Site harassment | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

Site harassment


Tiger Legend
Mar 27, 2003
I am struggling a bit with PRE at the moment. I have a serious medical issue and am waiting for surgery/ies in the new year. It is affecting my brain in a big way. My head is very muddled and cloudy. I know I love a good discussion/argument on here but the amount of people going out of their way to harass me and twist my words has got a bit out of hand the last few months. I don't mind my opinions being discussed in the least but I don't have the time or mental energy to continually correct false accusations about what I've said. I am running the forum on my own at the moment. I can't cope with the personal bickering and point scoring, whether it's myself or others who are copping it, when there is so much else to do. It's entirely unnecessary and is against the site rules. It also indicates people don't have a very strong argument imo. Far better to discuss actual opinions without getting personal or fabricating them. If people continue with it the posts will be removed and/or people put on moderated posting until I get better or get some help with the forum. Happy New Year. :)
I am very sorry to hear that Rosy. You have my best wishes. This site has been a significant part of my life for the last 8 years and more so since I left Aus. I know I have found myself on your wrong side more in the last year but I would never wish you anything but the best and I truely appreciate the opportunity you have given me. Please let me know if I can help in any way and I will do what I can
Thanks guys. Appreciate it but my post wasn't meant to be about my issues. Just a bit of a reminder at a time when I'm not coping all that well.
I hope things turn around for you asap rosy. All of the very best for the new year to you and your family.
All the best rosy hoping 2016 is a better year for you.
I don't know how it works but I think the removal of the "Should Dusty Martin be sacked" thread would help us all feel better. I felt disappointment the moment I saw it and it still angers me that it's front and square every day I look at the site.
Why stop there get rid of the sack Tracey one as well. This might alleviate some of your difficulties with the site and get us to focus on more positive RFC issues.
Rosy - I hope that you get better - and (as you suggest) that people understand the difference between voicing an opinion - and directing personal vitriol.

Never forget that 50% of the public have an IQ below 100 ::)

It explains most things.


Happy New Year :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Sorry to hear that you are not well Rosy. I can't imagine how you cope with this site, but I do know how much pleasure it gives me and other Tiger supporters. Thank you!!

Good luck and best wishes with your health as you await surgery in 2016. It sounds as though life is very difficult for you at the moment.
It's time to go Rosy.

The biggest disappointment in my support of Richmond is realising what a rabble the morons are on your fantastic forum that promised so much for Tiger fans. To be fair it is not just this forum.

The footy forums, that started which such hope for uniting Tiger fans, are so full of anonymous negative idiots that it really detracts from the great supporters and their life long love of Tigerland.

I salute you Rosy. Your efforts are magnificent, but just leave the haters to themselves and enjoy your life as a true TIGER.

There are fantastic Tiger fans out there, but none of them frequent internet forums.

I wish I never did, but on the other hand have learnt a heap about the anonymous football rabble who have no respect for anyone else and hide behind the anonymity afforded by such forums.

Best wishes in 2016 and beyond Rosy, I know that you know what the best thing to do is.
Best wishes, Rosy.

I think once the threads start to get circular and repetitive, it might be the time to close them down. Although this flies in the face of free speech, the last thing we want is people being personally offended. After all, there are many things in life more important than football. We all tend to take ourselves far too seriously when the Tiges are concerned.

I hope 2016 will turn out to be a fabulous year for you, you deserve this, as there has always been a palpable warmth towards all puntroadenders in your posts.
Hope you get better soon Rosy.

As for the rest of the comments i thought they were a little off, as i think you along with allot of other posters disect posters comments and make assumptions and then comment on those... Rather than then say "please provide an example", which this sites thousands of threads provides that without me wasting my time..

In saying all this, its a forum, there are many things i agree with and many i dont, i dont come here to argue but i do appreciate the different views and also the inside info that some are able to provide at times!