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Talking Politics

AEC website has ALP with 76 and leading in one more for 77. Slim majority, lucky crossing the floor will get you expelled from the ALP.

With that tight margin, and the independents doing so well, Albo offering the Speaker position to Andrew Wilkie would be a good move. He's been in parliament long enough and from what I can gather, he hates the current LNP crew.
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Was reminded today that Dutton refused to sit in the room while Rudd delivered the apology to the Stolen Generation.

This is the best we can do as an alternative government. What a *smile* disgrace.
He explained all that today. He loves and respects all indigenous people and respects their culture so enormously that when the vote happened he felt that it was tokenistic. He felt we shouldn’t be apologising until all the problems are solved.
He may have made a mistake but hopes all indigenous people will forgive him because he is really just a big cuddly teddy bear of a leader
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AEC website has ALP with 76 and leading in one more for 77. Slim majority, lucky crossing the floor will get you expelled from the ALP.

With that tight margin, and the independents doing so well, Albo offering the Speaker position to Andrew Wilkie would be a good move. He's been in parliament long enough and from what I can gather, he hates the current LNP crew.

AEC now saying ALP has 77 seats.
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A punch in the face if he's not careful.

But more likely the questions, "Have you paid taxpayers back your $2000 per month home internet claim yet?"; "Are you looking forward to prison?"; "Do you roll around on the floor going 'oogity-boogity' at pretend church or are you just in it for the money?"; "How dare you call yourself a Christian?"; "How many Robodebt suicides do you take personal credit for?", and so on and so forth.
If you could ask him from me, where he, as a brainless corrupt hillbilly, got off applying the Ministerial veto to ARC grants that have been worked on for months and years and have been forensically scrutinised and deemed by leading experts to be worthy projects. That would be good for starters.
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He explained all that today. He loves and respects all indigenous people and respects their culture so enormously that when the vote happened he felt that it was tokenistic. He felt we shouldn’t be apologising until all the problems are solved.
He may have made a mistake but hopes all indigenous people will forgive him because he is really just a big cuddly teddy bear of a leader
What a contemptuous morally bankrupt husk of a human. Imagine if Abe Lincoln had said he didn't want to oppose slavery unless he could be guaranteed that all slaves would be freed at the same time that day.
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Its crazy isn't it.

Logic tells you a background check to make sure crazies don't get their hands on weapons is a good thing - Not to the gun nuts
A simple register showing who has guns, this can also be used as a trigger to law enforcement if a person buys a number of guns or large amounts of ammunition to check them out, seems smart - Not to the gun nuts
Hell, an even smaller change, with many of those school shooters and suicide victims being young impressionable people, how about increasing the age limit to purchase a gun. Say 25 for any weapon. 30 for an automatic weapon. Its not the full solution but would have some impact and is logical as this means you can only access a weapon once your brain is fully developed, but I'd bet this would be thrown down as well, despite impacting next to none of the gun nuts in the US.

I think they are behind help personally.
Not quite sure about that?

I'm pretty sure many 25 year old brains can be ruined from a variety of reasons. If the 25 year old makes 30, the brain might be even more dysfunctional.

I'm not a big fan of John Howard, but when he stood at the front of the Sale Cricket Ground grandstand, 15 metres in front of probably one of the best 6's I have ever seen hit landed (Aravinda De Silva, I think), he made a pretty fair statement/ruling.

There is absolutely no reason for an entire population to have the opportunity to buy and possess dangerous weapons, regardless of age.
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If you could ask him from me, where he, as a brainless corrupt hillbilly, got off applying the Ministerial veto to ARC grants that have been worked on for months and years and have been forensically scrutinised and deemed by leading experts to be worthy projects. That would be good for starters.
I'll write it on my hand.
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Was reminded today that Dutton refused to sit in the room while Rudd delivered the apology to the Stolen Generation.

This is the best we can do as an alternative government. What a *smile* disgrace.
Yeh it appears they have learnt nothing from the defeat and are determined to move further right. What a joke they have become, their party room meetings will be one huge echo chamber.
Interesting how both conservative parties have worked out they have an issue with women but simply can't bring themselves to actually put a woman in as leader. Very unconvincing leadership.

Interesting how both conservative parties have worked out they have an issue with women but simply can't bring themselves to actually put a woman in as leader. Very unconvincing leadership.


