Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Nice link Pantera, thankyou.

I've only watched the introductions but already it's quite amusing the way the first two people to take the mic see fit to thank the co-hosts.
What is it like, I've never tried it? I've never been a cleric. What is it like to lie to children for a living and tell them that they have an authority that they must love...and be terrified of at the same time?
Yeah,I just watched it too over a few beers Duckman.

Quality work by Hitch.Not a big fan of his ,but thats his best performance I've ever seen.
if there was a god or gods then there would be some sort of grand plan. there isnt. we are just inheritors of one big random mess and we have to make the most of it.

if there were gods they'd be the most perverted pack of bastards of all time.
evo said:
Now,we both appear to agree that 'everything has causes' -empiricism can't alway tell us all those causes but we can agree this is the case.The law of excluded middle tells us "Everything must either be or not be." Thefore either everything is caused,or it is not.We 'know' somethings are caused,so everything must be caused-'God' as defined has no cause so within our structure he can't be considered.He doesn't exist.:)

All this tells us is that god is not a material part of our universe. Nothing in our universe can exist without cause, so the ultimate cause must be beyond this universe. Furthermore I would say we know God MUST exist because of the purposeful laws of this universe - leading to matter, to life and ultimately to conciousness. ;D
Djevv said:
evo said:
Now,we both appear to agree that 'everything has causes' -empiricism can't alway tell us all those causes but we can agree this is the case.The law of excluded middle tells us "Everything must either be or not be." Thefore either everything is caused,or it is not.We 'know' somethings are caused,so everything must be caused-'God' as defined has no cause so within our structure he can't be considered.He doesn't exist.:)

All this tells us is that god is not a material part of our universe. Nothing in our universe can exist without cause, so the ultimate cause must be beyond this universe. Furthermore I would say we know God MUST exist because of the purposeful laws of this universe - leading to matter, to life and ultimately to conciousness. ;D

I refer you back to the scholarly work of S. Buddha, on p. 29 of the thread.

Again, it is said that the Absolute has created us.
But that which is absolute cannot be a cause.
All things around us come from a cause
as the plant comes from the seed;
but how can the Absolute be the cause of all things alike?
If it pervades them, then, certainly, it does not make them.
antman said:
Djevv said:
evo said:
Now,we both appear to agree that 'everything has causes' -empiricism can't alway tell us all those causes but we can agree this is the case.The law of excluded middle tells us "Everything must either be or not be." Thefore either everything is caused,or it is not.We 'know' somethings are caused,so everything must be caused-'God' as defined has no cause so within our structure he can't be considered.He doesn't exist.:)

All this tells us is that god is not a material part of our universe. Nothing in our universe can exist without cause, so the ultimate cause must be beyond this universe. Furthermore I would say we know God MUST exist because of the purposeful laws of this universe - leading to matter, to life and ultimately to conciousness. ;D

I refer you back to the scholarly work of A. Buddha, on p. 29 of the thread.

Again, it is said that the Absolute has created us.
But that which is absolute cannot be a cause.
All things around us come from a cause
as the plant comes from the seed;
but how can the Absolute be the cause of all things alike?
If it pervades them, then, certainly, it does not make them.

I don't believe in a God that pervades all things - I believe in a God who is separate from the material universe. I am not a Pantheist.

I find it amusing that so many seem to attempt to mystify and make over complex this very simple idea.

Isn't it S.Buddha?
I thank my learned associate Antman for his assistance on this matter and wish his post be submitted into evidence for the prosecution (of God)

Djevv said:
I don't believe in a God that pervades all things - I believe in a God who is separate from the material universe. I am not a Pantheist.

I find it amusing that so many seem to attempt to mystify and make over complex this very simple idea.
Kind sir,with all due respect it is irrelevant what you 'believe' only what we can deduce 'IS'.This is not a mystification of the matter,it is a simplification of it.

It is the ultimate application of Occam's Razor.Ironically devised by one of christs own people.

