Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


tigertime2 said:
Yes, he does put his case well, but it does not prove evolution.

You posted a link supposedly disproving evolution. Disco pointed out the fallacy with another link. Who said anything about proving evolution?

There is no doubt on the matter. Show me a biologist that rejects the fact of evolution. I know quite a few Christian biologists, but none of them reject evolution. Even your mate who converted to Christianity is smart enough to recognise the strength of the evidence in this area.
tigertime2 said:
I admit, I am not an expert on evolution, nor do I want to be as it is futile to spend my short life on that subject.

You could cut the irony with a knife!

You also claim to know nothing about evolution, but apparently that is enough to reject it outright. Interesting approach.

One thing I do know is that I am not an Ape, do I really want to study something that says I am an ape?

Keep your head buried in the sand on this one, but I am sorry to tell you that you most certainly are an ape. So much so that some scientists think humans and chimpanzees should be classified in the same genus!

BTW it isn't only evolution that classifies you as an ape, but the similarities with your closest related species that do so.
tigertime2 said:
I admit, I am not an expert on evolution, nor do I want to be as it is futile to spend my short life on that subject.

One thing I do know is that I am not an Ape, do I really want to study something that says I am an ape?

That's entirely up to you. It seems, as the ex-skeptic you spoke to says, that anyone who actually understands evolutionary theory accepts it whether they are Christian or not. Perhaps if you make the effort to understand it as he's done you'll better understand the meaning of some of God's Word which taken literally contradicts much of the evidence presented by the world around us. :)
tigertime2 said:
so your an animal, when you die you die like a dog.

You are getting the hang of this tt2. ;D

I think it's only man's ego that has us thinking otherwise.
We are animals just like the rest, only a bit smarter. Even that is debatable though. ;)
Dogs are good, but they dont go to heaven cos the cats get up there first and manipulate the whole scenario.
Six Pack said:
Dogs are good, but they dont go to heaven cos the cats get up there first and manipulate the whole scenario.

I don't know, I always thought cats worshipped themselves as false gods.
Six Pack said:
Dogs are good, but they dont go to heaven cos the cats get up there first and manipulate the whole scenario.

Sixer's heaven:

Panthera tigris FC said:
You could cut the irony with a knife!

You also claim to know nothing about evolution, but apparently that is enough to reject it outright. Interesting approach.

Keep your head buried in the sand on this one, but I am sorry to tell you that you most certainly are an ape. So much so that some scientists think humans and chimpanzees should be classified in the same genus!

BTW it isn't only evolution that classifies you as an ape, but the similarities with your closest related species that do so.

Again your views and again "some scientists" and show me where I said that "You also claim to know nothing about evolution" that my friend is an admission of your complete twisting of what I have said. I never said such a thing - show me where I said that? What I said was I am not an expert in evolution. Why would you say twist what I have said ? to show that you are a smarter Ape?
Communistic Atheistic Marxist China and Russian are the perfect "Ape" societies, yep proves something - dont let the Apes take over!

Everyone is equal, except the educated "Apes" who can rule the poor dumb stupid people.
So the Atheists, those who don't know - according to their current definition - KNOW what happens after death :rofl. In fact they ignore the evidence of those who have died and come back to tell us about it.
Djevv said:
So the Atheists, those who don't know - according to their current definition - KNOW what happens after death :rofl. In fact they ignore the evidence of those who have died and come back to tell us about it.


Just calling *smile* on your fairy stories.As usual.

'Evidence' of a soul.Now that I'd like to see.

"Extraodinary claims require extrodinary evidence." etc etc.
Disco08 said:
How many of them wrote something, or made a painting or sculpture or any record at all of Him during his time on earth?

Dunno that one, although Luke says that many had attempted to write about Jesus, but one thing I do know they did was tell lotsa people about it :).

Anyway, this passage is pretty interesting, it was written roughly 20 years after the ressurection, and was meant to be read in public, as many at this time would have been illiterate. So if we take it at face value we have a man who was a contemporary of Jesus, who likely lived in Jerusalem at the time of His ministry, writing about people who were still alive at the time, who SAW the ressurected Christ and could be contacted by anyone who was so motivated. Do you honestly think he was lying?
Good posting you blokes. I'm interstate for work and it took me ages to catch up. I wan't to ask Six Paxk a question. You have asked "What is a soul?". I want to know what is a mind and what are thoughts?
Djevv said:
So the Atheists, those who don't know - according to their current definition - KNOW what happens after death :rofl. In fact they ignore the evidence of those who have died and come back to tell us about it.

The vast majority of people who have near death experiences have no recollection of consciousness, let alone heaven or hell.
There are a few who claim to have experienced something but they are in the minority.
tigertime2 said:
Again your views and again "some scientists"

No. the consensus of the scientific establishment for well over a century, despite furious objection and attack from some religious individuals and groups who felt it threatened their dogma. Why do you think it is still accepted? If you did research the topic you would find the overwhelming evidence in support of it.

You haven't addressed my points on similarities between DNA sequences (including non-functional sequences) in the apes.

and show me where I said that "You also claim to know nothing about evolution" that my friend is an admission of your complete twisting of what I have said. I never said such a thing - show me where I said that? What I said was I am not an expert in evolution. Why would you say twist what I have said ? to show that you are a smarter Ape?

I apologise. You did say that you were not an expert. However, from the content of your posting to date I would argue that you do know very little of the scientific discipline. It is not a matter of smart, or not. It is a matter of knowing what you are talking about on this topic. You say that you don't want to waste your time learning about it. I was just pointing out that it seems a bit silly to say that you aren't interested in studying a topic, but you are more than willing to reject it outright. On what grounds?

Are you trying to offend me with the constant "ape" references? I am quite comfortable with the place of humans in the natural world.