Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


evo said:
More soft sledging from the cheap seats. At least bloody direct it at someone or some post.

Didn't think you needed to single anyone out, the two sides are effectively trumpeting the same matra over and over.

Christians are hill billy hicks living on fairy tales and are ignorant of the real world
Athiests are deluded sinners who have not openned up their eyes to the Truth, and will burn in Hell as a result.

Thats why I liked Sixer's post, it was his truth, and he justified it without having to prove others wrong.
Tiger74 said:
It goes both ways.

Faith based solutions have a chronic history of failure, although I do love the one where the world is on the back of a giant turtle (shame we disproved that).

Did we disprove it? I thought it was 'turtles all the way down'? ;D

As for science, science over the centuries told us the world was flat, that sun revolved around the earth, consuming lead and arsenic were good for some medical conditions, and bleeding was a fantastic medical practice.

Not entirely true. Science didn't advocate a flat earth nor the geocentric universe. As for lead and arsenic, well they are quite good at killing infectious agents (too bad they also do the same to the patient!).

For both, time and learning dispel a lot of the rubbish, and help refine the rest to find more clear view of the truth. This continues with Christians (for instance), where debate and discussions on the teachings of Jesus and the bible continue today. We still have a bitter argument for example on whether or not the bible accepts or excludes gay/female clergy.

The question is the what approach is more likely to reveal the true nature of the world we live in? You clearly think science by the end of your post, as do I. Science does come to the wrong conclusions, however this is based on our knowledge at the time. An integral part of the scientific process is the ability to change as the evidence dictates. Religion, on the other hand revolves around dogma and it is only overwhelming evidence (usually through scientific progress) that leads to changes in the stance of religious dogmas. I mean we are still debating the fact of evolution well over a century after a mechanism for it was first described. Why? Because it challenges a religious dogma! We don't have such arguments about atomic theory!

As for science, the more we learn, the more we learn we misunderstood certain facts. I think while our understanding is exponentially greater than it was 20, 200, and 2000 years ago, we still have a great deal to learn. Much of our knowledge of space is based upon theory still simply because of technical limitations, we have barely combed the depths of our oceans, and medical science is still discovering new issues to deal with.

That is right. The best way forward is to continue to question, experiment and probe to discover the unknown. Not sit back and say...well we already know. If we had done that we would still be in the dark ages.

For me personally, the reason I have a foot in both camps is because right now that is what makes sense to me. I don't think science has an adequate explanation for "why are we here" yet, and while I don't necessarily believe in a God as such, I think the creation of life and intelligent life most likely has more behind it than "we were lucky".

There is nothing wrong with saying "I don't know". However to make up explanations does not make them so. Science can certainly explain much of how human evolved and we continue to learn more about the process.

As for the other camp, whatever is out there, I don't think it wants my worship, or needs it (especially as I don't think there is an "it"). Now we are here, we need to live our lives as best possible, and this is done through learning about ourselves and the world, not by praying for God to intervene every 23 seconds. I believe what happens now is completely up to us, and only science can provide these answers on how to move forward.
Tiger74 said:
Didn't think you needed to single anyone out, the two sides are effectively trumpeting the same matra over and over.

Christians are hill billy hicks living on fairy tales and are ignorant of the real world
Athiests are deluded sinners who have not openned up their eyes to the Truth, and will burn in Hell as a result.

Thats why I liked Sixer's post, it was his truth, and he justified it without having to prove others wrong.

Seems a fairly convienient postion you've placed yourself."Reasonable guy in the middle."

I just ask you be specific,thats fair enough isn't it? If you think someone is being illogical or unfair,point out where.It would seem to me cowardly otherwise; a grasp for the moral high ground.
Panthera tigris FC said:
So do you, except when it comes to your supernatural beliefs. You claim to be a scientist, and in the absence of any other evidence this is what the data suggests. Any scientist worth their salt knows that human perceptions and feelings are not to be trusted as stand alone evidence. You apply one standard for the majority of experiences in your life and another for your theological beliefs. This is special pleading, by definition.

