Tony Abbott's plebiscite | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Tony Abbott's plebiscite

Are you in favour?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • No

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Couldn't give a fat rat's

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
poppa x said:
The people will vote on Gillard's carbon tax at the next election.

Wasnt she voted in last time because she said there would be no Carbon Tax?
80 million for a plebiscite im sure many would think its money well spent, considering the hundreds of millions they are wasting on queue jumping financial imports, and wasted foreign aid to countries that hate us.

Least it gves the Communist party and Comrade Juliar a nice little idea what sort of caning they are in for come the next election.

No mandate at least the Libs took the GST into the election and got a mandate.

This is without a doubt the worst Government this country has seen since the Whitlam disaster.

Talk about a handful of do gooder lefties and socialist marxists destroying the country, then again no one whinges louder or longer than the lefties.

Wilkie, Oakshott, Windsor and Bandt and the rest of the Greens (who are running the show) are the tinea on the scrotum of the Australian people.
craig said:
This is without a doubt the worst Government this country has seen since the Whitlam disaster.

How are we worse off craigybabes?
Michael said:
Wasnt she voted in last time because she said there would be no Carbon Tax?

No, because she supported an ETS. Greens however will support an ETS in the form proposed, so the carbon tax is a compromise.

It's basically copping a Corolla instead of a Laser, yes it's different, but the net outcome is the same (in this case a cost on carbon).

Personally I don't give a stuff what's introduced now, let's just make a decision and get on with it.
If Abbott said he would accept the vote in the plebiscite I would be all for it. As he won't it will be a waste of tax payers money.

As Julia has no mandate to do this, this will do to her, what work choices did for Howard.
craig said:
Wilkie, Oakshott, Windsor and Bandt and the rest of the Greens (who are running the show) are the tinea on the scrotum of the Australian people.

This is great posting. :clap
Our politics has become 30 second sound grabs & gimmicks. How sad - Sir Edmund Barton would be totally peeved at these shananigans.......
MB78 said:
If Abbott said he would accept the vote in the plebiscite I would be all for it. As he won't it will be a waste of tax payers money.

I don't think it is as simple as that, if the plebiscite showed the majority of Australians supported a carbon tax it would be electoral poison for him not to accept it. Would probably be the biggest own goal since Rudd shelved the ETS.
craig said:
80 million for a plebiscite im sure many would think its money well spent, considering the hundreds of millions they are wasting on queue jumping financial imports, and wasted foreign aid to countries that hate us.
Two points

1. There is really no queue . If you think all these people are economic refugees you are wrong . maybe you should meet some of them . There is the odd one with money but they are rare.
2. Countries don't hate , people hate . You seem to have enough for all of us . If you are talking about Indonesia as an example I have been involved with Indonesia for more than 20 years and I have never met an Indonesian who hates Australia . You need to get out more .

I am involved with overseas aid and maybe you should join me in actually seeing what real need and true desperation is .
Tiger74 said:
In Australia, a referendum is used for constitutional amendments. A plebiscite is just to ask the electorate their view.

Examples are referendum were required for the republican question, the Australia Card, aborigines getting the vote, and changes to Feds taxation scope.
There was no referendum on this; Aboriginals already had the right to vote.
Giardiasis said:
There was no referendum on this; Aboriginals already had the right to vote.

Actually no, they didn't exist officially, and you need to exist to be able to vote.
Sintiger said:
Two points

1. There is really no queue . If you think all these people are economic refugees you are wrong . maybe you should meet some of them . There is the odd one with money but they are rare.
2. Countries don't hate , people hate . You seem to have enough for all of us . If you are talking about Indonesia as an example I have been involved with Indonesia for more than 20 years and I have never met an Indonesian who hates Australia . You need to get out more .

I am involved with overseas aid and maybe you should join me in actually seeing what real need and true desperation is.

Ultimately you just have to ask, if you (alleged refugee) arrived in Indonesia, just what was the threat to your personal safety there that you had to risk your lives to come to Australia for?


Not the most efficient way to spend money.
Tiger74 said:
Actually no, they didn't exist officially, and you need to exist to be able to vote.
Not true, they had the right to vote in South Australia before Federation, in all other state elections since 1965 and in Federal elections since 1962.
Giardiasis said:
Not true, they had the right to vote in South Australia before Federation, in all other state elections since 1965 and in Federal elections since 1962.

Sorry, you are right. So they could vote, they just didn't exist.
craig said:
80 million for a plebiscite im sure many would think its money well spent, considering the hundreds of millions they are wasting on queue jumping financial imports, and wasted foreign aid to countries that hate us.

Least it gves the Communist party and Comrade Juliar a nice little idea what sort of caning they are in for come the next election.

No mandate at least the Libs took the GST into the election and got a mandate.

This is without a doubt the worst Government this country has seen since the Whitlam disaster.

Talk about a handful of do gooder lefties and socialist marxists destroying the country, then again no one whinges louder or longer than the lefties.

Wilkie, Oakshott, Windsor and Bandt and the rest of the Greens (who are running the show) are the tinea on the scrotum of the Australian people.

