Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


It was all very impressive until verse 34.

The priest he was talking to in this verse must have been disappointed on his deathbed too.

Matthew 26:64 Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven
Quite a good talk by Dennet.Scroll past the first 10 minutes of weird gushing and backslapping.

Interesting thoughts on 'belief in beliefs'
Sam Harris at the same lecture.Some of his best work.

(Pantera,he speaks a bit about spiritualism and replies to the heat he got about it you were refering to earlier)
Disco08 said:

Matthew 24:

No matter which way you read this Jesus is prophecising the end of the current heaven and earth in his muse's lifetime.

That's actually not true. You have to understand the meaning of the words used in His prophecy here to gain the true meaning. I can explain it to you tomorrow when I have more time.
Six Pack said:
i arent being forced into believing yr claptrap, but u are using me as part of the prophecy and i resent that. U are the rude one. leave me out of yr mumbo jumbo.

i am not part of a prophecy. That's rubbish. this is like nostradamus and all that tabloid tv rubbish.

The prophecy stats that "in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised?".

Now you are a scoffer. You cannot deny that.

I firmly believe that we are in the "last days". To clarify, there are numerous prophecies about the Last Days in the Bible and today's world fulfills all of them. The final events of the Last Days include the rapture of believers, a 7 year tribultion (a time of suffering like the world has never known), the arrival of the Antichrist and finishing with Jesus' Second Coming and defeat of Satan. I will expand on these events soon.

Lately you have also been stating the date and saying "still no sign of Gods", which is basically the same thing as saying "Where is this 'coming' he promised?'

So Cass, whether you like it or not, you are fulfilling prophecy by your actions.

Finally, if my posts annoy you and you find me "rude" I suggest that you either leave this thread or ignore my posts on it just as I have done to several posts from your many aliases in the past.
jayfox said:
I firmly believe that we are in the "last days". To clarify, there are numerous prophecies about the Last Days in the Bible and today's world fulfills all of them. The final events of the Last Days include the rapture of believers, a 7 year tribultion (a time of suffering like the world has never known), the arrival of the Antichrist and finishing with Jesus' Second Coming and defeat of Satan. I will expand on these events soon.

You actually gave me a nice chuckle here Jay (in a good way BTW). This reminds we of the ep in the Simpsons, when Flanders tells his kids Judgement Day at at hand, and they respond with a typical Flanders "yay!" :)
jayfox said:
That's actually not true. You have to understand the meaning of the words used in His prophecy here to gain the true meaning. I can explain it to you tomorrow when I have more time.

OK, no worries, this bit in particular please.

34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Six Pack said:
ah, good old jay, when in doubt raise the multiple identities issue. its been explained time and time again and even in pms, but he still tries to make some point about it.

Again, leave me out of yr superstitions, Jay. For you to presume that my 'scoffing' (yr word) is part of some grand design is patently ridiculous.

'End of Days?' What a load of fairystories!

You can twist the bible around to suit any purpose and yet when we bring up some falsities and absurdities you say it can't be so.

Calm down big fella, for what its worth Jay is right on this one in that you are a scoffer. You look at the "End of Days" argument and you do scoff. Nothing wrong with that, I also scoff at it, so embrace your status as a scoffer! :D
Tiger74 said:
Calm down big fella, for what its worth Jay is right on this one in that you are a scoffer. You look at the "End of Days" argument and you do scoff. Nothing wrong with that, I also scoff at it, so embrace your status as a scoffer! :D

Thanks T74 for at least being reasonable enough to have intelligent debate with.
Enough of this bickering. We atheists don't fight, cos we don't believe in anything to fight about.

Lovely day aint it!
You're not wrong there. Nicest day all year in my nape of the woods. ;D

Not only that but I am just about to (hopefully) be offered the lease on a beautiful little cafe in the bottom floor of this huge old heritage listed building (circa 1870ish) which has room to include a little specialty acoustic guitar shop and a spot to give kiddies guitar lessons. :)
Disco08 said:
You're not wrong there. Nicest day all year in my nape of the woods. ;D

Not only that but I am just about to (hopefully) be offered the lease on a beautiful little cafe in the bottom floor of this huge old heritage listed building (circa 1870ish) which has room to include a little specialty acoustic guitar shop and a spot to give kiddies guitar lessons. :)

Man, that sounds cool. Will you get coopers on tap?
Yeah hope so, but it doesn't come with a liquor license so that'll be a battle. It's hard to go past Coopers pale on tap on a hot day. Boags on tap goes pretty well too.
yr out in the country somewhere arent u, Disco? I am thinking of coming up to play some blues and drink some of that coopers.
Yeah I live 15 minutes outside Braidwood 6y and this business is in town. There's a spare room at my place and I have more than enough guitars to go around. I can even arrange a drummer with a bit of notice. ;D