Thanks PRE from Cogs family | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Thanks PRE from Cogs family


I'm a llama!
Aug 5, 2003
On behalf of Mark, I just want to thank Rosy and Pre for all the support you have given him in the years he has been at the club.

As his uncle, I was an eagles supporter when Mark got drafted, but I determined to be as passionate tiger supporter as possible and threw everything in with the tiges. Now I wonder how on earth I ever supported the eagles.

Even though we didn't see the best of him and he was decimated by injury,we are grateful to the tiges for picking him up. We as a family and I as his uncle have spent many hours on this site reading the informed (and some not so informed) views of the tiger faithful. When the chat room was at its height a few years ago, I spent many hours yarning with my fellow tiger fans.

I said to Mark last night, that whatever happens to him, I will ever be a tiger supporter, my blood is so yellow and black that I couldnt even consider following any other team.

I knew Mark's number was up in his resurrection game. His strength was gone, his ability to break tackles and get out the quick hand pass was gone, he was being flung around like a match stick. It was distressing to watch. I only learned last night standing outside the ground that it was all over. I dont know what people thought of the big man in the tiger gear crying on the side walk.

Particularly I want to thank Rosy, she has been magnificent. You have got as your moderator on Pre one of the most loyal and faithful people one could ever have. This site would have collapse years ago if it wasn't for her stickability. I look forward to continuing on pre in the years to come. I also want to publicly thank Fiesty tiger for keeping me informed about tiger happenings and news from punt road. Over the years I've made many friends. RFC forever, Tigerdog, Mikee and Tigerbob have been special to me. Of late I just haven't had the time to spend as much time on Pre as I would have liked.

At the end of the day, as much as we all love it ,footy is a bag of wind, it has its highs and lows, I'll be pretty proud to say in future years that I had a nephew at tigerland who played 92 games and won a fairest and best. But it's off the field that I am especially proud of him. All the trials of the last few years have helped to make him an outstanding person off the field. His kindness and compassion not too many people know about.

Again Pre people, thanks so much from the family, over here in the west its all eagles and dockers, its so good to get the news from Melbourne(Ben Cousins said the same thing last night). The one thing I've learned most from being a tiger supporter as the absolute PASSION
tiger supporters have. It eclipses anything that I have known coming from the west.

Mark in his speech after the game praised the tiger supporters, It has meant so much to him. I'm pretty choked up at the moment, but come round 1 next year, I'll be donning the hat and the scarf again and hoping that Damien Hardwick can inspire a recovery

God bless you all, biglinds
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Wow...Good read All the best to one of my fav players ....Still have a pair of his signed footy boots on my bar.
You've made me cry Linds..The only other player who brought me to tears was Knighter so that shows the high esteem I hold Mark in.

You are a champion family. Your support of PRE has been awesome. Thanks to you all. All the best to inspiration in so many ways, both on and off the field. No wonder you are all so proud of him, I am proud of him too. :hearton

Catch up at a game next year. :'(
berwick boy said:
....Still have a pair of his signed footy boots on my bar.

I guess I missed the boat buying one of Mark's signed playing jumpers as I have always planned to do.  If you notice the boots missing one day berwick you'll know where they are.
biglinds said:
On behalf of Mark, I just want to thank Rosy and Pre for all the support you have given him in the years he has been at the club.

As his uncle, I was an eagles supporter when Mark got drafted, but I determined to be as passionate tiger supporter as possible and threw everything in with the tiges. Now I wonder how on earth I ever supported the eagles.

Even though we didn't see the best of him and he was decimated by injury,we are grateful to the tiges for picking him up. We as a family and I as his uncle have spent many hours on this site reading the informed (and some not so informed) views of the tiger faithful. When the chat room was at its height a few years ago, I spent many hours yarning with my fellow tiger fans.

I said to Mark last night, that whatever happens to him, I will ever be a tiger supporter, my blood is so yellow and black that I couldnt even consider following any other team.

I knew Mark's number was up in his resurrection game. His strength was gone, his ability to break tackles and get out the quick hand pass was gone, he was being flung around like a match stick. It was distressing to watch. I only learned last night standing outside the ground that it was all over. I dont know what people thought of the big man in the tiger gear crying on the side walk.

Particularly I want to thank Rosy, she has been magnificent. You have got as your moderator on Pre one of the most loyal and faithful people one could ever have. This site would have collapse years ago if it wasn't for her stickability. I look forward to continuing on pre in the years to come. I also want to publicly thank Fiesty tiger for keeping me informed about tiger happenings and news from punt road. Over the years I've made many friends. RFC forever, Tigerdog, Mikee and Tigerbob have been special to me. Of late I just haven't had the time to spend as much time on Pre as I would have liked.

