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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Was reading an article in this mornings Hun n some ex copper was banging on about using water cannons n tear gas etc on the protesters. There was mention made of some charter of human rights that affects all of the decisions n actions that the Plod can take when dealing with the unruly heaving unwashed. Got me a feeling that any such charter would amount to about 20,000 pages of convoluted legal gibberish that can never be unpicked by anyone with half an ounce of logical sanity.
ex coppers .... when they retired they had cleaned up all crime and its all gone downhill since.
Yes. They represent fairly specific causes and would've continued their work regardless. It's just my opinion that these choices are a bit of a downer, but perhaps that was the intention.

Every AOTY awardee would have continued their work regardless so this assertion is nonsensical. It's pretty clear why you fixate on these winners in particular, and conflate them with anti-vax CMFEU protesters and neo-nazis.
Every AOTY awardee would have continued their work regardless so this assertion is nonsensical. It's pretty clear why you fixate on these winners in particular, and conflate them with anti-vax CMFEU protesters and neo-nazis.
Eh, I didn’t conflate them. Just used a line about victimhood being trendy as an intro. Once upon a time the disabled were the victims but now lots of others are getting in on the act. It was an aside; try not to fixate on one line.
[The aged care inclusion shows that despite what some think that sector isn't exclusively "run" by the federal government. Aged care centres aren't Commonwealth territory like Jervis Bay]
Employees will still be subject to any state labour laws that may be applicable as would employers be subject to any applicable state laws. They would be subject to the directions of the CHO the same as any other employer.

The commonwealth issues licenses for aged care facilities and provides operating agreements under which funding is provided to those holding the license, whether they be private or public operators.
Was reading an article in this mornings Hun n some ex copper was banging on about using water cannons n tear gas etc on the protesters. There was mention made of some charter of human rights that affects all of the decisions n actions that the Plod can take when dealing with the unruly heaving unwashed. Got me a feeling that any such charter would amount to about 20,000 pages of convoluted legal gibberish that can never be unpicked by anyone with half an ounce of logical sanity.

Haha was about to mention that there was probably something in the UN charter of human rights, but you beat me to it.
Eh, I didn’t conflate them. Just used a line about victimhood being trendy as an intro. Once upon a time the disabled were the victims but now lots of others are getting in on the act. It was an aside; try not to fixate on one line

Here's another clue for you - the disabled don't like being labelled "victims" either, by and large. But you are right - I should just ignore the personal political takes that you awkwardly force onto this discussion.

If I need a good laugh I can always fall back on "vaccination is a low priority".
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Here's another clue for you - the disabled don't like being labelled "victims" either, by and large. But you are right - I should just ignore the personal political takes that you awkwardly force onto this discussion.
Left-wing politics creates victims. They are its lifeblood.

If I need a good laugh I can always fall back on "vaccination is a low priority".
That changed the minute NSW and Victoria abandoned efforts to eliminate it. The situation is running out of control, even if you don’t see it.
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That changed the minute NSW and Victoria abandoned efforts to eliminate it. The situation is running out of control, even if you don’t see it.

Truth is it was always a priority - and it was always a possibility that we would lose control through social distancing alone. I could see that six months ago, even if you couldn't.

Give it up mate, you backed the wrong horse.
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Don't think it's as clear-cut as cowardice. Government-ordered vaccination isn't happening anywhere else in the world and would possibly breach some sort of law.

I do agree these are special circumstances that perhaps warrant further discussion, but there would be many opponents. You'd hope the overwhelming majority would consent to get vaccinated out of sheer self-preservation, but 100% consensus is rarely achievable.

Maybe 000's of deaths is what it takes to get everyone on the same page.
I was just sent this link.

Appears (mentioned) that there are court cases challenging state laws of mandatory vaccines but also the ability of an app using your medical info. Plus not being allowed to shop(consumer) based on your medical grounds.

He doesnt state exact court hearings.

Also read QLD police mandating vax or suspended indefinitely without pay.

Going to be interesting how its played out.

Key point if State law is not in line with Federal law, Fed law takes prevelance
I was just sent this link.

Appears (mentioned) that there are court cases challenging state laws of mandatory vaccines but also the ability of an app using your medical info. Plus not being allowed to shop(consumer) based on your medical grounds.

He doesnt state exact court hearings.

Also read QLD police mandating vax or suspended indefinitely without pay.

Going to be interesting how its played out.

Key point if State law is not in line with Federal law, Fed law takes prevelance

One man on the internet saying something doesn't make it true, or real, or based in any fact or logic.

This is just so typical of what how people fall for the whole ant-vax *smile*. This bloke talking is who? Does what? Trained where? Works as? Scholar of what?

No, just some bloke droning way on YouTube accompanied by a tribe of Anti-Vaxxers in the comments claiming the big truth will come out soon.

The key point is that if here was anything to his claims, Craig Kelly would be taking every state government and employer that are requiring vaccines to work to court. That sort of press and attention is what Kelly has wet dreams over.

FFS that rabbit hole must be crowded.
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Agree on the right to protest, but this BS is not on.

Drawing a parallel between very deserving Australians of The Year and these self-entitled morons is pretty disgusting. I'm guessing you are referring to people like Grace Tame, Rosie Batty and (perhaps) Adam Goodes - it would fit your anti-women and anti-indigenous agenda.

These people received awards for their advocacy and other works for society, not because they were victims. I'd imagine they'd strongly objected to being labelled as "victims", and certainly claiming they received their AOTY awards because they are "victims" is a disgusting statement. You should withdraw it.
Yeh, I can't think of AOTY that's the type of false victim I'm talking about.
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One man on the internet saying something doesn't make it true, or real, or based in any fact or logic.

This is just so typical of what how people fall for the whole ant-vax *smile*. This bloke talking is who? Does what? Trained where? Works as? Scholar of what?

No, just some bloke droning way on YouTube accompanied by a tribe of Anti-Vaxxers in the comments claiming the big truth will come out soon.

The key point is that if here was anything to his claims, Craig Kelly would be taking every state government and employer that are requiring vaccines to work to court. That sort of press and attention is what Kelly has wet dreams over.

FFS that rabbit hole must be crowded.
Yeh, you'll find whatever you want on the net if you keep looking.

"I was just sent this link" would suggest Al is on the lookout for a good conspiracy theory.
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One man on the internet saying something doesn't make it true, or real, or based in any fact or logic.

This is just so typical of what how people fall for the whole ant-vax *smile*. This bloke talking is who? Does what? Trained where? Works as? Scholar of what?

No, just some bloke droning way on YouTube accompanied by a tribe of Anti-Vaxxers in the comments claiming the big truth will come out soon.

The key point is that if here was anything to his claims, Craig Kelly would be taking every state government and employer that are requiring vaccines to work to court. That sort of press and attention is what Kelly has wet dreams over.

FFS that rabbit hole must be crowded.
Regardless of who he is or how much of a smug smart arse he appeared to be. He did roll out a bunch of specific points regarding the laws that should be easy enough for anyone to read up n verify.
90% of people will more than likely just roll along with whatever some politician or their entrenched toadies demand. Fun begins when the other 10% start to arc up n push back.
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