• IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Thanks to Foxtel, who have given free viewing on all but movies we are now into Game of Thrones.

Wow!! This is full on nudity, sex and violence, but even the wife is enjoying it so far. Only watched two episodes to date and downloaded the rest of series 1.

Like Macho man said, sick of gardening...all done and neat...but still enjoy a bit of tucker and the odd drop of what keeps the cold out. Thanks Johnny Walker.

Once again stay well you lot.

Thanks for alerting me to the fact Foxtel have opened up channels in order to try to keep subscribers while sport in limbo. I had previously watched seasons 1 - 6 of GOT and now that I have access will watch 7 -8.

*Note: you better start binge watching as at present there is an expiry of access of 27th April? and you have about 70 episodes to go :)
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Thanks for alerting me to the fact Foxtel have opened up channels in order to try to keep subscribers while sport in limbo. I had previously watched seasons 1 - 6 of GOT and now that I have access will watch 7 -8.

*Note: you better start binge watching as at present there is an expiry of access of 27th April? and you have about 70 episodes to go :)
Thanks Caesar. Don't think I can download all of those, more the pity. Enjoying it very much so far. Pretty raw at times but heh, life was tough in those faraway days in fantasy land.
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Thanks for alerting me to the fact Foxtel have opened up channels in order to try to keep subscribers while sport in limbo. I had previously watched seasons 1 - 6 of GOT and now that I have access will watch 7 -8.

I'm still cursing Foxtel dumped discovery science. I can't find the second half of "How The Universe Works" season 7 anywhere (without having to pay for it). Season 8 has just started in the USA (found a few episodes on youtube).
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I'm still cursing Foxtel dumped discovery science. I can't find the second half of "How The Universe Works" season 7 anywhere (without having to pay for it). Season 8 has just started in the USA (found a few episodes on youtube).
I just took a quick look on a "banned" site and you can download it.
Both my others teams are looking good too, Parra and Waikato so I'm livid there is no footy of any kind, nada, ZIP, ZILCH!!!

Covid-19 should of happened mid Oct - No Horse Racing + No Cricket. = Heaven :))
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If anyone has a laden lemon tree and your limes aren't quite on

ive developed a lemon margarita, which changes the world in half an hour,

and forms part of our families daily routine (6pm is happy hour)

250ml lemon juice
120 ml tequila
120ml triple sec

shake vigorously with a dozen ice cubes until ice cubes magically vanish.

serve in your fanciest glasses with the rim lined with lemon and salt

serves 3-4, depending how much change you want to see in the world

Thanks for the great recipe eZyT.......that takes care of my drinks, what do you i Serve everyone else?
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I worry about how the players are coping the longer this goes on.
Some who are self starters & disciplined will be fine.
Others who require structure & certainty to get motivated will be more heavily affected.
Not to mention their mental health.

I heard Emma Murray on SEN talking yesterday & as usual she was super impressive & gave some tips to listeners that we can all use to get through these tough times.
I'd imagine she'll be one of our club's greatest assets again as we try to navigate through the difficulty.

Murray's podcast interview is here if anyone is interested..

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Thanks for alerting me to the fact Foxtel have opened up channels in order to try to keep subscribers while sport in limbo. I had previously watched seasons 1 - 6 of GOT and now that I have access will watch 7 -8.

*Note: you better start binge watching as at present there is an expiry of access of 27th April? and you have about 70 episodes to go :)
Noted that Foxtel has opened up their movie channel for free as well now.
I worry about how the players are coping the longer this goes on.
Some who are self starters & disciplined will be fine.
Others who require structure & certainty to get motivated will be more heavily affected.
Not to mention their mental health.

I heard Emma Murray on SEN talking yesterday & as usual she was super impressive & gave some tips to listeners that we can all use to get through these tough times.
I'd imagine she'll be one of our club's greatest assets again as we try to navigate through the difficulty.

Murray's podcast interview is here if anyone is interested..

Thanks ToO, unfortunately looks like Emma has been stood down from the podcast like many others, I do hope once we all come out of this that she is reinstated as I really beleive her work has been vital to our success.
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do you have sports? I recently signed a 6 month contract with foxtel, which included sports, but not movies. pretty sure I was offered the movies for free due to this.
No, I canceled sports last week as there was no point.
Watching a bit more of telly now, being confined as almost a prisoner in my own home.

Caught up with Jones and Credlin whilst having a bite of lunch.

What a brain Peta has. She is one of the most intelligent people I have ever heard.

This programme was quite enlightening, especially the interview with a world renowned professor, who explained the new testing kits to perfection.

Also, the interview with George Christianson on foreign ownership in this country, especially China was worrying for all of us.

If you get a chance to see it do so and be informed.
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I don't know, of course, about anyone else on PRE, how everyone is coping.

For me, I am sick to death, pardon the wording, of all the doom and gloom on the TV and in newspapers.

Yes, I do know this is a very serious virus outbreak, and as someone who is in the high risk bracket, know how vunerable older people are.

Thank goodness for the likes of Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones/Peta Credlin who do their best to find some positives in all of this mayhem.

There was some Asian doctor on the telly this morning, before I turned it off, saying this virus could last for years.

These comments only stir fear and panic in the community, and does nothing to engender hope for the near future.

May well be true, but does little to allay the fear of what this virus can do to people.

My wife and I are doing the right thing by home isolation, except for a morning walk and today, going for our flu shots.

Gets a bit boring, and accessing PRE helps as does the odd game on Slotamania.

Apologies if this sounds like a big whinge, but I do thinks PREnders are understanding of one another's needs and concerns.
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Thank goodness for the likes of Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones/Peta Credlin who do their best to find some positives in all of this mayhem.

you've gotta be joking right? what Bolt and Jones are saying is outright dangerous. Yes some of the information is alarmist as well (like the herald-scum recently telling everyone to stock up on groceries). At the end of the day, sending the right message is important. Personally, I want all of the (legitimate) information i can get. Sky News isn't the place for that. Maybe you should stick to Netflix.
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We have all been sentenced without commiting a crime and without parole date.
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Just checked movie channel on Fox & they are on. Not a movie buff at all but one listed was a classic Chicken Run.