Russia Invades Ukraine | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Russia Invades Ukraine

And there's the first victory for "realpolitik"

Finland applies to join NATO

Meanwhile the Russians have been kicked out of Kyiv and have lost major battles in attempts to take other cities. They've fallen back to the east and are struggling to hold even territories in the Donbas.

Imagine if the Ukrainians had downed arms and just given him what he wanted?
And there's the first victory for "realpolitik"

Finland applies to join NATO

Meanwhile the Russians have been kicked out of Kyiv and have lost major battles in attempts to take other cities. They've fallen back to the east and are struggling to hold even territories in the Donbas.

Imagine if the Ukrainians had downed arms and just given him what he wanted?
What Putin is doing is laughably unlaughable....if you know what I mean. Their army, especially those Z tanks look like a war film from the early 20s.
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Thanks for introducing Kamil Galeev on here. Been listening to his thoughts on YouTube via some audio technology. Seriously interesting.
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Good ol' Henry Kissenger. Bombed the sh1t out of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos but still lost the war. Now he wants Ukraine to cede territory to Russia.

Not only Kissinger arguing this solution. Also it is a similar view to that which is held by French President Macron. It’s the basis to his strategy of attempting to play peace maker.

Retired British Colonel Richard Kemp posed the rhetorical question. Would Macron give up the East flank of France and much of the French Mediterranean coast if faced with the same situation?
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Retired British Colonel Richard Kemp posed the rhetorical question. Would Macron give up the East flank of France and much of the French the Mediterranean coast if faced with the same situation?
Of course he would. Macaroni's a cheese eating surrender monkey.
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Of course he would. Macaroni's a cheese eating surrender monkey.
Difference I suppose is that France has nuclear weapons. At the conclusion of WWII - with France having faced a near death experience - De Gaulle set about developing France’s own independent nuclear deterrent. De Gaulle said to the French people, “Never again!”

France’s nuclear deterrent isn’t designed to necessarily win a war. But it is designed to not lose one.
Pity the Uke's gave back all their Russkie stock pile of nukes a while ago when they got their independence from the Soviet union. Old mate Putin on the ritz might have thought twice about invading if he was a fair chance of copping one of his own nukes shoved deep up the clacker in retaliation about now.
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Dangerous times in the East right now with Russia falling back to "pound everything to dust with heavy artillery" strategy to win territory.

The financials are starting to hurt more in Europe so some are wavering in their support.
Russia will take the whole of Donbas then will aim to take Odesa and Kharkov. The Ukrainian people can then thank the US and the nazis that infiltrated their government and military for losing a massive chunk of their country.
thanks Hazza

In actual real news the EU will cut intake of Russian oil by 75%. Short-term this has the perverse effect of driving up the oil price but longer term hastens three shift to renewables. Russia really needs to change its economy but kleptocratic dictatorships find it hard to change and innovate.

This isn't helped by professionals fleeing Russia as fast as they can, 4 million this year already.