Actually you might be surprised how easy it is to reach the budget this year.
If someone was to get the 1st, 17th, 33rd, 49th, etc player then it would total £8,497,400 and the budget is £7,430,200.
If you did 1 to 16, 16 to 1, 1 to 16 etc. Then if a player was always to choose the most expensive available they would end up with a team costing £8,351,100 even the person picking last would be £600k over budget.
You have the same problem with having whole teams - the top 30 crows will cost £7,913,100. The top 30 tigers - £8,419,000.
I think that it is quite likely that you are going to have serious issues with the budgets, and therefore this needs to be an important part of the draft plan.
The figures that I have supplied are based on Dream Team, but I am sure that it would be very similar for SC.