The Communist party, Socialist Marxists, lefties…….geez, that’s a blast from the past Craig - don’t hear that kind of language much these days.
Infact I can’t remember the last time I met a person who proclaimed to be a socialist except of course for that old round shouldered fella who sits in my local Coles every morning necking coke from a 125 ml bottle arguing unknown points to himself in some never ending debate.

Rise up ye workers (and out of workers)!
Giardiasis said:

Ultimately you just have to ask, if you (alleged refugee) arrived in Indonesia, just what was the threat to your personal safety there that you had to risk your lives to come to Australia for?


Not the most efficient way to spend money.
The point I made was in response to an inference that refugees are here primarily as queue jumping financial imports . Its just not factually correct to say that the majority of refugees are here for financial reasons . I assume you are alluding in mentioning Indonesia to boat people but of course the vast majority of refugees into Australia don't come in illegally by boat and don't come in via indonesia .

Why are you referring to an article about one piece of aid to indonesia ? Whether that particular aid is effective or not is not relevant to the point I was making . I am a great believer that a rich country like australia should be a generous provider of foriegn aid , just because it is the right thing to do . Of course the aid should be effective , that goes without saying.
Sintiger said:
The point I made was in response to an inference that refugees are here primarily as queue jumping financial imports . Its just not factually correct to say that the majority of refugees are here for financial reasons . I assume you are alluding in mentioning Indonesia to boat people but of course the vast majority of refugees into Australia don't come in illegally by boat and don't come in via indonesia .

Why are you referring to an article about one piece of aid to indonesia ? Whether that particular aid is effective or not is not relevant to the point I was making . I am a great believer that a rich country like australia should be a generous provider of foriegn aid , just because it is the right thing to do . Of course the aid should be effective , that goes without saying.
Your point was missing Craig's point. He was solely referring to people that do come here via Indonesian people smugglers, i.e. Queue jumpers. He never made the claim that refugees are primarily queue jumpers, which really makes no logical sense anyway.

Your point is that we should give a significant amount of aid money to other countries. My point is that it is an ineffectual way to improve the life of poor people. You say it is the right thing to do, but let's be honest, the money is largely wasted. Only real wealth generation can reduce poverty.
Since we are way off-topic, I have to say my views on 'queue jumpers' match pretty closely with comments made by noted conservative PJ O'Rourke on QandA:

PJ O'ROURKE: You know, we in the States have much, much more experience with being all wrong about immigration than you do. I mean 36,000 you said in Italy?

CRAIG EMERSON: For Italy, yes.

PJ O'ROURKE: We laugh. That's a day in the United States. And we are so wrong about it. I mean, build a fence on the border with Mexico, give a huge boost to the Mexican ladder industry, you know. Put US troops on the Rio Grande and know that the United States armed forces are standing between me and yard care, you know. I mean, it's just - the thing is when somebody gets on an exploding boat to come over here, they're willing to do that to get to Australia, you're missing out on some really good Australians if you don't let that person in.

JULIE BISHOP: (Indistinct) people smuggling (indistinct).

PJ O'ROURKE: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You know, if you open your borders, you don't have people smugglers. You know, I mean it's...

JULIE BISHOP: But the people who make money out of this misery...

PJ O'ROURKE: Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute...

JULIE BISHOP: (Indistinct).

PJ O'ROURKE: I mean, I'm not seeing...

TONY JONES: Hold on. Hold on. Julie, hang on

PJ O'ROURKE: I'm not seeing any Aborigines on the panel here. I am not a Comanche or a Sioux. You know, my people came over to the United States in a completely disorganised way. Doubtless by way of people smugglers, you know. You know, I really believe in immigration. The best...

JULIE BISHOP: So does Australia.

PJ O'ROURKE: The reason that this is a great nation...

JULIE BISHOP: So does Australia.

PJ O'ROURKE: ...the reason America is a great nation is because of immigration. Let them in. Let them in. These people are assets. You know, one or two of them might not be, but you can sort them out later.


TONY JONES: But just to finish your point, PJ O'Rourke, I mean, are the conservatives getting this wrong in Australia?

PJ O'ROURKE: Oh, I think conservatives are getting this wrong all over the world, I really do. I think one of the things that, to me, makes the difference between my kind of libertarian conservatism and the left is that I think my side of this, the right, my side of the right, believes people are assets. That's what pro-life really means. It isn't really about abortion. We believe people are assets. The left tends very much to think that people are nuisances; that they need more stimulation; they need more education; they need more welfare; you know, they're a bother; they're an expense. You know: people, what are we going to do with them? Oh, more people? Oh, no. Oh, no, you know. So I think people work hard, make things, you know build stuff. May of them are quite cute, you know. I mean...

full transcript here.
pleb sites are essendon blogs aren't they?

Gillard is a dead wranger walking. She will either get the boot @ the next election, or labor's faceless men will stab her in the back before hand. Its a win win situation IMO :clap
Giardiasis said:
Your point is that we should give a significant amount of aid money to other countries. My point is that it is an ineffectual way to improve the life of poor people. You say it is the right thing to do, but let's be honest, the money is largely wasted. Only real wealth generation can reduce poverty.
What do you think that effective aid does ? What a ridiculous comment . You are talking as if aid is just handouts . Its not and if you think it is you are not being well informed.
The major aid agences in the world today aim much of their aid at sustainable development . Building education , health , infrastructure . That's a fact .