Goal Review Technology - Farce or not? | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Goal Review Technology - Farce or not?

What's your opinion on the AFL's goal review technology?

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Tony Braxton-Hicks said:
The simplest solution is to use umpires with nads.

Today's umps are so sh!tscared of making a wrong decision that they defer upstairs needlessly, only for it to come back as inconclusive as the technology is next to useless.

Take this crutch away from them and back them or sack them.

Funny, out of all the umpires i thought being a goal umpire was the easiest job.
Ball go through middle sticks, goal.

Seems easy.
se7en said:
Funny, out of all the umpires i thought being a goal umpire was the easiest job.
Ball go through middle sticks, goal.

Seems easy.

Generally it is except for when there's a group of players, it's frantic with arms and legs everywhere and suddenly the ball flis through for a score and you can't tell who kicked it.
tigertim said:
Generally it is except for when there's a group of players, it's frantic with arms and legs everywhere and suddenly the ball flis through for a score and you can't tell who kicked it.

I see.
Maybe we should have some sort of review system setup to fix this. ;)
Baloo said:
Or a goal umpire at each of the goal posts. Saves on technology costs, gives you a lot more coverage.

Goal umpires have become indecisive, dithering fools.
Cant make a decision if their life depended on it as theyre too afraid if they get it wrong with the Video review.
I have it! Irish football has proved you can adapt Hawk-eye to goal posts. Now you add Google Glass. So the goal ump sees the hawk-eye live or as close to live as hawk-eye can get. Cool huh?
I still argue that there are that many mistakes by field umpires that lead up to goals being scored that makes goal line technology redundant.
If we had the technology to scrutinise field umpire mistakes then it might be worthwhile but unfortunately there are a lot more mistakes made in a game by them than goal umpires which makes the focus on just the goals kind of silly.
If you're going to allow human error by field & boundary umpires then it should be the same for goal umpires too.
Besides the tech is still considerably flawed even after all these years.
Ditch it already.
Tigers of Old said:
Ditch it already.

agreed. Its opening up a whole can of pandoras. The odd blue, who cares? (obviously if it cost us a flag I'd care, but what are the chances?, I'm willing to take that chance to keep the game less dumb). Agree 100% that dodgey frees paid in the fwd line have a much bigger impact.

also, that goal Rocca reckoned he kicked in the GF against Brisbane he's still whinging about, the bending goal from 55? It was a point. He was 60 metres away and the ball was bending, WTF does he know?
Not perfect but reduces the number of mistakes overall - can't see the problem with it. Can't use it on field umpires as all decisions are interpretive and are rarely clear cut.
Tigers of Old said:
I still argue that there are that many mistakes by field umpires that lead up to goals being scored that makes goal line technology redundant.
If we had the technology to scrutinise field umpire mistakes then it might be worthwhile but unfortunately there are a lot more mistakes made in a game by them than goal umpires which makes the focus on just the goals kind of silly.
If you're going to allow human error by field & boundary umpires then it should be the same for goal umpires too.
Besides the tech is still considerably flawed even after all these years.
Ditch it already.

It was a tongue in cheek suggestion ToO, mostly. But on field umpiring, what can be done? I don't like the paying of frees by an ump 120m away to be honest but could they change their positioning? Say have the nearest non-controlling ump try to always get to a position 180deg opposed to the controlling ump? I think it would eliminate those decisions that are clearly a "guess". They're the ones that grind my gears, when you know the ump couldn't actually see the ball or the players arms but pays what he "thinks" happened.
jb03 said:
Not perfect but reduces the number of mistakes overall - can't see the problem with it. Can't use it on field umpires as all decisions are interpretive and are rarely clear cut.

A lot of decisions using the goal technology aren't so obvious either.
I'm sure if we used video technology on field umpiring decisions then it would be a quite different result. Of course it's time prohibitive to do that so they don't despite some howling errors that lead to goals.
My big pet hate with the goal technology is seeing with a kick at goal if the ball has been touched or not, either in the field of play or on the line. Usually they have no idea!!
Goal umps - can they be paid off? If there was anyone able to control the destiny of a game it's a goal ump. Anything that lessens the likelihood of match fixing gets my vote.

But then again.......some of the goal reviews to date have been pretty dodgy and they've got away with it. Does anyone check their bank accounts. OK, I've got it - we need a review of the reviewer - preferably from a separate bunker - using heat cam, pheromone detection and eye movement analysis technology.
Tigers of Old said:
A lot of decisions using the goal technology aren't so obvious either.
I'm sure if we used video technology on field umpiring decisions then it would be a quite different result. Of course it's time prohibitive to do that so they don't despite some howling errors that lead to goals.
My big pet hate with the goal technology is seeing with a kick at goal if the ball has been touched or not, either in the field of play or on the line. Usually they have no idea!!

Yup. Completely disagreed with using this tech to judge "touched" from the start. That has to be umps call. The tech is only for whether the ball went the right side of the sticks. That's it.
Tigers of Old said:
A lot of decisions using the goal technology aren't so obvious either.
I'm sure if we used video technology on field umpiring decisions then it would be a quite different result. Of course it's time prohibitive to do that so they don't despite some howling errors that lead to goals.
My big pet hate with the goal technology is seeing with a kick at goal if the ball has been touched or not, either in the field of play or on the line. Usually they have no idea!!

Agree generally with that but if the GT reduced the errors be even 1 for a season then surely it is a plus?
tigersnake said:
agreed. Its opening up a whole can of pandoras. The odd blue, who cares? (obviously if it cost us a flag I'd care, but what are the chances?, I'm willing to take that chance to keep the game less dumb).

TS have you forgotten who you barrack for.

If it was changed, the probability that it would cost us a flag would be pretty hi. ;D
jb03 said:
Agree generally with that but if the GT reduced the errors be even 1 for a season then surely it is a plus?
Not for the time it wastes in a game that's already arguably too long. Too often they go through these incidents frame by frame and find nothing. It just slows the entire game down. A game that's already riddled with human error.
Just stop replaying goals in slow motion at the ground and get on with it warts and all.
Needs to be at every ground, with standardised camera angles.
Can't see the point if some grounds have it and others don't or don't have the same camera's to judge with.