What 'data', what 'evidence'? Sometimes I think we are reading different threads! The evidence reasonably applied supports ther veracity of the Bible. I have repeatedly demonstrated this and get called 'illogical'! You assume that naturalism is correct, don't you - therefore the supernatural events recorded in the Bible is ruled out of court. So everything must have a natural explanation --> pious fraud, delusion, prophectic and historical revisionism. This when 'the data' could just as well support the other conclusion. Why is one chosen and not the other. Natuaralistic presupposition!

Panthera tigris FC said:
I am not saying that the scientific process can answer every question, but it can, and has revealed much. This is more than can be said for your supernatural beliefs.

??? my supernatural beliefs reveal the nature of God and the meaning of existance. They further reveal the nature of man and his destiny. In fact they answer all the same questions your 'anti-faith' does.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Also, much of my posting has been dealing with claims made that are clearly contradictory to the available evidence. When your beliefs start clouding your ability to see what is right in front of your eyes one of the real problems with this type of belief is revealed.

IMO your 'faith' does exactly the same thing! How do you know faith 'clouds my vision'? I believe it helps me see as I never saw before!

Panthera tigris FC said:
That is not a presupposition, each contradiction has been handled on its own and each of your protests have been systematically shown to be illogical, or suffer from poor investigative methodology (they aren't illogical by definition!).

Pfft. Critics on this thread have been repeatedly shown up as either trumpeting their opinions as facts, and also having a very low level of Biblical understanding. They think saying I'm illogical means they have actually demonstrated it. To me Disco's suffering argument was completely dismanted on numerous counts yesterday, but, surprise, surprise, I come on here and find you see things differently.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Evo has previously dealt with this issue....the supernatural cannot exist, for once it does, it becomes part of the natural world and thus not supernatural. I am still waiting for you to provide evidence of your so-called miracles (besides dodgy websites and questionable anecdotal evidence). As for have no evidence to suggest otherwise outside of some wish thinking (as convincing as it may seem).

This is a mere assertion and begs the question. When we say 'supernatural' we mean that the universe is not it's own explanation! That a supernatural creator can make it work the way He wants and sometimes not the way it usually does.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Again not a presupposition, but based on the available evidence.

Interpreting the available evidence presupposing naturalism.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Of course there must be proof positive...otherwise any crazy, unfalisifable idea could be bandied about as truth (the elves living at the bottom of my garden!). Where is this solid evidence? Hundreds of posts and I am still waiting to see it. This isn't through some attachment to not believing, but due to the quality of supporting evidence.

So you rule the available historical and other evidence 'out of court' by your presupposition. You also presuppose that you actually need evidence for a belief to be true.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Well you said it, not me ;D. However, again, not a presupposition, but based on the contradictions and logical inconsistencies in the the fundamentalist Christiain theology. If you adequately dealt with those (instead of 'god works in mysterious ways') then this objection would be dropped.

Glad you find this amusing and admit to making this presupposition. What if God does actually move in ways that are beyond our comprehension - ridiculous from your POV but not mine. However I believe He is usually comprehensible and have repeatedly demonstrated this.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Yet you have no problem doing this to every other holy book from other religions!?! Why the difference?

Yet another presupposition.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Non-sequitur. I can certainly be non-religious and delusional. My question on this matter is legitimate and yet to be addressed by any one of the believers. How do you rule out the possibility of self delusion, given the obvious benefits you see in this worldview?

I'll ask you the same question. How do you guarantee if naturalism is correct that you are thinking straight?

Panthera tigris FC said:
What?!?! Strawman argument. Show where I have said such a thing! The accusation of argument from incredulity is only levelled when the evidence is available and yet you haven't taken the time to look at it and use your ignorance on a topic as evidence against the topic!

As for your God, I am incredulous! Where is the verifiable evidence? There is none, by definition, hence the 'leap of faith'. If you are happy to do that, good luck to you, but excuse me for not taking your word for it. It is nothing personal.

What about fine-tuning? This is powerful evidence for God. The Big Bang is further powerful evidence for God. All I've ever heard you do with such evidence is mock it. Given these two ONLY a creator is a reasonable proposition.

