TigerForce said:
Going by your 'train of thought', yes it happened with a plane. My question is was it terrorists who planned it or did the US govt train terrorists to do it?? That's what the main question of this whole case is.
Alright genius, let's look at it your way then. The US government "trained terrorists" to conduct an attack "so absurd" - your words - and so complex, and so ridiculous - when it would have been so much easier for them (the government) to plant bombs in the building and say that it was a conventional terrorist bombing attack. Your way introduces so many elements of failure and complexity that no government or agency would ever attempt it that way.
This is ultimately why all the conspiracy theories fail - they depend on a supposed government plot so ridiculously absurd, convoluted and complex, and also reliant on the complicity of literally thousands of people, THAT NO GOVERNMENT AGENCY would EVER attempt to do it that way.
If it really was a government conspiracy THEY WOULD HAVE DONE IT SO MUCH MORE EASILY AND SIMPLY IF THEY REALLY WANTED TO. No nutty terrorists enrolling in flight training, no emails from public libraries, no complicity with airline pilots, security, air traffic control, military, airforce, CIA, FBI, Department of State, New York Fire Brigades, emergency services, rescue people, the list goes on and on and on and on and on. No weird doctoring of video and images after the event a la Disco's nutty website. Not needed, no sirree.
If the goverment really did it it would have gone down like this - terrorists snuck in, planted bombs, waited til the next day, blew buildings up. Oh dear, 4000 or so people dead. And so much simpler this way. Oh, and here's a convenient scapegoat or two we set up earlier. Job done, problem solved, no ridiculous loose ends and no conspiracy of thousands of people needed. No planes, no UFOs, no wreckage, nada. Simple and easy.
Of course, I'm oversimplifying but even so, this way is so so easy compared to your way. Your way is FREAKIN UNBELIEVABLE DUDE - NOT EVEN GEORGE DUBBYA WOULD GO FOR IT AND HE GOES FOR ANY NUTTY THING!
The very complexity and absurdity that conspiracy theorists point to making it a "Government plot, oh noes" make it conspiracy an absolute impossibility.
Wrap your conspiracy-oriented little mind around that one for a while. Same goes for you Disco - get off the grass for Pete's sake :hihi
Also excuse the CAPITALS but I feel that shouting at obtuse people does have an effect sometimes.