But not acknowledging him as another utterly incompetent, destructive (bombing of Cambodia that enabled the Khmer Rouge rise to power) unscrupulous (Watergate), ego maniacal, right wing politician - Trump-like (if he got a 2nd term especially - see Capitol Insurrection attempt to overthrow legitimately-elected democratic government of USA).Just in his denials of impropriety. We may yet hear a version of "I'm not a crook".
Quite simply you have been clutching at straws on the whole Covid/political threads/Dan Andrews for a long, long time. So you conveniently fail to see Nixon as one of your own. Dan Andrews is incomparable with this monster of history but you throw this in ... what selectively? How convenient and shallow.
I just find it pathetic and desperate. Puzzles me how someone who seems very clever and astute e.g. in footy postings, maths/stats capacity, can flounder so badly in these crucial areas of values. I refrain from speculating but, have to say, you have absolutely no chance of altering my mind.
That's why I only come for an occasional glance at what is going on in same. Waste of time mostly.
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