Panthera tigris FC said:
Strawman. If you see logical inconsistencies in my arguments (and I am sure there are plenty) point them out. This blanket statement has never been claimed, nor presumed.

Above. I don't have a huge problem with the way you do your arguments, it's your pre supositions that worry me ;).
Tiger74 said:
Didn't think you needed to single anyone out, the two sides are effectively trumpeting the same matra over and over.

Christians are hill billy hicks living on fairy tales and are ignorant of the real world
Athiests are deluded sinners who have not openned up their eyes to the Truth, and will burn in Hell as a result.

Thats why I liked Sixer's post, it was his truth, and he justified it without having to prove others wrong.

If you are not a fan of debate, you are in the wrong place!
Djevv said:
To me Disco's suffering argument was completely dismanted on numerous counts yesterday

Jay's analogy was a good one as I said, but failed to address the fact that God had planned for things to turn out the way they did from the beginning. Tell me Djevv, how can one claim to have made a sacrifice if all they are doing is acting out their own will?
Panthera tigris FC said:
Because it challenges a religious dogma! We don't have such arguments about atomic theory!

Don't get me started on quantum 'true randomness. ' :veryupset

evo said:
Seems a fairly convienient postion you've placed yourself."Reasonable guy in the middle."

I just ask you be specific,thats fair enough isn't it? If you think someone is being illogical or unfair,point out where.It would seem to me cowardly otherwise; a grasp for the moral high ground.

Its what I believe right now. If you were speaking to me 6 years ago, I would have been firmly in camp with Pantera. Problem for me in this situation is I am in a state where I am asking myself "what is the Truth", and right now I don't know. This is why I am not saying "abc is wrong" simply because I don't know if they are. I will argue with them on points I have issues with, or where I think they are making false statements, but in terms of "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" I cannot give a definitive answer because I don't know.

I know this probably comes across as being a fence-sitter, but its where my belief is right now. In 5, 10, 50 years hopefully I will have a more firm answer that you will be happier with.

As for avoiding the debate, I've already made my point on this several times previously.

I'm not the one saying "abc is illogical". That has been primarily Pantera and Disco to the Christian trinity. Either their arguments don't make sense and have no logic, or if they do provide evidence, its from Christian propaganda sites which means the data is disregarded as irrelevant and should be ignored.

The trinity are playing a similar game though, falling back on "because Jesus loves you" or "God made that happen" whenever in a bind. Also some of the websites listed have been of value, but some are outright useless for any serious discussion, and are only posted because they support a position.

I believe this has gotten here however because both sides are playing a game where their argument is 100% right unless you can prove its 100% wrong. Given both sides position is built on theory or faith, this is virtually impossible because how do you prove a negative? I think the argument should be proving why your argument is right as I stated several days ago.
Tiger74 said:
Either their arguments don't make sense and have no logic, or if they do provide evidence, its from Christian propaganda sites which means the data is disregarded as irrelevant and should be ignored.

Sorry, but I don't think this is at all true '74. Most times I think we try and show counter evidence, usually from people respected in their various fields as to why much of the evidence presented as truth on creationist sites is in fact, by all appearances, disingenuous propoganda.
Tiger74 said:
I believe this has gotten here however because both sides are playing a game where their argument is 100% right unless you can prove its 100% wrong.

Thats an unfair and arbitrary claim.For a good 12 months Pantera, Duckman and I have been making logical arguments (particularly in the Christianity thread) from everything of the 'problems of evil' onwards.

If you don't believe and can be bothered go check the thread,theres pages and pages of good argument in there.

Given both sides position is built on theory or faith, this is virtually impossible because how do you prove a negative?

I'm starting to wonder if you've been following this thread. What article of faith is ,say Pantera's, position built on?
Djevv said:
What 'data', what 'evidence'? Sometimes I think we are reading different threads! The evidence reasonably applied supports ther veracity of the Bible. I have repeatedly demonstrated this and get called 'illogical'! You assume that naturalism is correct, don't you - therefore the supernatural events recorded in the Bible is ruled out of court. So everything must have a natural explanation --> pious fraud, delusion, prophectic and historical revisionism. This when 'the data' could just as well support the other conclusion. Why is one chosen and not the other. Natuaralistic presupposition!

