Coronavirus grand final. | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Coronavirus grand final.

Have to assume organisers are worried about litigation. Insurers may cite pandemic clauses and not cover them either.

It's hard to say how you'd prove if it was the MCG or the train that gave you covid-19, but it looks like the lawyers are advising some intense sneezehole covering.
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Normal seasonal flu kills about 200,000 people a year n barely anyone notices.
Spanish flu, world was a completely different place a hundred years ago, medicines, sanitation, diet were all pretty basic back then. Plus the population had just come off five years of WW1, so there were massive health issues for most of the population back then.
By comparison the Coroner virus would need to wipe out about 2 billion people to have the same impact as the Spanish flu did.
Coronavirus is kinda new, I guess.
Hasnt infected as many as the flu. yet.
How about we humans let it wash around for a few winters and see if it sticks? Maybe it catches on and becomes a regular visiter.
Each year people might catch a cold, flu or corona.
With the stats showing a fatality rate of 2 (average estimate although 6 was a suggested worst case) it would be 20 times worse than seasonal flu.
Might be a reason that countries are trying to stop it now, even if there are only 4000 deaths
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I’m hearing a 17 round season starting late in definitely on the cards ......
Let’s see because there are plenty of rumours around
I’m hearing a 17 round season starting late in definitely on the cards ......
Let’s see because there are plenty of rumours around

You mean it takes a pandemic to get an equitable season out of the AFL?
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I’m hearing a 17 round season starting late in definitely on the cards ......
Let’s see because there are plenty of rumours around

How many games do we get at the MCG?

I'm sure there will be some melts over it
I’m hearing a 17 round season starting late in definitely on the cards ......
Let’s see because there are plenty of rumours around

Sounds optimistic to me. Unlikely that no players will catch it in the next five weeks. It might be practical if the borders were immediately closed, everything shut down for a month and everyone with symptoms tested in order to starve the virus out. But that ain't happening.
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May is likely to be the peak of it. We are in unchartered waters.

Yep I see a real problem leading into the winter months where the virus is bound to be even more virulent. If the season start is postponed I can't see there being any semblance of a proper season this year. May as well give all the players the virus now, give them weeks to recover and then start the season (hoping you can't catch it twice).
The last pandemic WHO called was for H1N1 also known as Swine Flu, it killed 575,000 people before they reined it in. I remember a few saying the sky was falling, but nothing like what’s been whipped up for this.

H1N1 was quite different. It was quite similar to previous incarnations and they estimate 30% of older people already had immunity to it (thus why it didn't kill as many older people as normally a new virus would). Not a lot known about this one, including its origins, so understandably a bit of panic. This is actually the first pandemic in 10 years since H1N1 and before that it was 1968 Hing Kong flu, so this really is not a common occurrence. Until they learn more about it, strict prevention measures are very important.
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May is likely to be the peak of it. We are in unchartered waters.

May well be the case, but the delay gives them the chance to determine what further measures could take which could result in the full season being cancelled. Doing this gives them time in the chance that the virus can be contained in Australia.
If we have a 17-game season I wonder if they will re-jig the fixture so everyone plays everyone else once, or will they just cancel the first five games and keep what's left. Knowing the AFL they'll want to maximise blockbusters and local derbies, especially to recoup as much income as possible, so it's likely some teams won't play each other at all.
I'm still planning on being there next Thursday (if they'll let us) but it looks like they'll either play games in empty stadiums (until it's deemed safe) or sadly cancel the season.

Forecast is for the peak of this virus in Australia to be May - August so I can't see how delaying the season and maybe shortening it by a few weeks will do very much.

The issue is that the majority of the population will eventually be exposed. Half won't know they've caught it, about half will have mild symptoms and get over it, and sadly, a small percentage will get it bad and die.

If you're over 80 and/or have an existing condition you are high risk. If you're in a nursing home you are high risk. The rest of the population will be fine.

Sounds like they are maybe a year away from a vaccine so steps being taken are to slow the spread.

Super fit young men have minuscule risk but I'm sure if they asked the Players Association their diver president would say call it all off.
If we have a 17-game season I wonder if they will re-jig the fixture so everyone plays everyone else once, or will they just cancel the first five games and keep what's left. Knowing the AFL they'll want to maximise blockbusters and local derbies, especially to recoup as much income as possible, so it's likely some teams won't play each other at all.
Surely not. Personally would prefer a 17 game season anyway
Surely not. Personally would prefer a 17 game season anyway
That will never happen, aside from the current kind of extraordinary circumstance. Just too much money riding on it, and Gil's gotsta gets his bonuses precious.

Some like Dangerfield campaign for a shorter season but I was interested in Phil Davis' (one of the deeper thinkers) comments that he'd like to see a longer season, reasoning that our season-to-preseason ratio is the worst in the world. Player train for five months for a six-month season. He reckons they'd prefer to play.

I can't see a 34-game season though.
If you're over 80 and/or have an existing condition you are high risk. If you're in a nursing home you are high risk. The rest of the population will be fine.

Not quite right. As of Feb 29th estimated

* 14.8% of 80+ yo's have died
* 8% of 70-79yo's
* 3.6% of 60-69yo's
*1.3% of 50-59yo's
* rest under 0.4%

Risk of dying if having pre-existing condition of cardiovascular disease = 10.5%, if no pre-existing condition around 1%.

Certainly it is bias towards older people with pre-existing conditions (as are all viruses) but certainly not limited to predominantly 80+ yos. There's close to 3mill 55yo-65yo in Australia. A 2% strike rate if all were infected would be 60,000. 4mill over 65, at 10%, that's 400,000. Not saying of course that 100% will get the virus but these are large figures. It needs to be contained.

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