Tony Abbott joins The 7.30 Report
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 02/02/2010
Reporter: Kerry O'Brien
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott speaks with Kerry O'Brien live from Canberra.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Coalition leader Tony Abbott joins me now from our Parliament House studio in Canberra.
Why isn't your new climate change policy a message to Australia's big polluters under an Abbott Government taxpayers will pay you to reduce your carbon pollution, you don't have to cop pain yourself.
TONY ABBOTT, OPPOSITION LEADER: Well, under Mr Rudd's scheme taxpayers will pay because they are consumers, they'll pay a lot more, $120 billion over 10 years as opposed to $10 billion under our scheme.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Mr Abbott, you know that is not true because you have the tables that everyone is privy to that the Government released that shows that in 91 per cent of Australian households there'll be a net gain to the households by what the Government compensates them for for what they lost in increased prices.
TONY ABBOTT: I am not sure the Government has been quite as upfront and honest with publishing all its modelling as you suggest.
KERRY O’BRIEN: But equally, Mr Abbott, is it honest of you to say baldly, as you just did, that this entire cost of $100 billion plus, will actually come out of taxpayers’ pockets. Consumers pockets, is that correct?
TONY ABBOTT: But it's a giant money-go-round, it's a giant drag on the economy. Which we don't need. Because this funds a whole lot of middle men and traders, in a way that my scheme, the Coalition's proposal doesn't.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Is it honest of you to say that consumers and taxpayers will pay $110 billion, or whatever figure you use, is that honest?
TONY ABBOTT: Because of the, of the volume of trades, the accumulative value of all this, on the Government's own figures, is close to $120 billion.
KERRY O’BRIEN: The total churn, as you put it, does not mean that individuals will foot that bill, does it.
TONY ABBOTT: Yes, but this is the drag factor on our economy. If what you want to do is to get emissions reduction, I think we can do it through $10 billion worth of direct emissions purchases, rather than this vastly more complex system of which the Prime Minister still can't really explain, that's going to involve a money-go-round more than 10 times as large.
KERRY O’BRIEN: You call it a money-go-round; I'll come back to the question for the last time. Is it really honest of you to paint that as a $110 billion tax that would be paid for by consumers, if it is, how do you justify it?
TONY ABBOTT: These are the Government's own figures, I can do no better than run on the Government's own figures.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Their figures show they are compensating households for the painful?
TONY ABBOTT: You have to pay it before you can be compensated, and I think one of the fears that people have, and I think it's a justifiable fear, is that the costs will stay but the compensation will gradually be eroded, particularly when you have people like Ken Henry out there saying taxes will have to go up because Government spending is unsustainable.
KERRY O’BRIEN: What, in your policy, would persuade polluting electricity generators not to build new coal fired power stations?
TONY ABBOTT: Well, if their emissions intensity went up beyond its current levels, they would face a penalty. And, of course, they do have the capacity to apply to our emissions reduction fund for money to sustain carbon emission reductions.
KERRY O’BRIEN: But there is nothing in your plan that acts as a serious disincentive for them not to keep building more polluting electricity generators.
TONY ABBOTT: Well, they can't increase their emissions intensity, because if they increase their emissions intensity, they'll face penalties, and we'll work with the sector to finalise the design of the penalties, but nevertheless they'll face penalties if they increase their emissions intensity.
KERRY O’BRIEN: But they don't face penalties, if they continue to pollute at the same level.
TONY ABBOTT: Businesses as usual, look about business as usual is not going to cost them more, because we don't want to put their prices up. Look, these so called nasty big polluters are the people that keep the lights on. I mean, let's not forget how essential these people are to the business of daily life.
KERRY O’BRIEN: They do keep the lights on, but they do pollute.
TONY ABBOTT: They put out carbon.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Yes. In the Parliament today you don't think putting out carbon is any form of pollution in the context of climate change.
TONY ABBOTT: I want to reduce emission, that's why I'm proposing to spend $10 billion over the next decade to do that.
But I think we have got to accept that carbon dioxide is an essential trace gas as well.
KERRY O’BRIEN: By the same token, are you really saying that you are doing this because politically you are forced to, or are you doing it because you believe that the level of carbon dioxide emissions in the globe are a serious contribution to climate change.
