secretive, dodgy organisations offal | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

secretive, dodgy organisations offal

Woweee, should we change the heading of this thread or get back to the topic of corrupt AFL personnel regardless of what they identify as a gender?
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As I said, we've all got women in our lives, and I want them treated fairly.

To stop misogynistic behaviour, it's up to everyone - other men included - to call out when behaviour crosses a line.

Cause if you've got some rock ape out there in crazy land who doesn't respect women, he's hardly going to listen to a woman say enough of this *smile*, is he? Can ya understand why it's not just up to the women to call it out? Pretty sure they've been asking for a really long time for fairness and to put an end to poor behaviours. Hasn't really been as successful as it should have been to date, if all the men are listening and respecting the wishes.
Back to the footy topic or not? Please make your mind up.

Ok you want me to let things “go through to the keeper”.
Yet you take no notice when I said I was having a laugh and want to lecture me about “respecting women”
Make your mind up.
Then allude that I’m some rock ape? Really?

You expect me not to respond to that? you keep the subject going to give everyone cause to now jump in.
Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. “Call it out?” FFS. As if you’re the standard for all men to aspire to. Talk about self righteous.

Just tell me which emoticon depicts having a joke. I’ll be sure to use that next time, so that you don’t get all riled up, I do t get told to seek help, or that I’m an “extremist”.
Now you other poster better take note which emoticon you’re to use, otherwise you’ll be taken to task when others know what you're thinking. :giggle: I don’t know what this emoticon means, maybe I’m smiling cause I’m happy, or joking or I have wind.
Maybe we need a lexicon on what all emoticons mean so we’re all in agreement.

Gee some people get triggered
what on heavens earth is a crumb maiden Ralphy?

and not saying its you, but just FYI, women can hate women too,
A person (Male or Female) who works to maintain power structures (Typically gendered power structures) which hurt them and/or their community in the hope that they can gather some small residual benefit
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A long time ago I was making a speech at work and I made a joke about short people being at the back and not being able to see and perhaps hiding behind the filing cabinets
It was a joke, people laughed.
The next day a lady who worked for me came to me in tears. Seems that she had been mercilessly bullied as a child for being short and that hurt was still there.
I learned something that day. If you want to make a joke about difference or stereotyping gender then assuming that it doesn't hurt someone because it is a joke just doesn't cut it.
It is not their responsibility to not be hurt, it is your responsibility to not hurt someone.
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In June 1883, in the magazine The Chautauquan, the question was asked, "If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound?" They then went on to answer the query with, "No. Sound is the sensation excited in the ear when the air or other medium is set in motion.
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