Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Disco08 said:
I don't have kids, but I love my family. I think I love them because of my brain. It's not a conscious decision but it surely isn't coming from my heart. :)

Now, how about answering my question?

John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes unto the father except through me".

Jesus is the only way into heaven.
Panthera tigris FC said:
I don't. I would prefer to live my life to the fullest, with friends and family, while I have one.

Why would you think I was planning to overcome death?

Do your beliefs mean you are going to overcome death? Maybe, but probably not IMO.

If I believe I can fly, unconditionally, and step off a building, will I fly?

The laws of Gravity determine that you would fly for a very short period of time and the fall to the ground.

i believe that as a christian I will overcome Death.

As a Christian, I live life to the Full and with the full assurance that eternal life will be better than this life.
Panthera tigris FC said:
Why is your opinion any more valid than a devout Muslim's?

All religions provide a system of works to achieve salvation.

True faith in Jesus, requires that he did all the work on the cross for our salvation he paid the price of our sin once and for all on the Cross and his innocent sinless blood was shed for our sins. For by grace are you saved through faith it is the gift of God.

We love the muslims, we just do not like their works for salvation program as it can breed self rightcheousness which leads to harshness and even cruelty.

Love thy neighbour as thyself.
tigertime2 said:
We love the muslims, we just do not like their works for salvation program as it can breed self rightcheousness which leads to harshness and even cruelty.

Paedophile Priests?
tigertime2 said:
The laws of Gravity determine that you would fly for a very short period of time and the fall to the ground.

i believe that as a christian I will overcome Death.

As a Christian, I live life to the Full and with the full assurance that eternal life will be better than this life.

Ah...and what is the law that dictates the second and third sentences?
tigertime2 said:
All religions provide a system of works to achieve salvation.

True faith in Jesus, requires that he did all the work on the cross for our salvation he paid the price of our sin once and for all on the Cross and his innocent sinless blood was shed for our sins. For by grace are you saved through faith it is the gift of God.

We love the muslims, we just do not like their works for salvation program as it can breed self rightcheousness which leads to harshness and even cruelty.

Love thy neighbour as thyself.

I could elicit a similar quote from a Muslim (with the appropriate changes in regard to Jesus). What makes your assertions more valid?

Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. - The Prophet Muhammad - Last Sermon
They both Plagarised it from the Greeks anyway

Do not to your neighbor what you would take ill from him." (Pittacus)[1]
"Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing." (Thales)[2]
"What you wish your neighbors to be to you, such be also to them." (Sextus the Pythagorean)[3]
"Do not do to others what would anger you if done to you by others." (Isocrates)[4]
"What thou avoidest suffering thyself seek not to impose on others." (Epictetus)[5]
evo said:
They both Plagarised it from the Greeks anyway

Do not to your neighbor what you would take ill from him." (Pittacus)[1]
"Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing." (Thales)[2]
"What you wish your neighbors to be to you, such be also to them." (Sextus the Pythagorean)[3]
"Do not do to others what would anger you if done to you by others." (Isocrates)[4]
"What thou avoidest suffering thyself seek not to impose on others." (Epictetus)[5]


(I was sticking with the Islam theme) :)

Thales and Epictetus were pretty cool philosophers,particularly Epictetus.

Way better than Paul and crazy John,thats for sure.
Panthera tigris FC said:
Ah...and what is the law that dictates the second and third sentences?

the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom......

Let's put it this way if I am wrong we both have nothing to worry about...but if I am right, were does that leave you?
Panthera tigris FC said:
I could elicit a similar quote from a Muslim (with the appropriate changes in regard to Jesus). What makes your assertions more valid?

Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. - The Prophet Muhammad - Last Sermon

The Ten commandments pre-date all of those.
tigertime2 said:
The Bible clearly states that Forbidding anyone to marry is a doctrine of devils. Timothy 4:1

Convenient. So it's the Bible's fault some Priests abuse kids? Or are Catholics not following the Bible properly by not allowing Prests to marry?
tigertime2 said:
How old did you say the Earth was?

Approximately 4.54 billion years old.

This is based on numerous independent methods. Not just the single method that your website attempts to debunk (incorrectly mind you).

So you are a young earth creationist tigertime2?
tigertime2 said:
the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom......

Let's put it this way if I am wrong we both have nothing to worry about...but if I am right, were does that leave you?

Another baseless platitude.

Pascal's wager eh? We've done that one to death on the Christianity board. So wrong for so many reasons.
Djevv said:
By no means. Christian Apologetics gives us a factual foundation for a reasonable faith. However, if you are asking me whether I think Christian Apologetics is biased, yes I do! But I think if you read work in the area of the New Testament or Old Testament, it's ALL biased. At some point along the line you need to come to a decision about which bias you believe is correct :).

Again you seem to be focusing on the area of scholarship into the Bible as a text. Nice for those interested in the development of the Bible as a work in and of its time, but hardly definitive in terms of one's approach to the question of proof of God.

I see very little that is factual in most of those sites Djevv unfortunately. As for bias, we all have our biases. Professional scientists and researchers put aside bias and try to examine evidence impartially. The sites you present do not do that - in fact the complete opposite. The quality of the "evidence" they put forward is pathetic, put simply.

See the skeptics come to the table with the attitude 'What does this evidence prove?', and can find numerous reasons/excuses for saying 'nothing'. The Christian comes with the POV 'is it reasonable for me to believe in the Biblical Jesus?' And I would say, on the evidence, yes it is!

In the end, the only evidence you have is a book and a personal intuition. Nice for you, but not convincing to anyone with a more rational approach.