TONY ABBOTT: Look, I want to do the right thing by the environment. And I think there's enough evidence that carbon dioxide might be a problem, to try to reduce emissions. I tell you what else we are doing here; we are buying objective environmental improvements. We are getting, we hope, a million extra solar roofs, we are getting 20 million more trees, and the sorts of things that we'll be funding, under our emissions reduction fund, are the sorts of things that are objective goods, such as higher soil carbon content, which will have more productive farmland, trying to use carbon dioxide and other waste from power stations to produce things that can then be made into biodiesel and stockfeed. We are trying to do objectively good environmental benefits with this policy.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Mr Abbott, you are using terminology like there's evidence evidence that carbon dioxide might be a problem. When you put that alongside what you told that audience in regional Victoria in October last year,
"The climate change argument is absolute crap, however the politics are tough for us because 80 per cent of people believe climate change is a real and present danger". In other words, the only conclusion you draw from that is that you are saying, "We have to have a climate change policy because the people believe it's a danger, but I believe it's crap".
TONY ABBOTT: Well no, and as I said before, there was a little bit of rhetorical hyperbole in there which does not represent my considered position, I am not as evangelical about this as Prime Minister Rudd is. I am not theological about this the way Prime Minister Rudd is, but I do think it's important. And that is why I'm prepared to invest $10 billion over the coming decade to bring about things which will be good regardless, good for the environment, regardless of your views on the role of carbon dioxide in climate.
KERRY O’BRIEN: So when you say a bit of rhetorical hyperbole in that conversation with that audience you say you adjust the message to whatever audience you are playing to, if that's the case, how do we know you haven't adjusted your message for this audience?
TONY ABBOTT: Casually all of us are loose with our language, that was an occasion when I said what I shouldn't have said. It didn't represent my correct position.
KERRY O’BRIEN: There's nothing loose about the meaning of a term, nothing loose about the meaning of a term that says "absolute crap".
TONY ABBOTT: And I think what you'll find, if you go back to the comments, is that it was the so called settled science of climate change, that I thought was to be described in language that I wouldn't use on a family program.
KERRY O’BRIEN: In the Parliament today you described the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme as a giant emissions trading scam. If so, if it is a giant scam, then it's a giant scam originally introduced by the Howard Government with you in his cabinet, and until two months ago, it was supported, a giant scam supported by the then Liberal Leader and the vast bulk of the Shadow Cabinet including the man who stood beside you as an environmental spokesman endorsing this plan. Why did John Howard, Peter Costello, and Malcolm Turnbull in Government and more recently the Liberal Shadow Cabinet support an emissions trading scam?
TONY ABBOTT: I think the world has moved on, particularly since Copenhagen. The world has moved on. The only person who hasn't moved on is Kevin Rudd. And you know, with his Emissions Trading Scheme, Kevin Rudd is now in a terrible bind. He can't drop it, and yet he can't deliver it. Kevin Rudd has no Plan B. If his scheme can't pass the Senate, and it won't pass the Senate. I have the Coalition has a clear and effective climate action plan, Kevin Rudd doesn't.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Malcolm Turnbull still is not convinced, he told the partyroom that your plan is not credible, and your plan, for instance, your plan to...
TONY ABBOTT: I think he said, he was talking about the long term.
KERRY O’BRIEN: In the short-term it's credible.
TONY ABBOTT: I mean we are trying to deliver and we can deliver clearly on what was produced today, we are trying to meet our commitment and the Government's commitment of a five per cent cut in emissions by 2020, and we can do that.
KERRY O’BRIEN: You plan to sequester carbon in Australian soils, your plan. It may reduce our carbon emission, but it's not recognised by the Kyoto treaty. How will you make up cuts in emission if the global community don't recognise it, will taxpayers fund that too.
TONY ABBOTT: If it is a reduction in emissions, that's what matters. Not what Kyoto says.
KERRY O’BRIEN: You'll go on your own recipe on how to measure the targets, not a global measures.
TONY ABBOTT: Let me finish. Under the proposed Waxman Markey Bill in the United States, it is recognised, and I'm confident that if we are going to get global progress here, it will have to be recognised.
KERRY O’BRIEN: You are making a virtue of 20 million trees over the next decade, if we accept that's a saving of carbon emission, any extra tree planted is a virtue, but the Hawke Government, to put it in context, the Hawke Government initiative, back in '89 or whenever it was saw eventually 400 million trees planted. You would plant 40 times fewer, and sell that as a significant virtue, I wonder is it really that great?
TONY ABBOTT: I am not saying that's the whole of our policy, it's just an aspect of our policy, I am not saying that that is at the heart of our carbon dioxide emission reductions aspect of the policy, but it's worth doing, because more trees, more urban forests, more green corridors make for more liveable suburbs, more liveable towns, and I think it's worth doing.
KERRY O’BRIEN: Mr Abbott, we look forward to the debate that's going to follow over the course of year, thanks for joining us tonight.
TONY ABBOTT: Thank you, Kerry.
The mind boggles.