Sadly for the nation, the Morrison Government is lurching hysterically from bullying one state to the next as its mad border opening plan is torn apart by the federation, eaten by the virus and shat out by an increasingly angry polity. Summarising the disarray makes the point:
- VIC’s virus suppression is in danger of wiping the state from the map.
- NSW is battling on with suppression but is on a knife’s edge permanently.
- VIC will succeed with its Stage 4 lockdown, leading to the complete isolation of NSW with the virus so it will have to shut.
- WA, QLD, SA and TAS are rightly sealed shut, enjoying life and loving their leaders.
- The credibility of testing and tracing is seriously challenged and faith in quarantine is gone.
And we’re supposed to be crashing off fiscal support, getting nothing more from the RBA, unleashing loan defaults and opening the international borders, all in the next few months. This is fantasy.
The states are crumbling towards virus elimination by default while the Morrison Government chases its own suppression tail, making it more difficult. It should back elimination NOW. And fully fund it federally.
With determined leadership, we can all be virus free by November at the price of a little more federal debt that is utterly irrelevant and monetised by the RBA anyway.
Then the fortress economy can grow.