2013 Election Year Party Policies- Labor | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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2013 Election Year Party Policies- Labor

KnightersRevenge said:
Looks like it's just us then TGW. Guess we might need a drum and a couple of mega-phones and maybe some cardboard cutouts or a TV show to make it look like there's more of us, seems to work for Bolt and the poor middle class white men so downtrodden and forgotten by modern politics.

dont forget the ubiquitous flouro work shirts (At what point did the Broadmeadows hills hoist change colour from flannel/plaid or king gee blue/khaki, to Flourescent yellow, green and pink?)

Gina and Twiggy used them to great effect in rallying the troops to send a clear message to Canberra that a $3b profit wasnt enough.

I reckon we could garner a few numbers. We could tell farmers there it was gonna be free jam fancies; we could tell middle australia an ex-Australian Idol is going to appear and we could tell the students there will be beer. We could tell Essendon fans they might be able to keep their points if 50K of 'em show.
Ive got an old stock horse we could give a coat of nugget and say shes Black Caviar and parade her around too.
Tigers of Old said:
Hoping Ruddbbot wins.

Well he's doing 2007 all over again. Pinching the Coalitions policies. ;)
I wonder what the odds are for Shorten to do a Gillard if Labor win the election
willo said:
Well he's doing 2007 all over again. Pinching the Coalitions policies. ;)
I wonder what the odds are for Shorten to do a Gillard if Labor win the election

Pretty low if the Ruddbot gets his party reforms through.
willo said:
Well he's doing 2007 all over again. Pinching the Coalitions policies. ;)
I wonder what the odds are for Shorten to do a Gillard if Labor win the election

Stealing the opposition policies - Its nothing new - The great German politician Bismark was doing it almost a century ago.......................Menzies did it for years when stupid Labor would have their National Conferences to decide policies many months before an election - Menzies would pick the best policies, massage a little and then call them his own, thus leaving Labor no ticket to stand or run on.

Rudd knows by undermining Abbott's policies through introducing them himself will give nothing major for Abbott to announce. Sadly Abbott is playing right into Rudd's hands - wouldn't debate the economy, bleating about boat people, bleating about carbon tax - Abbott has to find a policy to belt Labor with and sadly the economy, boat people and carbon tax are not it.

My bet is Abbott will bring our the old Liberal chestnut "The cost of living." Without providing any details about his economic policies because Austerity does not win votes.

This could very well leave us with another three years of Labor - which equals - diminishing investment in the industries of Manufacturing, Distribution and Retail which will decrease consumer confidence will will mean their will be more factories, warehouses and shops shutting all over Australia - particularly in country and provincial Australia.

Someone in the Libs has to pull a rabbit out of a hat - and quick. They were crusing to an easy election victory - now they are in for a real stoush and they are not responding at all well.

Footnote: negative Rudd advertising will not win votes - real policies will.
mld said:
Pretty low if the Ruddbot gets his party reforms through.

Probably right mld.
It would certainly take a lot more knives votes than Gillard had. But then again, the first time Kevvy didn't stand and Gillard walked in.
Game changer, now I guess.
RemoteTiger said:
Stealing the opposition policies - Its nothing new - The great German politician Bismark was doing it almost a century ago.......................Menzies did it for years when stupid Labor would have their National Conferences to decide policies many months before an election - Menzies would pick the best policies, massage a little and then call them his own, thus leaving Labor no ticket to stand or run on.

Rudd knows by undermining Abbott's policies through introducing them himself will give nothing major for Abbott to announce. Sadly Abbott is playing right into Rudd's hands - wouldn't debate the economy, bleating about boat people, bleating about carbon tax - Abbott has to find a policy to belt Labor with and sadly the economy, boat people and carbon tax are not it.

My bet is Abbott will bring our the old Liberal chestnut "The cost of living." Without providing any details about his economic policies because Austerity does not win votes.

This could very well leave us with another three years of Labor - which equals - diminishing investment in the industries of Manufacturing, Distribution and Retail which will decrease consumer confidence will will mean their will be more factories, warehouses and shops shutting all over Australia - particularly in country and provincial Australia.

Someone in the Libs has to pull a rabbit out of a hat - and quick. They were crusing to an easy election victory - now they are in for a real stoush and they are not responding at all well.

Footnote: negative Rudd advertising will not win votes - real policies will.

