The Murdoch Media | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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The Murdoch Media

The Federal Police should investigate these ABC “journalists”.
Don’t worry about charging them with defamation. But fraud, corruption, lying, and any other charge.
Sack them from the ABC, then make them personally accountable. They can pa6 their own legal costs and any punitive damages.
What lowdown pieces of excrement.
But I’m sure no one wil watch Bolte or Skynews. Hide your heads in the sand, they might put this case a ledtiemedia outlet one day and you’ll be able to see how some of the lefty journalists perform to make a “story”.
But hey, they’re lefties, they work at a lefty media outlet, so they must be above suspicion of being arseholes.

I think they should be criminal charges laid. This is a national disgrace.
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Just gotta love the science of climate change. Science tells me the climate has been constantly changing since the planet was first invented n science tells me that it'll keep changing right up until the time the planet gets uninvented.
So what's the big deal with the science of climate change, nothing except the profits n manipulations that can be achieved by ranting about it.

Are you really this ignorant?

The speed of the change, the way it results from human activities - these factors alone make this change in the climate different.

The climate changes over thousands of years, which gives plants and animals time to adapt and/or move location. What is happening now is much quicker. Add to that the few times climate has changed quickly and you see things like mass extinction events.

We are doing the damage, we can stop doing the damage. Surely we, as a species, need to take some responsibility for the outcomes of our actions?

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Are you really this ignorant?

The speed of the change, the way it results from human activities - these factors alone make this change in the climate different.

The climate changes over thousands of years, which gives plants and animals time to adapt and/or move location. What is happening now is much quicker. Add to that the few times climate has changed quickly and you see things like mass extinction events.

We are doing the damage, we can stop doing the damage. Surely we, as a species, need to take some responsibility for the outcomes of our actions?

With 8 billion ( and growing ) of them human cockaroaches scuttling around there's absolutely no way of stopping doing the damage. More than half of them cockaroaches are still living in abject poverty when compared to modern western society and they'd like to be getting a taste of what we already have.

Only gunna be one way of cleaning up the crap we humans have constantly inflicted on the planet. Big meteor, big nuke to completely scarify the planet n start all over again without humans. Then ya get back to whatever natural planetary climate cycles happen.
If we retain the humans then it's simply a matter of carry on rummaging around *smile* things up the best ya can while pretending to be the greatest creation that exists on the planet. Coz the entirety of human history shows that everything we've done on the planet has ultimately been counter to nature n the natural cycle of existence for everything else.
Are you really this ignorant?

The speed of the change, the way it results from human activities - these factors alone make this change in the climate different.

The climate changes over thousands of years, which gives plants and animals time to adapt and/or move location. What is happening now is much quicker. Add to that the few times climate has changed quickly and you see things like mass extinction events.

We are doing the damage, we can stop doing the damage. Surely we, as a species, need to take some responsibility for the outcomes of our actions?

And yet even the most vociferous climate change believers/adherents/activists keep lambasting everyone and everything BUT they are the biggest mob of hypocrites going around.
They keep using electricity.
They keep using motor cars and motor bikes
They love their rental properties
They love their share portfolios
They love their Superannuation balance
They fly here, there and everywhere for their holidays
They love their holiday resorts
They love their air-conditioning, heating and cooling
They love their phones and computers, tablets and laptops
They love going to the supermarkets for food
They love their leather lounges
They love their gas cookers and barbecues
They love their clothes and shoes
And plenty more besides…..

All the little Greta Thunderboxes keep telling everyone we need to reduce this, we need to reduce that. We need to stop using this.
BUT what do they do? Sweet *smile* all.

They all love their creature comforts too much to reduce, stop or sacrifice anything much at all.
They want everyone else to. But not themselves. Hypocrites.
“”Oh but what can we do?” They wail.
Practice what you preach. Go and live off grid. Don’t even use firewood. Clothe yourself in bark and leaves, eat berries. Ahh but it doesn’t work that way does it? Of course not.