from this group. Grew up as a Christian and went to church school every week but ended up rejecting the entire faith and becoming an atheist. I now consider organised religion as being a man made tool for control. Nothing more, nothing less.
1eyedtiger said:
I come from this group. Grew up as a Christian and went to church school every week but ended up rejecting the entire faith and becoming an atheist. I now consider organised religion as being a man made tool for control. Nothing more, nothing less.

That's a very sad story 1eye. I'm sorry to hear it. If you don't mind me asking, did you have a bad experience with a church and are your parents Christians?
jayfox said:
If you can't see my point or acknowledge what I was saying after re-reading my posts then I can't help you mate. Problem is I don't think you have re-read my posts at all. Either that or you have misunderstood or misinterpreted my posts deliberately. I really don't think it's that hard to understand but obviously it is for you. Anyway I'm done talking about it with you because you clearly will not admit your error.

This debate really has nothing to do with Darwin.

Actually, it does. But you are right, we are clearly talking at cross-purposes so will leave it at that.
jayfox said:
That's a very sad story 1eye. I'm sorry to hear it. If you don't mind me asking, did you have a bad experience with a church and are your parents Christians?

I don't mind you asking. I never had a bad experience with the church or anything. In fact, my sister got married at the church I used to go the church school at. My parents consider themselves Christian but we never went to church on sundays or anything like that (I'm not sure if they did when they were younger though).

I didn't particularly like going to church school. I just didn't get the whole religious idea I suppose. It's hard to tell exactly what point in my life that I abandoned the idea of religion. It probably happened over many years and I've simply come to my own conclusions.

I don't consider it a sad story. I'm grateful that I live in a country where people are able to believe whatever they like without fear of persecution.
1eyedtiger said:
I don't consider it a sad story. I'm grateful that I live in a country where people are able to believe whatever they like without fear of persecution.

Good point, oneeyed. Just because some of us have turned away from the church doesnt mean it is 'sad.' In fact it can be quite liberating.

And i agree re. the freedom to believe or not believe in our country. i am not sure how i would go in a country where beliefs were forced on me.

y'know, when i look back at my childhood religious experiences, as well as it not grabbing me or inspiring me, the main memory i have is of being incredibly bored.