I was thinking of my footy routine in the 70's just the other day.
I was pretty young back then and lived on a cherry orchard in the outer east. You'd watch League Teams on a Thursday night, read the team sheet in the Sun when you got home from school.
Saturday, get through the farm chores and go through the paper to see which adio station we were on and the experts selections. The choices were 3ZK with the Captain and the Major, 3AW with Harry and that really really old dude crossing from other grounds, 3LO and 3GL. Then of course there were 3DB and 3UZ which gave you a glimpse between horse races (hated those stations).
Then i'd head off with my brothers to a quiet coirner of the farm, usually where the old barn was. The old barn was in ruin, but had a massive over grown garden around it. We'd settle in there and ride every bump.
After the game, bearingin mind this meant all games were finished, i'd run down to Wandin to get the Sporting Globe straight off the press. Can still remember Roach's mark filling the front page.
That night you'd sit and watch the Winners etc.
Sunday you'd walk to Wandin for the Sunday PRess and the Sunday Observor.
Then Monday, hang sh!te on all your mates, or get it hung on you depending on the results, swap Scanlons Footy cards and kick the footy all lunch time.
Get home and read the Sun and check the Sunscore.
Those were the days!
Of course the routine was a little different when i'd get to games, if an older brother was driving down. That would happen 6 or 7 times a year.