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Sport: leave the religion out thanks.


Tiger Legend
Dec 18, 2002
Tel Aviv
If there is one thing I am sick to the back teeth of hearing from sportspeople – particularly in the US where its become a disease for all the fake, self-righteous, ultra right wing, hypocritical conservatives that live over there – it’s the promotion of religious beliefs at the end of sporting events. Give us all a break.

I don’t want to hear about personal agendas from sportspeople. Leave the religion out of it thanks.

When you think about it, its almost an isult anyway to people who are genuinely religious because by suggesting things like “God was on my side”…. “I did it God’s way”….or “God said this to me or God said that to me”….the inference is that God wasn’t on the side of the loser/s.

Beyond the disaster its courting because its such a sensitive/divisive subject, its also just soooo crass and tacky when victors in sport start carping on about religion and God. It sends a shiver down my spine.

The next thing we’ll be hearing from them is how to vote.
Fortunately this seems to be an American phenomena.
Religion seems to invade all aspects of their life and culture

Aside from Badds do we have any other sports stars invoking god as the reason for their success?
Yes. That fat boy golfer…what’s his name..Euan Walters. When he won an event here in Australia a couple of years ago he went on a “Godly” rant after his victory. I seem to recall Shaun Hart from the Brisbane Lions doing something similar. Baddeley of course after he won his Australian Opens. Beadman as Love Oil has just pointed out …something I always found quite ironic seeing as he was making millions out of a sometimes corrupt industry that is supported by gambling. Mat Rogers is another.
Redford said:
When you think about it, its almost an isult anyway to people who are genuinely religious because by suggesting things like “God was on my side”…. “I did it God’s way”….or “God said this to me or God said that to me”….the inference is that God wasn’t on the side of the loser/s.

I wonder if people thanking God for their personal success think he could also be credited with droughts, famine, floods, eartquakes, starvation etc. Doesn't ring true to me.

Michael said:
Aside from Badds do we have any other sports stars invoking god as the reason for their success?

Shaun Hart. Either Agassi or Rog, forget which one but think it was Andre.
Very evident during the Superbowl speeches, which BTW were among the stupidest I've ever heard. It's implied that the victors were smiled on by God because of their moral superiority. That somehow winning a game of Ameddican football is a moral achievement.

It's supposed to effect humility in the God invoker but it's the opposite. Not only are they better at the game than their opponents, they're more popular with a deity and therefore morally superior.


It's all about God until it's time for your new Cadillac! Sheeeesh. I thought Peyton Manning did well given what he had to follow on from.
Agree completely. God apparently picks winners. Arron Baddeley was crapping on how he was so grateful for making his life the way it is, good grief.

The bloody scientologists *smile* me the most though, its a cult for insecure freaks, yet because some rich people and celebrities are in it, its OK.
Compare some of the above to Matt Hayden. A deeply religious man, but just goes about his business.
Tony Dungy was referring to God because his son committed suicide during the season and he has made no bones about his religion and how much it means to him. I don't made that as much as because people use what ever means necessary to get through there grief.

But I would like to see the losers thanks god, then I may believe in there religious convictions.

Hartbalme said:
Compare some of the above to Matt Hayden. A deeply religious man, but just goes about his business.

Spot on.
Agree on most here. Also on tv shows where money is up for grabs. Why would god want people to win millions. It's not him that wants it, it's you. That's greed, one of the seven deadly sins I believe.
On sports, just once, I would love to see an atheist win it. I'm picturing the speech. "I just want to thank myself. I was good enough to do this on my own (or could add wife, coach etc). "
Legends of 1980 said:
Agree on most here. Also on tv shows where money is up for grabs. Why would god want people to win millions. It's not him that wants it, it's you. That's greed, one of the seven deadly sins I believe.
On sports, just once, I would love to see an atheist win it. I'm picturing the speech. "I just want to thank myself. I was good enough to do this on my own (or could add wife, coach etc). "

Hah hah hah….yeah that would be funny. I can see it now…

“Firstly, I’d like to thank myself for this victory. I got jack s. help from anybody be they living or spiritual. I did it it all myself. I worked my bum off, I planned everything myself, I didn’t listen to any crap from anyone. Thanks me !”

Hah hah hah hah
I see this from another angle -

The propaganda machine is running rife in the US at the moment (not doing an insignificant job here either for that matter) about Muslims and the middle East and how they are describing Christians as infidels etc. etc.

The bible belt states of the US are hitting back with any form of promotion of Christianity they can - and elite sports people whilst having enormous talents can be easily brain washed - hence when they win they thank their Christian God which reinforces all in the US (particularly the Bible Belt States) that Christianity is right and the Muslims are wrong.

To me it is just another drip in the water torture of brain washing the religious masses. History has proved that this religious brain washing of the masses is usually to assist a few at the top of that society to become more powerful.

I too cringe at it and feel for the sports person saying it as I beleive they have not got the ability to define their lives themselves but need a religion or cult to define it for them.

If it helps them focus on their sporting prowess then great - because concentration on sport at the elite level can be the difference between winning and losing - but why give away the secret that enables you to focus your concentration - surely that opens the door to your opponents playing mind games or even (heaven forbid) sledging.

I can see it now as Baddley and his opponent are walking down the fairway -

Opponent - "Had a chat to God in the club-house the other night - said he knows you real well!"
Baddley - "Really - I didn't know you are a practising Christian!"
Opponent - "Yeah God told me all about you and said you were OK except you like the big tits on the barmaid and you should be looking at your wifes tits instead!"

Now Mr Baddley go and concentrate on that putt...................
RemoteTiger said:
I see this from another angle -

The propaganda machine is running rife in the US at the moment (not doing an insignificant job here either for that matter) about Muslims and the middle East and how they are describing Christians as infidels etc. etc.

The bible belt states of the US are hitting back with any form of promotion of Christianity they can - and elite sports people whilst having enormous talents can be easily brain washed - hence when they win they thank their Christian God which reinforces all in the US (particularly the Bible Belt States) that Christianity is right and the Muslims are wrong.

To me it is just another drip in the water torture of brain washing the religious masses. History has proved that this religious brain washing of the masses is usually to assist a few at the top of that society to become more powerful.

I too cringe at it and feel for the sports person saying it as I beleive they have not got the ability to define their lives themselves but need a religion or cult to define it for them.

If it helps them focus on their sporting prowess then great - because concentration on sport at the elite level can be the difference between winning and losing - but why give away the secret that enables you to focus your concentration - surely that opens the door to your opponents playing mind games or even (heaven forbid) sledging.

I can see it now as Baddley and his opponent are walking down the fairway -

Opponent - "Had a chat to God in the club-house the other night - said he knows you real well!"
Baddley - "Really - I didn't know you are a practising Christian!"
Opponent - "Yeah God told me all about you and said you were OK except you like the big tits on the barmaid and you should be looking at your wifes tits instead!"

Now Mr Baddley go and concentrate on that putt...................

Yeah, good post RT. All that these sporting "preachers" are doing is perpetuating, and even falling victim to themselves, an agenda that not even they are aware of.

They make me sick all these rednecked, ultra right wing, religous crutch waving hypocrits that exist in the US. Problem is, they're spreading into this country and into our political landscape as well e.g. Downer, Howard, Abott and this Hillside crap etc.

Dangerous times. Dangerous times indeed.