This post is a dogs breakfast, you just hate George. Who said anything about Aarts? Players out of posi? You have to experiment, if Dimma didn't, he'd be bagged for being rigid and stale. George is the reason for the margin going from a massacre to a flogging? seriously? Ludicrous on so many levels. He is sub, and you're still banging the jungle drums.
George is out of form, out of favour and could be on the way out. But the handicapping thing is overstated, but even so there are good reasons for why he stayed in the side longer than the lynchmob wanted.
You hitch him to Aarts to support your point, Its a furphy, I can easily do the opposite. The fact Aarts was in the side, who was never in George's league, just highlight our injuries and lack of depth due to the brutal structural realities of the reverse draft order and the salary cap.