At the end of the day, as much as we all love it ,footy is a bag of wind, it has its highs and lows, I'll be pretty proud to say in future years that I had a nephew at tigerland who played 92 games and won a fairest and best. But it's off the field that I am especially proud of him. All the trials of the last few years have helped to make him an outstanding person off the field. His kindness and compassion not too many people know about.

Again Pre people, thanks so much from the family, over here in the west its all eagles and dockers, its so good to get the news from Melbourne(Ben Cousins said the same thing last night). The one thing I've learned most from being a tiger supporter as the absolute PASSION
tiger supporters have. It eclipses anything that I have known coming from the west.

Mark in his speech after the game praised the tiger supporters, It has meant so much to him. I'm pretty choked up at the moment, but come round 1 next year, I'll be donning the hat and the scarf again and hoping that Damien Hardwick can inspire a recovery

God bless you all, biglinds
i take it mark is hard arsed attitude intended but i think it for the best he does retire.shows intelligence in knowing your time is up.
real shame about him and whats happened even the most critical of us admire the way hes gone about it.many at the club could learn some critical lessons about how to go about it and the harsh vagaries of football. you may have a decent career today but it could all be gone tomorrow. any way good luck to him reckon he has something to offer off field.
Congrats to Cogs on his career and thanks for being such a good servant of the club.

Sounds like he was accepting of his fate and I'd love it if he could remain at the club.
not the most games played, no premierships, no brownlow but always be remembered for his attack on the ball. a tiger solider, cut down by injury, we never sawthe best, what couldve been. will always be welcomed back. all the best and good luck
My kids were shattered last night of the news Cogs was not playing anymore...
To Cogs thank you very much. you were and still are a real tiger..
You were my kids idol and a Richmond captain for sure.
With Richo he was the best with kids, photos, signatures and a smile..
l do not think the kids will pull down the posters off the wall for a while.
Number 24 will still be on their jumpers next year.
Hope you still go and watch the tigers at the dome as the kids always had footy cards for you to sign.

Good luck Cogs and hope you still are around the club..

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Thanks biglinds. You must be very proud of Mark!

Like everyone else on PRE, I hold Cogs in enormous respect and was ashamed that the Richmond Football Club did not provide a more dignified exit for him.

I was at that sad game in Launceston where he did his ACL. Things have obviously never been the same since then and Cogs has obviously been through some difficult years where he has never given up hope. His supporters were also hoping that he would be able to play on next year, as he has the kind of intelligence, toughness and loyalty that our club needs.

Good luck Cogs in what ever you plan to do next year.

We will miss you and I would have loved to have had the chance to cheer you off the ground in your final game.
Newman said:
Awesome stuff Biglinds...spoken like a true tiger, a true gentleman and a true relation of Cogs... :clap

Seconded. Cogs' name on the honour board will forever hint at both his ability, and what might have been.
Was at that game in Tassie in the Gunns stand.

Terrible day.

All the best to Mark in his future endeavours!
Cogs was a favourite right from the start. I absolutely loved screaming out "GOOOOOO COOOGGGGS" when he burst out or crashed in.

The fact he had such personal discipline to get back was probably one of the greatest examples of Passion for the Game and for the Club in recent time.

I hope your future works out better than you would want.

Thanks Cogs :clap
If there's any doubt as to what Mark meant to his team mates, just revisit the passion with which they sung the famous theme song after the North Melbourne victory. And if the hundreds of thousands of us passionate Richmond supporters could have been in that room, we'd have sung with the same passion!

Good luck to you Mark, you will always be remembered as a couragous, tough Tiger. A Tiger that you would not find one supporter say a bad word about. :clap :clap :clap
It's hard to believe he's gone. I remember his first game - I clearly remember my mum saying "This kid's a footballer" on that day - she knew her stuff. I think I am more cut up about the cruelties of injuries that Mark has had to endure than about Tony Free or Dragga or any other Tiger that has had a similar fate.

Linds your post is appreciated. It is good to know something from the players side of things in these matters. Please know that my family sends its sincerest best wishes for Marks future.
Oh and I forgot to say - one of the all time great posts on PRE. I have been reading and contributing to this site (under other names) since 2004 and I'd like to say thanks for that post Linds.