The Murdoch Media | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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The Murdoch Media

I'd ask who exactly is the leftist media? The ABC is lurching to the right. The Guardian is centrist and have appointed a political editor recently who has definitely taken them more in a neoliberal centrist direction at the very least.
When we have people like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris called marxists I’m not sure where the needle is these days
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Haaarrrgh. Scientific facts????? They get it wrong so often that they don't even need to lie or fudge their data to seriously mess *smile* up. So many scientific facts that simply get proven wrong every few years by updated knowledge that always becomes relevant years to late.

No, that would be theory, which is what most of science is. If you understood anything about science you would know this. In science, as opposed to things like economics, a theory is a hypothesis with supporting evidence.

It is fundamental to science that every theory is constantly under scrutiny, that is a big part of the scientific method. It is one of science's strengths.

The problem is that most people don't understand what the word theory means in science. They think theories are something you can just dream up and put out there. In science that is a hypothesis, to reach the status of theory there must be supporting evidence.

As for facts, science barely ever uses that word.

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No, that would be theory, which is what most of science is. If you understood anything about science you would know this. In science, as opposed to things like economics, a theory is a hypothesis with supporting evidence.

It is fundamental to science that every theory is constantly under scrutiny, that is a big part of the scientific method. It is one of science's strengths.

The problem is that most people don't understand what the word theory means in science. They think theories are something you can just dream up and put out there. In science that is a hypothesis, to reach the status of theory there must be supporting evidence.

As for facts, science barely ever uses that word.

Was simply responding to Bin man's claim of scientific facts, that's why I laughed.
Call it facts call it theories, it's a never ending circle jerk of pretending to know what is and isn't. Which usually gets proven to be seriously *smile* up for everything and everyone long after we've gone past the point of no return coz the knowledge was wrong n we all fell for the experts assurances.
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Haaarrrgh. Scientific facts????? They get it wrong so often that they don't even need to lie or fudge their data to seriously mess *smile* up. So many scientific facts that simply get proven wrong every few years by updated knowledge that always becomes relevant years to late.

just because scientific predictions isn't always right doesn't disprove something.

Not all predictions of climate change 20-30 years ago have come true, but that doesn't mean it’s not real.

Just because we don't know what caused the big bang, doesn't prove god is the creator.

Just because some people have been injured by the COVID Vaccine, doesn’t mean it hasn’t saved millions of lives.

People hypothesise and people create theories. Einstein theorised black holes over 100 years ago which was proven to be true about 60 years later. He also theorised the universe was constant, but Hubble disproved that a decade or so later.

But proven facts are facts. Young earth creationism has been well and truly debunked. The earth is not flat. Humans evolved from apes.
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But I still don’t see the relevance of “scientific facts” to lefties and righties.
To intimate that scientists, scientific facts, theories, hypotheses are the exclusive domain of the lefties is just a load of cobblers. Well it’s absolute drivel.
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I mean… where do I start?

Climate change? Its basic high school level science that is generally rejected by conservatives out of self interest.

Many conservative ideals are linked to irrational religious beliefs. Creationism has been debunked by facts such as carbon dating, evolution and the big bang.

Those against same sex marriage and/or claim homosexuality is unnatural are more likely to be conservative… The archaeology tells us marriage predates organised religion. Nature tells us hundreds of animal species engage in homosexual behaviour.

I think its pretty safe to say that a generation of neoliberalism and trickle down economics has failed society. The gap between the rich and the poor keeps getting bigger. Housing affordability keeps getting harder. But if you dispute this, then please make your argument.

Some will claim that socialism hasn’t worked in many countries. But communism isn’t real socialism. Authoritarian socialists such as Venezuela isn’t real socialism. Real socialism is democratic where everyone gets a say. Australia is an example of this. We’re far from perfect, but we are still an example of socialism. Universal healthcare. Universal education. Roads. Public transport. Social housing. Etc. etc.

Archaeology tells us early man were hunter gatherers (Libertarians). They fended for themselves, and survival was tough. But then man settled in one location. They started agriculture. They shared jobs and chores. They looked after and protected each other. They thrived. Nowadays, people call it the dawn of civilisation. But that’s not really the right word, isn’t it…? Do you wanna guess what it really is? Or do I need to say it?

