The rule changes in and of themselves, putting the conflict of interest and/or bias aside, were poorly designed and implemented. The 666 rule, regardless of whether you support it or not, is the only one that it can be argued was needed and has worked, but it has been mooted and considered for years.
The kickout and the stand rule were panic moves. Panic as a result of broadcasters wanting more advertising time, or panic because we usurped the AFLs desire for equalisation, or both. The kickout stinks AFAIC, an unnecessary spoon feeding leg-up, but it hasn't had demonstrable negative imacts, and it pales in comparison to the stand rule. The stand rule, as I've been saying like a stuck record, was brought in to solve a problem that didn't exist and has created a lot of flow-on problems.
Putting the Hocking undeniable conflict of interest aside, the stand rule, design, implementation, impact, is a disgrace.