In short Aquinas was full of it, a laughable logician.

God is invented to fill a knowledge gap illogically by arguing he should be only thing considered outside the Universe,material or otherwise.
evo said:
Djevv said:
I don't believe in a God that pervades all things - I believe in a God who is separate from the material universe. I am not a Pantheist.

I find it amusing that so many seem to attempt to mystify and make over complex this very simple idea.
Kind sir,with all due respect it is irrelevant what you 'believe' only what we can deduce 'IS'.This is not a mystification of the matter,it is a simplification of it.

What I was attempting to say was the reason Buddha disbelieved in a creator God was his misconception of God 'pervading' the material universe. In other words how can God create God? I agree with him on this point.

You can deduce God from Newton's Third Law. From what Buddha said we can further deduce that the said God cannot be part of the material universe. QED ;D.

Further the really remarkable thing about Buddha's statement is two things:
1. He had a really good understanding of a Judeo-Christian concept of a personal God despite being from a Pagan background, which seems to me to back up the truth of this scripture: Rom 1:20-21' 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. ' He chose to reject God, just as many of you do.

2. The arguments for belief/unbelief have changed little over the millennia.
Djevv said:
What I was attempting to say was the reason Buddha disbelieved in a creator God was his misconception of God 'pervading' the material universe. In other words how can God create God? I agree with him on this point.

At least the Buddhist concept comes to terms with the infinite. The Judaeo/Christian/Islamic tradition seems to have trouble expanding their minds to that extent, probably out of the insistence that God be some sort of quasi human.
Djevv said:
What I was attempting to say was the reason Buddha disbelieved in a creator God was his misconception of God 'pervading' the material universe. In other words how can God create God? I agree with him on this point.

Wouldn't 'performing miracles' constitute 'pervading'?
Djevv said:
What I was attempting to say was the reason Buddha disbelieved in a creator God was his misconception of God 'pervading' the material universe. In other words how can God create God? I agree with him on this point.
You have misconstrued my argument,and for that matter Buddhas position.

When he(and I ) posit that "everything is caused" we mean literally everything.Phenomena, "things" thoughts and so forth.Everything!

Not just the material universe.You are creating a strawman argument although perhaps this is my fault I didn't emphasis this point more clearly.

You can deduce God from Newton's Third Law.
We can?Do tell.I'd be really interested to hear this one.

From what Buddha said we can further deduce that the said God cannot be part of the material universe. QED ;D.
QED God is a figment of your imagination? :)

Further the really remarkable thing about Buddha's statement is two things:
1. He had a really good understanding of a Judeo-Christian concept of a personal God despite being from a Pagan background, which seems to me to back up the truth of this scripture: Rom 1:20-21' 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. ' He chose to reject God, just as many of you do.
I think you'll find that Buddha was around long before Jesus showed up.In fact many have argued that some of the concepts of the Bible are lifted from Buddhism.

This idea of 'accepting or rejecting' however, is a Christian concept.If I may be so bold as to speak on behalf of Buddha ;D he sees there is nothing to reject.

2. The arguments for belief/unbelief have changed little over the millennia.
This is true.
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly today announced his intention to organize a boycott of the 2007 World Series, on the grounds that it is part of what the fiery right winger calls “the War on Christmas.”

“This is disgraceful; this is absurd. This is a classic example of the fanatics on the cultural left trying to push their secular agenda on the county,” fumed O’Reilly without explaining what he was talking about.

“You want me to explain myself? Fine we’ll take it right into the no spin zone. Matt Holliday. That’s the problem. Why won’t the liberals and the secularists just call him Matt Christmas? You know why? Because they want to take religion out of American life.
I wouldn't worry about it Duckman.We're entering end times anyway.

5 more years and the 4 horseman are upon us.

or if you want to look on the bright side.
You guys still here ?

Anyone come up with the answer to creation yet ? How did 'stuff' appear ?