Let me get this straight. You (any believer...Djevv, Jay etc.) have a 'feeling' that there is a God. I don't mean to undervalue that 'feeling'...but the basis of your belief was some 'I see the light' moment, which is reinforced by continued reaffirmations (ie. good things are rewards from your benevolent god and bad things are 'tests' or 'god works in mysterious ways' situations? Thus, when you look at the physical evidence around you, you interpret in light of this 'personal knowledge' that is unchanging (short of God himself stating that he doesn't exist
- hat tip to evo). Therein lies the methodological problem...the basis of everything is a subjective (albeit powerful) feeling that a God exists and you try to conform the physical evidence to this
subjective belief. You have a vested interest in proving the existence of your God.
Where is the atheist's vested interest?
I don't think I have ever met a 'committed atheist'. Anyone who has come to such a position has usually done so through analysis of the available evidence, in the absence of the 'hallelujah moment' and has found the evidence sorely lacking. Every atheist I know would happily become a theist if the evidence pointed in that direction.
Can you see the distinction in the two approaches?
Why would anyone want to be atheist as a dogmatic stance?
There are really two different issues that are intertwined on this and the Christianity thread. One is on the existence of a God of any 'flavour'. An all powerful creator. I don't think this can be decided on one way or the other absolutely...it will always come down to faith. I personally don't see a reason for faith, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.
However, much of the discussion on these threads have revolved around Christianity and much of what fundamentalist Christianity and literal interpretations of the Bible lead to. Many of those claims are patently false and have been covered on these threads to a large extent (eg. evolution, Noah's flood, Revelations, miracles etc.). It is these areas where I am happy to point out the flaws in the 'fundy beliefs' and where the extreme methodological errors in the analysis of the data are committed (wherein the conclusion is known before the data is even glanced over).