I agree with you on all points Remote.
willo said:
Well he's doing 2007 all over again. Pinching the Coalitions policies. ;)
I wonder what the odds are for Shorten to do a Gillard if Labor win the election

what policies?
the only one i can see is the ETS which was a policy of Howards. and Hockey, Turnbull, Hunt, Bishop and most of the Libs. it was prob a policy of Abbotts too at some stage but it is hard to keep up with his flip flopping. the only reason it is now not the Libs policy is because they decided there was more votes in opposing it.
Brodders17 said:
what policies?
the only one i can see is the ETS which was a policy of Howards. and Hockey, Turnbull, Hunt, Bishop and most of the Libs. it was prob a policy of Abbotts too at some stage but it is hard to keep up with his flip flopping. the only reason it is now not the Libs policy is because they decided there was more votes in opposing it.

Probably why they're circumspect about announcing anything before they have to, Brodders. Me-too Kev will pinch em. If they have anything left. He's doing it now. Changing tack midstream and undoing some of Gillard's work, vindictive Kev and in the process usurping the Coalitions stance. Whatever it takes. Sounds familiar. ;D
willo said:
Probably why they're circumspect about announcing anything before they have to, Brodders. Me-too Kev will pinch em. If they have anything left. He's doing it now. Changing tack midstream and undoing some of Gillard's work, vindictive Kev and in the process usurping the Coalitions stance. Whatever it takes. Sounds familiar. ;D

Surely someone in the Liberal party has the brains to combat this nefarious Rudd technique. Someone? Anyone?
If the Libs had released policies 3 years ago they might have been it government. If thy had a different leader they would almost certainly have been in government.
antman said:
Surely someone in the Liberal party has the brains to combat this nefarious Rudd technique. Someone? Anyone?

Well the Labor party did, then they chopped her head off for it. ;D
Baloo said:
If the Libs had released policies 3 years ago they might have been it government. If thy had a different leader they would almost certainly have been in government.

probably correct on both counts Baloo.
Kevvy's FBT "crackdown" rumoured to cost up to 2000 jobs.
Funny how the high earners and others were supposedly "rorting" the system. Funny how it took 7 years to work that out. Or was it "savings" he was desperate for?
I for one am glad Rudd has come in and whacked Abbott with some positive policies. Now we have a very live election this year. He's literally put him back on his backside which should of happened years ago. Can't stand a man that walks around like his got a carrot where it shouldn't be.
willo said:
Well he's doing 2007 all over again. Pinching the Coalitions policies. ;)
I wonder what the odds are for Shorten to do a Gillard if Labor win the election

What are the actual policies and in what way have they been pinched?
rosy23 said:
What are the actual policies and in what way have they been pinched?

Try reading a paper or watching the news.
Repealing the carbon tax. Action on asylum seekers to start with.
willo said:
Try reading a paper or watching the news.
Repealing the carbon tax. Action on asylum seekers to start with.

No need to be so condescending. How were we supposed to know what you were referring to? We even received a Lib policy booklet in the mail that didn't answer questions in regard to actual policies. I have searched for the Libs asylum seeker policy but I'm stuck at simply turning the boats back to Indonesia. If that's the case it's hardly a policy that's been pinched.

Tony Abbott will take responsibility for asylum seeker deaths as a result of Coalition policy
Updated Tue Jul 9, 2013 6:12pm AEST

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he will take responsibility for any deaths at sea as a result of the Coalition's policy of turning boats back to Indonesia.

In an interview with the ABC's 7.30 program, Mr Abbott was asked whether he was prepared to have deaths at sea "on his conscience".

Mr Abbott responded by saying that "obviously I will take responsibility for what happens on my watch, but the important thing is to stop the boats".

Indonesia has publicly signalled it does not like the Coalition's plan to turn asylum seeker boats around.

But Mr Abbott told 7.30 that the Howard government did not seek permission for its asylum seeker policy, and if it had been done before, it could be done again.

"The interesting thing is that Indonesia did not give explicit permission before, but that did not stop it from happening and it didn't stop the Howard government from having a very good and strengthening relationship with Indonesia," he said.

"The Howard government stopped the boats by, amongst other things, turning boats around - what can be done in the past can be done again in the future.

"The facts are that these are Indonesian-crewed, Indonesian-flagged, Indonesian home-ported vessels that have a right to access Indonesia.

"I'm not saying that it is hazard free."
rosy23 said:
No need to be so condescending. How were we supposed to know what you were referring to? We even received a Lib policy booklet in the mail that didn't answer questions in regard to actual policies. I have searched for the Libs asylum seeker policy but I'm stuck at simply turning the boats back to Indonesia. If that's the case it's hardly a policy that's been pinched.

Pretty obvious what's been in the news. As I mentioned previously.
Do you agree with Rudds new asylum seeker policy or his repealing of the carbon tax?