Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Tiger74 said:
It has come close a couple of times by some, which is why I threw my 5c in.

It is a good point T74. In my rash youth I was a "hard-core" atheist and very derisive of religion and faith. Now I have aged and mellowed I am much more tolerant, I concede science doesn't explain everything, and people are entitled to believe whatever they want.

It's when religious types start insisting that their faith-based beliefs should get equal time in schools vis a vis science (re evolution for example) and then try to use very dodgy science and sophistry to argue this that I start to arc up.
The burden of proof should surely be on the person who says something exists. I don't have to prove that god doesn't exist. That's a ridiculous thing.
Six Pack said:
The burden of proof should surely be on the person who says something exists. I don't have to prove that god doesn't exist. That's a ridiculous thing.

No, but you have to show how your "thing" exists. If that is there is no God, then how and why are we here?

if its a different option, what is it and how does that work?
Tiger74 said:
No, but you have to show how your "thing" exists. If that is there is no God, then how and why are we here?

if its a different option, what is it and how does that work?

it's just a fluke, a coincidence. There's no meaning to it at all. born, live die. That's it.
Point 1: All western religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) are evidence based. You have faith, in part, because of the facts. However, believing that Jesus was crucified and ressurected, is different to believing He is the Son of God. THAT, folks, is what takes faith.

Point 2: Science has little to say about religion/faith. God, it seems is not interested in being in the crosshairs of a microscope. However you can do science and wonder BY FAITH in the order and beauty of the creation.

Point 3: Another take on 'faith' is this: faith is living your beliefs.
Six Pack said:
it's just a fluke, a coincidence. There's no meaning to it at all. born, live die. That's it.

In previous posts havent you alluded to a spiritual kind of earth harmony thing (or am I thinking of someone else)?
Six Pack said:
it's just a fluke, a coincidence. There's no meaning to it at all. born, live die. That's it.

Sounds fair to me.It applies to animals, trees and stars-why not humans.
evo said:
Sounds fair to me.It applies to animals, trees and stars-why not humans.

This is wrong, there is puppy heaven remember (even is Jay is a non-believer!) :hihi
Tiger74 said:
In previous posts havent you alluded to a spiritual kind of earth harmony thing (or am I thinking of someone else)?

I'm not sure what you are getting at here?
Djevv said:
Point 1: All western religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) are evidence based. You have faith, in part, because of the facts. However, believing that Jesus was crucified and ressurected, is different to believing He is the Son of God. THAT, folks, is what takes faith.

Point 2: Science has little to say about religion/faith. God, it seems is not interested in being in the crosshairs of a microscope. However you can do science and wonder BY FAITH in the order and beauty of the creation.

Point 3: Another take on 'faith' is this: faith is living your beliefs.

I would argue that believing Jesus was resurrected takes as much faith as believing he is the Son of God.

You state that there is evidence and faith. The standard of evidence you demand for your religious beliefs is far below what would be accepted in science or in a court of law.
Six Pack said:
I'm not sure what you are getting at here?

No motive here at all.

Your statement is very Athiest like (we is here, we live, we die, we is gone), but I thought I remembered you in the past mentioning something along the lines I referred to (cannot recall details unfortunately). Was just trying to understand if your statement today is indicative of your current beliefs, or just you in a dismissive mood.
Six Pack said:
it's just a fluke, a coincidence. There's no meaning to it at all. born, live die. That's it.

If you think flukes like life 'just happen' please don't go to the casino!

I don't believe in coincidences!

You'd want to be sure there is none, wouldn't you? What study have you done on this matter?

Is your life meaningless? Mines not :D!
what we do with our lives is how we create meaning. but there's nothing beyond that. it's random
Panthera tigris FC said:
I believe the highlighted quote above sums up the level of irrationality that religion can foster. It is no wonder that such absolute irrational belief can lead to the justification of otherwise unconscionable acts (not specifically in your case Jay, but in others that share your zeal).

As for your analogy.....I agree, but nor does belief in something make it real (even if that belief is absolute).

The gravity comment was said slightly tongue in cheek so don't get caught up on that. My point there was that I have no doubt about God's existence lasting forever.

As for your other comment about absolute belief - I agree.
Six Pack said:
what we do with our lives is how we create meaning. but there's nothing beyond that. it's random

But ultimately our entire existence is a construct inside our own heads. If that construct believes that there's something 'supernatural', then that IS reality no matter what anyone else says.
yes, of course people have differing realities. but mine is no god, no afterlife, born, live and then die.
The thing that bewilders me is why we think we should be different from other life forms, animals and plants etc. Why should we get dealt the afterlife card and not them? It's an overinflated perception of who we really are.
Six Pack said:
The thing that bewilders me is why we think we should be different from other life forms, animals and plants etc. Why should we get dealt the afterlife card and not them? It's an overinflated perception of who we really are.

You're quite right, assume there is no God and we are nothing but semi intelligent animals.

Looking at what we have done as a species then I would say a particularly nasty type of vermin at that.

This is one of the core reasons that makes me believe in God.
