Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Six Pack said:
My mother works with the Sudanese people in a country town and she often refers to 'Sudanese time.'

It's a feature of most traditional societies I reckon - the seasons and the general time of day (early/mid/late morning etc) were much more important than the precise time of a clock.
Mum works with the Sudanese doing all sorts of things. English classes, teaching them to drive, taking them to centrelink, to work, to the doctors etc.

She often remarks how she needs to relax a bit and follow 'Sudanese time,' by which she means that punctuality isn't such a big deal. Things seem to get done in their own time, not by strict appointments as such.

Even one of the babies was born in 'Sudanese time.'
A good (if somewhat lengthy) debate between Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith and Rabbi David Wolpe, author of Teaching Your Children About God.

Sam, as usual, provides a calm, clear argument for the abandonment of faith, whereas the Rabbi provides many of the tired old theist arguments.

Worth a viewing if you have 1 3/4 hours to spare.

Every day is a mystery and completely random and meaningless things happen.

The Christians flock to the shopping centres to buy carloads of plastic crap for their friends and relatives.
Six Pack said:
Every day is a mystery and completely random and meaningless things happen.

The Christians flock to the shopping centres to buy carloads of plastic crap for their friends and relatives.

Same for me, but I guess I see meaning in the random & apparently meaningless. And anyway, as we all know, God moves in mysterious ways!

Must admit some bemusement at what Christmas has become, but it is a time of year when many turn their attention toward the message of Christ, so, for me that can only be good.
Six Pack said:
Every day is a mystery and completely random and meaningless things happen.

The Christians flock to the shopping centres to buy carloads of plastic crap for their friends and relatives.

Whilst I don't agree with the undertones of your post (that you believe there is no God), I do agree on one very accurate point that you make here - Christians today, in our country, spend way too much time, money and effort on things that do not matter in the grand scheme of things. I think this is a major challenge for every Christian living in our society today because it is so easy to get caught up in these things. I do try to live with an 'eternal perspective' but must admit that it is very difficult sometimes.
jayfox said:
Whilst I don't agree with the undertones of your post (that you believe there is no God), I do agree on one very accurate point that you make here - Christians today, in our country, spend way too much time, money and effort on things that do not matter in the grand scheme of things. I think this is a major challenge for every Christian living in our society today because it is so easy to get caught up in these things. I do try to live with an 'eternal perspective' but must admit that it is very difficult sometimes.

Why do you limit your challenge to only Christians?
Panthera tigris FC said:
Why do you limit your challenge to only Christians?

I assume the response generically is along the lines of (this is not a Jay specific answer BTW, more for one from the Christian POV):

Because the Athiests of the world live a life of no consequences with their immoral attitudes, daily abortions, drunken orgies, and so on, before they die and face eternal damnation.

As such, who cares how Athiests live, as it will only be phoney, fake, and of no real merit.
Tiger74 said:
I assume the response generically is along the lines of (this is not a Jay specific answer BTW, more for one from the Christian POV):

Because the Athiests of the world live a life of no consequences with their immoral attitudes, daily abortions, drunken orgies, and so on, before they die and face eternal damnation.

As such, who cares how Athiests live, as it will only be phoney, fake, and of no real merit.

Ah yes, the trinity of atheist sacraments! :hihi
jayfox said:
The prophecy stats that "in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised?".

Now you are a scoffer. You cannot deny that.

I firmly believe that we are in the "last days". To clarify, there are numerous prophecies about the Last Days in the Bible and today's world fulfills all of them. The final events of the Last Days include the rapture of believers, a 7 year tribultion (a time of suffering like the world has never known), the arrival of the Antichrist and finishing with Jesus' Second Coming and defeat of Satan. I will expand on these events soon.

Lately you have also been stating the date and saying "still no sign of Gods", which is basically the same thing as saying "Where is this 'coming' he promised?'

So Cass, whether you like it or not, you are fulfilling prophecy by your actions.

Finally, if my posts annoy you and you find me "rude" I suggest that you either leave this thread or ignore my posts on it just as I have done to several posts from your many aliases in the past.

JF, is our next flag in the prophecies? Will armageddon occur before or after next year's superdraft? Will Tiger members be spared God's wrath? How many of our duds will be culled? Is Deledio safe? Is Greg Miller the messiah? Will the AFL season continue during the tribulation? Will there be blood sacrifices pre-game or at half time?
ToraToraTora said:
JF, is our next flag in the prophecies? Will armageddon occur before or after next year's superdraft? Will Tiger members be spared God's wrath? How many of our duds will be culled? Is Deledio safe? Is Greg Miller the messiah? Will the AFL season continue during the tribulation? Will there be blood sacrifices pre-game or at half time?

is our next flag in the prophecies?
No, even God has no idea when this drought will end.

Will armageddon occur before or after next year's superdraft?
After, the schedule was revised to not conflict with Channel 7's broadcast of the Beijing Games, as Bruce has a pact with the devil.

Will Tiger members be spared God's wrath?
No. The meek shall inherit the Earth, not drunken, vengeful, spiteful, angry peoples who still have a chip on their shoulders about 1982.

How many of our duds will be culled?
Last estimate was 3-4 billion, give or take a few hundred million.

Is Deledio safe?
Yes, he has shown enough that Jesus will pick him up in the Rookie Draft prior to the end of days.

Is Greg Miller the messiah?
No, even God makes mistakes, and Miller was one.

Will the AFL season continue during the tribulation?
Of course, Demetriou would allow a break for the Origin game, do you seriously expect him to thrown a extra one in for this??

Will there be blood sacrifices pre-game or at half time?
Half time, what do you think the little league games are for?
Tiger74 said:
I assume the response generically is along the lines of (this is not a Jay specific answer BTW, more for one from the Christian POV):

Because the Athiests of the world live a life of no consequences with their immoral attitudes, daily abortions, drunken orgies, and so on, before they die and face eternal damnation.

As such, who cares how Athiests live, as it will only be phoney, fake, and of no real merit.

lol. last count there were over 2 million australian atheists. Hardly an inconsequential amount. And who the hell is having an abortion daily?
Six Pack said:
lol. last count there were over 2 million australian atheists. Hardly an inconsequential amount. And who the hell is having an abortion daily?

I notice you didn't reject immoral attitudes or drunken orgies ;D
Six Pack said:
one thing at a time mate!

We should be careful discussing stats for these three though.

Tara Reid is in the country, so that could skew the data. :rofl
Christians don't mind participating in drunken orgies from my limited experience. Then the micks go and confess it all and get absolution, then they go and do it again.