• IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Aren’t those flights just for returning Aussies and permanent residents? Pretty sure borders are closed for everyone else.

We should be sending tourists home. Especially the dickheads who decided it was a great idea to go to St.Kilda beach yesterday. No way reckless and selfish tourists should be potentially spreading this virus and placing additional unnecessary strain on our health system :mad:
Planes exclusively for aussies, I have a bridge to sell you, oh and by the way in a quiet press release last week the government slipped in the 1100 bucks a fortnight for tourists stranded in Australia
My lawns are looking good
They should be
They get mowed everyday
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But still getting up and driving to an office represents normality.

Are all the roadworks still happening?
Would be a great time to be doing works 24/7 if possible.
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I dont think I can conquer the technology to post a visual picture scoop,

But my daughter bought me back a beautifully floral high-country tequila from the DF. Im having a little sip now, and in the mood to paint you a picture.

My grass laying spot is under an old paddock teak. Its on the highest point of my place, a place the lightening knows about it. The teak is a twisted half-tree. when they grew straight and broad, they used to make dance floors from the them. yellow and hard and as springy as ****. it sits alone on a plateau about 20 drop punts long and about 5 wide.

I call it my high country. My top paddock. Up the top. Even though its less than a kilometre from my house, which sits bang in between the high country and the flat below, when you're up there, you cant see a house or a road. It feels like you're alone and you can do what you want. I talk to myself and the black cockatoos up there. sometimes I take a rifle in case I see a dog or a cat, but I mostly see them when I haven't taken a rifle. It feels good to walk around the farm, or lay in the grass with a shooting iron beside you. like a cowboy. when the kids were small, we'd ride up there on a horse and a donkey and a motorbike and take a blanket and a billy and light a fire and watch the sun set a second time.

theres the remnants of another time up there. decaying implements of a tough and simple life make their way downhill like rusty glaciers. old tanks. old pumps. old discs and linkages from plows. The old dairy clover still grows in a patch.

The grass is thick now. knee high. It was dirt and cow **** a few months ago but then it rained. now its thick grass with all sorts of mushrooms pushing through.

From my laying spot, I can look out to the North over some forested hills. some of them burnt in November, some of them didnt. West is another farm over the other side of a valley that runs north-south. to the south, if you look hard, you can see the lights of town at night. but I never seem to look south really. and East is a macadamia orchard on the deep rich soil of the Plateau. I dont look that way much. I dont like macadamia orchards much. they are damp and dark underneath and you cant see out. I like seeing out. into the distance where I see storms and stars and sometimes in the autumn, the most absurdly clear blue sky. sometimes in Autumn, the clouds line up in ripples, like the sand in the shallow water at the beach. yeah Autumn is my favourite time for laying.

some times I dont mean to lay down. I go for a walk or to do a job. and its so quiet and warm and clear, I get kind of hypnotised. I'll start off sitting and thinking and the afternoon sun acts like a sedative and ill lay back and go to sleep. I sometimes wake up with calfs licking my boots. Ive never, ever been woken up by a person.

nobody really goes up the top except me. theres a 200m heart pounding incline, which doesn't really relent, and that puts my family off. and theres too many rocks to ride a motorbike fast. I take a tractor or a ute up there sometimes if I need to do a job, but I like to walk.

It does feel like my office, except no-one ever knocks on the door or walks past and looks in. nobody has ever asked me to do pointless, useless **** up there. I cant hear anybody, or rarely anything. I feel like can do whatever I want up there. you'de like it.

I'll tell you about the creek flats down below, some other time.

Magnificent. I’ll think of that spot when things get tough. It’s both our spot now.

Seeing the Army and the police at airports gives me strength, we are taking this serious.

Everyone remember, things will get better. Focus on the now, get through today. Winston said it best,

It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.
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DIY Back, sack & crack. Video it and it'll become a viral sensation.
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Magnificent. I’ll think of that spot when things get tough. It’s both our spot now.

Seeing the Army and the police at airports gives me strength, we are taking this serious.

Everyone remember, things will get better. Focus on the now, get through today. Winston said it best,

It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.

Day 10 of isolation and I am officially stir crazy.

Sick of eating, sick of watching TV, can't find any jobs to do in the garden.

Only thing left is to have a drinking session. :mhihi
Well at least you can set your own pace without getting harassed to hurry n keep up.
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I'm working full time at the office (essential service provider).

Very depressing to see so many adjacent buildings and restaurants/cafes closed.
Melbourne is especially vibrant and exciting during March and April, so its quite eerie to see it largely deserted.
We are slowly fattening the curve and have entered the mitigation phase. I can't wait for this mess to be over!!!
If anyone I met overseas asked about coming to Melb I always sai Marcg April are ideal.... No coincidence that period coincides with the start of the footy too.
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Thanks to Foxtel, who have given free viewing on all but movies we are now into Game of Thrones.

Wow!! This is full on nudity, sex and violence, but even the wife is enjoying it so far. Only watched two episodes to date and downloaded the rest of series 1.

Like Macho man said, sick of gardening...all done and neat...but still enjoy a bit of tucker and the odd drop of what keeps the cold out. Thanks Johnny Walker.

Once again stay well you lot.
Just convincing the the wife that The Sopranos needs another run in the house.
Couldn’t get GoT. Bored me stupid, gave it 3 episodes.
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Only thing left is to have a drinking session. :mhihi

I've banned alcohol due to the fear of putting on weight. I have given myself a 5pm-11pm window on Saturday night to let my hair down. but all other times are strictly alcohol free. It’s a shame coz my beer fridge is fully stocked. But I need to be disciplined as I put on weight so easily.

I've also ordered some gym equipment online (the stores are empty), but I have to wait a month for them to re-stock. in the meantime, I am doing some walking and trying to watch my diet.

P.S. if anyone has a 110cm aerobic stepper they're willing to sell at a fair price, inbox me.
I've banned alcohol due to the fear of putting on weight. I have given myself a 5pm-11pm window on Saturday night to let my hair down. but all other times are strictly alcohol free. It’s a shame coz my beer fridge is fully stocked. But I need to be disciplined as I put on weight so easily.

I've also ordered some gym equipment online (the stores are empty), but I have to wait a month for them to re-stock. in the meantime, I am doing some walking and trying to watch my diet.

P.S. if anyone has a 110cm aerobic stepper they're willing to sell at a fair price, inbox me.

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If anyone has a laden lemon tree and your limes aren't quite on

ive developed a lemon margarita, which changes the world in half an hour,

and forms part of our families daily routine (6pm is happy hour)

250ml lemon juice
120 ml tequila
120ml triple sec

shake vigorously with a dozen ice cubes until ice cubes magically vanish.

serve in your fanciest glasses with the rim lined with lemon and salt

serves 3-4, depending how much change you want to see in the world
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