Disco08 said:
Let me put it another, more specific way: Of the 30 OECD countries, Australia has the 14th highest rate of child poverty. Do you think this is acceptable and should be left as it is?
Its not acceptable but punishing the rich to give to them isn't the answer.
Why are children in poverty?
Mainly due to ill-disciplined and poor parenting.....so do you really want more money going to people like that?
Put it this way....where I work I drive past a Centrelink and a couple of fast-food outlets and a bottle shop.
It isn't uncommon for me to see on specific days a mother drinking a can of Jim Beam at lunchtime while the kid in the stroller is munching on fried chicken and chips.
More money to these people isn't going to change their attitude to life.....all it does is give them more disposable income to spend on *smile*.
Disco08 said:
How do you know that? Ever lived in poverty and tried to survive on welfare?
Of course its enough to pay for food and bills...thats all they need and what welfare is for.
If it isn't enough then there is the incentive to get out and get a job!
If the welfare and/or 'punishing the rich tax' is covering the bills easily then there is no incentive for people to strive to get into the workforce or improve their lifestyle.
You don't want welfare being comfortable...you want to make it 'difficult' somewhat to try and persuade people off it altogether.
Disco08 said:
Some of them are, no doubt. How you can possibly know this about all of the millions of unemployed Australians is beyond me. Your arrogance knows no bounds it seems.
You honestly don't think poverty cycle exists do you? IYO there is no situation you can't get out of if you just want it badly enough?
If people want to improve their lot in life Disco....they will.
Put it this way....if people on leaky boats can arrive here and without a "rich punishment tax" take over half of Richmond or Footscray with cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, chemists, fruit and vege shops, etc and become successful business people.....then why can't Australians who are 'poverty'???
I would have thought people coming here from another country, not knowing the language, and wearing only the clothes on their back....if they can get out of it, then there is no excuse for anyone else.
Like I stated earlier...Branson started selling records from a boot of a car....Fox bought some old truck...Ilhan worked for Strathfield car radio and started a shop across the road on his own.
All you are doing is making excuses.
Disco08 said:
You do realise that there are many people in far worse situations than bludging on the dole don't you?
Your examples were moronic and insulting. You're comparing the suffering someone living in extreme poverty goes through to someone who can't take a bottle of Bundy in their hand language. Absolutely ridiculous, even for you.
Disco....with the numerous types of welfare....the infinite number of charities...the number of courses and schoolings set up for people who aren't well off....there is no reason for people to be in "extreme poverty".
You like to make dramtic statements about how bad people are going in this country....your numerous wailings about Aborigines a perfect example on that other thread...and it seems you are continuing on this thread with this pitiful attempt to try and justify people staying home all day or sitting in Swanston Street doing nothing but hassling people for money.
People who don't have a job get the dole....people who are too old get a pension...people who can't work because they have a medical condition get another type of pension.
There are no excuses.
If they go and blow this money on drugs or booze and then due to their poor decisions, have no choice but to sleep on the street, then that isn't "extreme poverty"...thats simply a person who is stupid.
And you want to give rich people's money to people like this?
Then you have the ways out....the simple one for people who are physically fit and are deemed (using your words now) in 'extreme poverty' can always join the army.
Food and lodgings provided as well as learning a career...if they so want to.
There are courses at TAFEs geared for low-income people.....if they so want to.
No excuses Disco for people not to improve themselves and their life......if they so want to.