The veracity of the Bible?!? Just because some of the stories have some historical accuracy does not support the supernatural claims made therein. Many of the stories are patently untrue (ie Noah's ark).

You aren't called illogical out of hand though. Whenever I have seen that levelled, it comes with an explanation.

I don't assume naturalism....I have yet to witness anything supernatural, dodgy websites aside. When did this supernatural world cease to exist?

Why do you assume that the supernatural exists? Because you have read stories in a book that provide you with a meaning in life and these stories have supernatural themes?

??? my supernatural beliefs reveal the nature of God and the meaning of existance. They further reveal the nature of man and his destiny. In fact they answer all the same questions your 'anti-faith' does.

They do no such thing outside of your head. I could come up with any old explanation for these questions....would that make them so? Why do your beliefs on these matters have any more legitimacy than other faiths'?

IMO your 'faith' does exactly the same thing! How do you know faith 'clouds my vision'? I believe it helps me see as I never saw before!

My faith? In naturalism, I assume? When you look at the evidence, say for common descent, the obvious answer is clear. However, because you have supernatural beliefs that would be challenged by this conclusion, you choose to go through logical gymnastics to explain the evidence in a way that fits your view. This begs the question as to the basis of these beliefs and when examined it comes down to faith. This is the 'clouding' I speak of, your platitudes aside.

Pfft. Critics on this thread have been repeatedly shown up as either trumpeting their opinions as facts, and also having a very low level of Biblical understanding. They think saying I'm illogical means they have actually demonstrated it. To me Disco's suffering argument was completely dismanted on numerous counts yesterday, but, surprise, surprise, I come on here and find you see things differently.

Are you aiming that accusation at anyone in particular?

A low level of Biblical understanding? You would think the perfect guidebook to life would have self evident values and not be open to interpretation. It may also contain some insights that transcend the time in which it was written, but no. So when critics point out the logical inconsitencies it is because they don't understand? However you do? You have some special ability to determine this?

The core of Disco's argument, that an omnipotent and omniscient being could not suffer whilst knowing the outcome was never addressed. The arguments all revolved around the physical pain (temporary and knowing the outcome) and the fact that he didn't have to do such a thing for his imperfect creation (????). What sort of being creates such a universe?!?!

This is a mere assertion and begs the question. When we say 'supernatural' we mean that the universe is not it's own explanation! That a supernatural creator can make it work the way He wants and sometimes not the way it usually does.

And how do you know anything about this supposed creator?

Interpreting the available evidence presupposing naturalism.

For reasons described above.

So you rule the available historical and other evidence 'out of court' by your presupposition. You also presuppose that you actually need evidence for a belief to be true.

Where is the historical evidence for the miracles described in the Bible?

If you want to convince someone (and yourself for that matter) as to the truth of a belief, evidence is usually helpful. ::) Of course the evidence doesn't make it true....but how are you to know, but for the evidence?

Glad you find this amusing and admit to making this presupposition. What if God does actually move in ways that are beyond our comprehension - ridiculous from your POV but not mine. However I believe He is usually comprehensible and have repeatedly demonstrated this.

I see you ignore my post and just assert presuppositions. The logical inconsitencies aren't presupposed, but are pointed out!

OK...if your God works in mysterious ways how do you claim to have 100% certainty as to his wishes? "Usually comprehensible" means that you can cobble together an explanation and when you can't you play the "god works in mysterious ways" card?

Yet another presupposition.

So you also believe the contradictory evidence from other religions? My apologies....I did presuppose that you thought that the Christian theology was exclusively correct. ::)

I'll ask you the same question. How do you guarantee if naturalism is correct that you are thinking straight?

I don't. I use and rely on controlled experiments and the predictions of hypotheses to reduce the chances that my interpretations are accurate. I see you again dodge the question though.

What about fine-tuning? This is powerful evidence for God. The Big Bang is further powerful evidence for God. All I've ever heard you do with such evidence is mock it. Given these two ONLY a creator is a reasonable proposition.