I could go on and on but I’ll finish with how virtually every conspiracy theorist is ideologically linked with the hard right. Those who believe Donald Trump is here to save us from deep state paedophiles. Those who believe the COVID Vaccine causes more deaths or it contains 5g nanotechnology. That Andrews didn’t fall down the steps but was bashed by Lindsay Fox’s son in law.
So that's what happened to do scumbag
According to some. Murdoch and his media have a lot to answer for. Nor those who read or watch RW media.
Funny how those that claim to never read or watch RW media, seem to know the content :unsure:
Or they don’t, but run with it anyway :giggle:

Now the lwnj’s are all too interested in the Murdoch Family Trust and who is going to be Rupert’s major beneficiary or whether the equal split of the family treasure stays the same.
They’re like peeping Toms, they can’t help but have a peek in the real world ;)

Climate change, hunter gatherers, covid, scientific facts. The Big Bang theory. God. Creatism. There’s no end to it.
Murdoch, the righties are all to blame…..apparently.
Lefties developed all the scientific breakthroughs, the vaccines, climate change and every good know to mankind. Everything else was those *smile* rwnj’sand Murdoch.

Where do the centralists fit in? Or they goodies or baddies? :giggle:
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I can feel another one of “those” threads coming on.

In regard to the Murdoch family the current battle is one of the more interesting cases we will ever see I reckon. Essentially Rupert and Lachlan have to prove that the value of the company is based on a political viewpoint being maintained.

I don’t know anything about trust law in the US but irrevocable trusts are very difficult to change in Australia. Lachlan is setting himself up to be estranged from his siblings no matter what the outcome is.
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Maybe someone should hack their phones, I'm sure some of their former employees would know how.

Beat me too it. They wouldn't mind surely? They did it to celebrities for years. By rights they should volunteer to have their phones tapped to set things straight. I reckon they will, deep down they really want to do the right thing, they're just a bit misunderstood.
The Federal Police should investigate these ABC “journalists”.
Don’t worry about charging them with defamation. But fraud, corruption, lying, and any other charge.
Sack them from the ABC, then make them personally accountable. They can pa6 their own legal costs and any punitive damages.
What lowdown pieces of excrement.
But I’m sure no one wil watch Bolte or Skynews. Hide your heads in the sand, they might put this case a ledtiemedia outlet one day and you’ll be able to see how some of the lefty journalists perform to make a “story”.
But hey, they’re lefties, they work at a lefty media outlet, so they must be above suspicion of being arseholes.

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It wasn't the left who were questioning the science on climate change, that came squarely from the right and recognised right wing media such as Sky.

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It wasn't the left who were questioning the science on climate change, that came squarely from the right and recognised right wing media such as Sky.

Rubbish. The Russkies and Pravda and China and the South China News did years before anyone else ;)
And still are.
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But I still don’t see the relevance of “scientific facts” to lefties and righties.
To intimate that scientists, scientific facts, theories, hypotheses are the exclusive domain of the lefties is just a load of cobblers. Well it’s absolute drivel.

If its drivel, then let me ask you this... Why do many Right Wingers (Including politicians and mouthy RW commentators) claim that children are being “brainwashed by left wing ideology" in school?

Like you, these people cannot accept the concept of my argument.

Education doesn’t have a left-wing bias. It’s just the end result of a curriculum based on rationality and science.

FYI - unless I'm going crazy - you posted something yesterday that doesn't seem to exist anymore. Did you delete or edit a post?
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If its drivel, then let me ask you this... Why do many Right Wingers (Including politicians and mouthy RW commentators) claim that children are being “brainwashed by left wing ideology" in school?
Like you, these people cannot accept the concept of my argument.
Because it’s nonsensical
Education doesn’t have a left-wing bias. It’s just the end result of a curriculum based on rationality and science.
If it doesn’t have a left wing bias, why are you rabbiting on about right wing bias.
FYI - unless I'm going crazy - you posted something yesterday that doesn't seem to exist anymore. Did you delete or edit a post?
Yes I edited it as I couldn’t be bothered going through with all the debating again for the sake of it.
You have your beliefs, nothing will change them. So I won’t attempt to.
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Yes I edited it as I couldn’t be bothered going through with all the debating again for the sake of it.
You have your beliefs, nothing will change them. So I won’t attempt to.

I wouldn't call it "beliefs," but I essentially agree with your point. I had a similar argument with my misso earlier in the week. She will never understand how i see the world and i will never understand how she sees it.
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It wasn't the left who were questioning the science on climate change, that came squarely from the right and recognised right wing media such as Sky.

Just gotta love the science of climate change. Science tells me the climate has been constantly changing since the planet was first invented n science tells me that it'll keep changing right up until the time the planet gets uninvented.
So what's the big deal with the science of climate change, nothing except the profits n manipulations that can be achieved by ranting about it.
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