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Talking Politics

Was I listening to a different ICAC investigation than the one the liberals seem to think happened?
Gladys trashed her own reputation with her own words and actions.
This Government is ……..I can’t even find the words
It’s funny, I can’t recall Slomo criticising the Victorian government anti corruption proceedings.
Is it just the NSW one that’s bad?

Just rhetorical, I think I know the answer
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SCOMO and the Libs are playing a very dangerous game with ICAC criticism, not just politically but with the integrity of the public sector.
I have had a few interactions with IBAC ( not as an alleged perpetrator I would add!) and there are a few things I don’t like about it, for example the speed at which suspected irregularities need to be reported means that any meaningful internal investigation is very difficult. However there is no doubt that it’s actual existence is a deterrent to some activities and the fact that there have been people investigated and ultimately charged following IBAC investigations is well publicised in the public sector. It is not just about politicians.
The fact that we have a PM and a cohort of senior politicians drawing into question ICAC is damaging to all these bodies. That is a very bad thing for the integrity of our public sector, both state and federal.
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Powerbrokers in the Fed LNP cabinet see a real upside in a candidate with a proven track record of

very discretely rooting corrupt, ugly, old, fat, entitled, classless, gormless pissheads.

they understand the days of non-consensually rooting unconscious subordinates are possibly over.

we'll possibly see them seeking political donations off some Lithium miners shortly.

they really know how to read the white elephant in the room
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SCOMO and the Libs are playing a very dangerous game with ICAC criticism, not just politically but with the integrity of the public sector.
I have had a few interactions with IBAC ( not as an alleged perpetrator I would add!) and there are a few things I don’t like about it, for example the speed at which suspected irregularities need to be reported means that any meaningful internal investigation is very difficult. However there is no doubt that it’s actual existence is a deterrent to some activities and the fact that there have been people investigated and ultimately charged following IBAC investigations is well publicised in the public sector. It is not just about politicians.
The fact that we have a PM and a cohort of senior politicians drawing into question ICAC is damaging to all these bodies. That is a very bad thing for the integrity of our public sector, both state and federal.

Morrison is playing straight out of Steve Bannons playbook.

Its 'drain the swamp', spouted ears-deep in anaerobic mud.

very defining election.

LNP win = Australia is culturally, environmentally, reputationally, economically, absolutely *smile*.

LNP lose narrowly = Australia is culturally, environmentally, reputationally, economically, pretty *smile*

LNP lose significantly = Australia is culturally, environmentally, reputationally, economically, probably *smile*
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I see that complete looney from FNQ the member for Manila, Largearese Christensen has been whipping up his conspiracy theories again....
Why doesn't Morrison just fuel up Scomo1, squeeze the prick into the loading bay and dump him in his beloved Phillipines where he can go back to supporting the downtrodden :rolleyes:
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I see that complete looney from FNQ the member for Manila, Largearese Christensen has been whipping up his conspiracy theories again....
Why doesn't Morrison just fuel up Scomo1, squeeze the prick into the loading bay and dump him in his beloved Phillipines where he can go back to supporting the downtrodden :rolleyes:
i assume you are talking about the interview where the member of the Morrison government laughed when the *smile* interviewing him compared quarantine camps to concentration camps.
this entire government is a disgrace like none before.
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The Libs internal polling was on the money in the last election. It would be interesting to know what their internal polling is saying now and whether that has influenced Hunt & Porter's decision to walk away.
I see that complete looney from FNQ the member for Manila, Largearese Christensen has been whipping up his conspiracy theories again....
Why doesn't Morrison just fuel up Scomo1, squeeze the prick into the loading bay and dump him in his beloved Phillipines where he can go back to supporting the downtrodden :rolleyes:
Yeh, what a vile, ugly bunch those QLD LNP members are. And what is the acting NP leader saying below?? The LNP are plumbing new depths daily.

Mr Littleproud said comparing quarantine facilities to Auschwitz was "a step too far".
"Obviously George is at the extremities of much of what mainstream Australia thinks, but it's a view that should have an opportunity in any democratic society to be aired," he said.

So are you admonishing him or praising him for airing this stupidity?
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Christensen shooting his gob off on a far-right conspiracy theory show ... who's host has just been done by the families for claiming the school shooting where their 25 kids were killed was a hoax performed by actors..

moving in good circles George ... looking up at the curb from the gutter where you dwell ..
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I slagged off at The Greens last week, but with a bit more context, this is pretty good from Bandt (guardian)

"Labor says they’ll keep the same amount of coal in the system as the Liberals, but that’s not something to be proud of, it’s a recipe for climate collapse. Labor’s plan needs fixing, because it doesn’t shut coal-fired power stations, won’t reduce coal and gas exports and backs the Betaloo methane gas bomb.

We’re not about blocking Labor’s climate legislation, we’ll improve and pass it. Likewise, Labor should not let their idea of the perfect be the enemy of the good. The reality is Labor’s climate target is not based on the science. Labor doesn’t want to phase out coal-fired power stations and don’t want to address the pollution from coal and gas exports.