Not really. They have driven smart women out of their parties because they've felt threatened by them. There aren't really any still in the parties that could lead.

The Libs had a chance with Julie Bishop, the boys club just couldn't bring themselves to give her the opportunity.
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Not quite sure about that?

I'm pretty sure many 25 year old brains can be ruined from a variety of reasons. If the 25 year old makes 30, the brain might be even more dysfunctional.

I'm not a big fan of John Howard, but when he stood at the front of the Sale Cricket Ground grandstand, 15 metres in front of probably one of the best 6's I have ever seen hit landed (Aravinda De Silva, I think), he made a pretty fair statement/ruling.

There is absolutely no reason for an entire population to have the opportunity to buy and possess dangerous weapons, regardless of age.

Oh I agree. I think they should go much harder but I think we all know that hard and fast changes will not get enough backing so you have to think of different options that may make a difference. When you have a country and a previous leader (Trump) who's 1st action is to remove mandatory background checks from people who had a clinical mental illness, it tells you everything you need to know about what they actually want to do around guns.

The best we can hope for is "maybe" a bit of a change of thinking around background checks (due to public pressure), a national register for gun sales / ammunition sales (the killer at Robb elementary was apparently carrying 600 rounds which should have triggered a police visit IMO and potentially changes around age legislation.

There is zero chance of any weapons bans like we had in Australia, or what the Brits did, or what the Kiwis did because as we all know from Americans it doesn't work and we all live in fear for our lives from the crims that carry guns right?
it is interesting to hear the Libs, the party of economic masterminds, continually go on about how hard it will be for Labor to manage the tanking economy they have been left with.
“If you’re in a situation where, at the moment, petrol is over $2 a litre, you can’t afford to fill the car, and you can’t afford the electricity bill when it comes in. So the cost-of-living pressures, I think, are enormous.”- Peter Dutton

i hope everyone remembers that at the next election, and the one after, and every one after that, when the Libs, and NewsCorpse, push the line they they are better at managing the economy.
it is interesting to hear the Libs, the party of economic masterminds, continually go on about how hard it will be for Labor to manage the tanking economy they have been left with.
“If you’re in a situation where, at the moment, petrol is over $2 a litre, you can’t afford to fill the car, and you can’t afford the electricity bill when it comes in. So the cost-of-living pressures, I think, are enormous.”- Peter Dutton

i hope everyone remembers that at the next election, and the one after, and every one after that, when the Libs, and NewsCorpse, push the line they they are better at managing the economy.

Its going to be interesting to see what the RBA do. I read an article that is saying that the Us Fed reserve is reconsidering increasing interest rates due to the fragility of the economy.

I think this is the right call.

The standard response is inflation high = must increase interest rates, but thats very simplistic. The economics around this strategy is that demand driven inflation needs to be controlled and you can do that via impacting disposable incomes which makes sense. The problem is that the inflation spike in this country is not caused by demand, its caused by supply. Even the ABS's commentary around the reasons for the spike in inflation explains that.

The below are the last quarters movement in CPI, both actual and seasonally adjusted.


The biggest increases are Transport. The ABS commentary on this is below, so the spike was caused due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine - so this was not demand driven and a reduction in disposable income will do NOTHING to reduce the cost of fuel.


Education - so this wasn't driven by demand, but by a change in government policy in both sections.


Food. So this one is driven by Covid supply chain disruptions, flooding and transport costs. Note the 2 biggest annualised impacts, this isn't because we are buying more, just that for various reasons the costs have risen - again not demand driven.


Housing, this 1 is demand driven, but I'd argue that is largely demand driven due to the high current values of property in Australia as people are being pushed to build rather than buy existing because of the high prices of existing properties.


I did read a comment somewhere, but can't find it now, that if you reduce the inflation groups to those that are demand driven we would be slap bang inside the RBA's inflation target of 2-3%, so what will an increase in interest rates do? Probably push the demand driven inflation below their target meaning the economy will stagnate which will not lead to wage inflation and therefore compound the current issues we are seeing.
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Looks like Scotty from Engadine is going to quit, forcing a by-election in Cook. Just a few more million this parasite has leeched out of the public purse.

In completely coincidental news, Josh Fraudenberg reported to have bought a flat in Lilli Pilli. Guess which electorate that's in.
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