Mock it? I have never discussed fine-tuning or Big Bang as an argument for God with you. Nice try though.

Your captialised assertion aside, there are other explanations.

How old is the universe exactly?

Above. I don't have a huge problem with the way you do your arguments, it's your pre supositions that worry me ;).

I hope that has clarified it a bit for you.
That was a great post Pantera.

In the tradition of Laff, I give a big "hear hear!"
evo said:
Thats an unfair and arbitrary claim.For a good 12 months Pantera, Duckman and I have been making logical arguments (particularly in the Christianity thread) from everything of the 'problems of evil' onwards.

If you don't believe and can be bothered go check the thread,theres pages and pages of good argument in there.


I'm starting to wonder if you've been following this thread. What article of faith is ,say Pantera's, position built on?

You guys have had logical arguments, but also have mostly disregarded anything sourced from a Christian site as untrustworthy. The best part of the debate IMO have been on evolution, where Panthera has been outstanding, playing the ball, and pretty much towelling up TT2 (and the others who tried previously). He hasn't dismissed the links TT2 provided, but simply countered every argument they made with a clear and sound explanation as to why it is wrong.

As for arguments based upon faith and theory and faith, I thought it was obvious the Athiests were using theory in their arguments, the Christians were using faith. Sorry if this was not clear.
Tiger74 said:
As for arguments based upon faith and theory and faith, I thought it was obvious the Athiests were using theory in their arguments, the Christians were using faith. Sorry if this was not clear.
The tone of your posts implies you think scientific theory and faith are of the same order.I kinda interested if you really believe that.

Or you were being mischievious.

PS Djevv,must admit I'm not a fan of the rolleyes either.
Panthera tigris FC said:
The veracity of the Bible?!? Just because some of the stories have some historical accuracy does not support the supernatural claims made therein. Many of the stories are patently untrue (ie Noah's ark).

You aren't called illogical out of hand though. Whenever I have seen that levelled, it comes with an explanation.

I don't assume naturalism....I have yet to witness anything supernatural, dodgy websites aside. When did this supernatural world cease to exist?

Why do you assume that the supernatural exists? Because you have read stories in a book that provide you with a meaning in life and these stories have supernatural themes?

Noah's Ark patently untrue? There you go again Panthera making assumptions and claiming it as fact. Noah's Ark was real verified by writings in the New Testiment, in many cultures that have a flood story and if you drive around Nevada and Arizona in the USA it is clear that great volumes of water have flowed through these areas, all of Australia was an inland sea, just go to Mungo National park. does all this prove the Flood - no, but it does not prove there was not a flood around 3600BC. To refute the bible story of the flood and noah's ark without providing concrete evidence to support your view and that is all it is your view - it is not fact. I believe that God left his fingerprint with the Rainbow as the story says in the bible, I believe this because Jesus mentioned Noah as fact in the New Testament. No doubt you disagree with this, but hey thats fine. I hope one day you will see the simple faith of the Bible.

The key to the scritures is the Holy Spirit:
(1 Corinthians 2:9-14) However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"-- {10} but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. {11} For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. {12} We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. {13} This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. {14} The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
tigertime2 said:
Noah's Ark patently untrue? There you go again Panthera making assumptions and claiming it as fact. Noah's Ark was real verified by writings in the New Testiment, in many cultures that have a flood story and if you drive around Nevada and Arizona in the USA it is clear that great volumes of water have flowed through these areas, all of Australia was an inland sea, just go to Mungo National park. does all this prove the Flood - no, but it does not prove there was not a flood around 3600BC. To refute the bible story of the flood and noah's ark without providing concrete evidence to support your view and that is all it is your view - it is not fact. I believe that God left his fingerprint with the Rainbow as the story says in the bible, I believe this because Jesus mentioned Noah as fact in the New Testament. No doubt you disagree with this, but hey thats fine. I hope one day you will see the simple faith of the Bible.

The flood theory has been discussed here quite extensively tigertime. If you use the search function provided I'm sure you can find much of that discussion.

Try here for quite a bit of evidence that leads most experts to believe the story as presented in The Bible to be highly unlikely.