I know Labor says their climate policy is a take it or leave it thing, but I think you can file that under ‘things politicians say during an election campaign’. If the people elect a range of voices to parliament, the next government will have to respect that.People are sick of this kind of macho ‘it’s my way or the highway’ politics, especially with something as important as climate. I think Labor’s attitude will turn people off. There is a lot of agreement between us and Labor on renewables ...
but there’s more work to do on coal and gas."
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Labor's adopting the "don't scare the horses" tactics the Biden campaign did (and Rudd 15 years ago). Biden as Prez is a lot more progressive than it looked like he would be, and Albo will be the same.
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I slagged off at The Greens last week, but with a bit more context, this is pretty good from Bandt (guardian)

"Labor says they’ll keep the same amount of coal in the system as the Liberals, but that’s not something to be proud of, it’s a recipe for climate collapse. Labor’s plan needs fixing, because it doesn’t shut coal-fired power stations, won’t reduce coal and gas exports and backs the Betaloo methane gas bomb.

We’re not about blocking Labor’s climate legislation, we’ll improve and pass it. Likewise, Labor should not let their idea of the perfect be the enemy of the good. The reality is Labor’s climate target is not based on the science. Labor doesn’t want to phase out coal-fired power stations and don’t want to address the pollution from coal and gas exports.

I know Labor says their climate policy is a take it or leave it thing, but I think you can file that under ‘things politicians say during an election campaign’. If the people elect a range of voices to parliament, the next government will have to respect that.People are sick of this kind of macho ‘it’s my way or the highway’ politics, especially with something as important as climate. I think Labor’s attitude will turn people off. There is a lot of agreement between us and Labor on renewables ...
but there’s more work to do on coal and gas."

Quite frankly we are where we are now because the Greens sided with the Libs and blocked the ETS. Their posturing now is no different to their posturing before they blocked. Dickheads.
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Quite frankly we are where we are now because the Greens sided with the Libs and blocked the ETS. Their posturing now is no different to their posturing before they blocked. Dickheads.
Out of all political parties, the Greens seem to be the ones who want everything to be 100% end goal perfect. Sometimes you just got to start and work towards what is better.
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I see that complete looney from FNQ the member for Manila, Largearese Christensen has been whipping up his conspiracy theories again....
Why doesn't Morrison just fuel up Scomo1, squeeze the prick into the loading bay and dump him in his beloved Phillipines where he can go back to supporting the downtrodden :rolleyes:
Christensen is not only a looney he is also a hypocritical sleazebag.
3 months in the Philippines a year, multiple stays in Angeles City? Anyone who knows anything about the Philippines will tell you middle aged males don’t go to Angeles City regularly for the art galleries. As a recognisable Australian politician he was really opening himself up to compromise in a place like that.
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Quite frankly we are where we are now because the Greens sided with the Libs and blocked the ETS. Their posturing now is no different to their posturing before they blocked. Dickheads.
The Greens voted against a scheme they thought was full of faults and would be ineffective. They could have compromised, but maybe Labor werent going to give anything they thought was worthwhile.
Shouldnt political parties vote against what they see as bad policy?
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The Greens voted against a scheme they thought was full of faults and would be ineffective. They could have compromised, but maybe Labor werent going to give anything they thought was worthwhile.
Shouldnt political parties vote against what they see as bad policy?
So better off staying irrelevant and making no progress?
I see that complete looney from FNQ the member for Manila, Largearese Christensen has been whipping up his conspiracy theories again....
Why doesn't Morrison just fuel up Scomo1, squeeze the prick into the loading bay and dump him in his beloved Phillipines where he can go back to supporting the downtrodden :rolleyes:
Morrison should, but won't kick Christensen to the kerb because he needs his vote. He hasn't got the negotiating skills that Julia Gillartd had when she was PM with a minority government.

What a disgrace Christensen is getting into bed with that nutcase Alex Jones.

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The Greens voted against a scheme they thought was full of faults and would be ineffective. They could have compromised, but maybe Labor werent going to give anything they thought was worthwhile.
Shouldnt political parties vote against what they see as bad policy?
There's a very good reason politics is known as the art of compromise. The Greens have the luxury of remaining puritanical because they will never have the responsibility of running things. They're the 14-year-old girl tweeting what a capitalist pig Dad is on the latest iPhone he bought her.
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So better off staying irrelevant and making no progress?
That is like saying Labor should pass whatever corruption "watchdog" the libs eventually put forward, because it is better than nothing.
The Labor scheme was a long way from what the Greens wanted. They obviously believed they had a choice of passing bad legislation that would then never be improved, or not passing it and working towards a policy that would make a difference. They chose the later. The Libs then shifted massively to an anti climate change action stance and Australia has done nothing since.
The Greens are getting the blame for the Libs allowing the Queensland Nats, and the coal and gas industries to dictate their climate policies.
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