Political correctness & other nonsensical rubbish | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Political correctness & other nonsensical rubbish

Headlines in the year 2020

* Statue of Liberty renamed "Statue of Government"

* Attorney-General Ayers rolls out "Adopt a Capitalist Pig" program, in which proletarian recipient of reparation payments can select donor

* Microsoft moves its last U.S. facility to Shanghai; CNN slams "the Bush economic legacy"

* President Murtha orders provisional withdrawal of U.S. troops from pacified sectors of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming

* Vermont man beaten to death by angry mob for placing aluminum can in paper recycling bin

*Debate continues in Congress over national family income limit; Sen. Joe-the-Plumber (R-Ohio) argues that $20K may be too low

* Saudis unhappy with allotment of only 50 seats in Congress; threaten to pull plug on financing of Democrat Party

* New York Rangers goalie struck in mammary gland by flying puck; sues opposing male player for sexual harassment

* World Court nullifies U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth "Equal Protection" Amendment, alleging it conflicts with right of oppressed to seek compensation

* Obama memoirs added to reading list of Harvard's "Great Texts of Western Civilization" course

* Man eaten alive by work of art at Brooklyn Museum's "Living Animal Collage" exhibit

* Time Magazine's "Victim of the Year" award goes to a paraplegic pygmy lesbian *smile* Muslim domestically-abused welfare mother with breast cancer and AIDS

* Proliferation of icebergs in northern Atlantic threatens shipping; Al Gore blames secret ice-making machine in basement of Fox News

* Greenpeace apologizes for death of 26 children after cute orphaned polar bears were released on Puget Sound

* Farmer in Scotland sentenced to five years in prison for insulting burglar's choice of firearm

* 300 American tourists rounded up and shot in Indonesia; Secretary of State Reid dispatched to Jakarta to engage in "constructive dialogue"

* Canadian Human Rights Commission rules that a f_ee pre_s is d_ngerous f_r the pe_ple

* Boston City Council mandates that geographic distribution of restaurants must be proportional to percentage of each ethnic group in population

* French President Mohammed Abu-Gauche deports Parisian gay pride protesters to San Francisco

* Another glass ceiling shattered: The transgendered Micronesian field marshal, Fudgadunga Flukaka, appointed secretary-general of the United Nations

Must be part of the 'education revolution'....? :hihi

Red pen too aggressive, Queensland teachers told
By Gabrielle Dunlevy
December 03, 2008 12:54pm

TEACHERS have been told to stop marking schoolchildren's work with red pen because it is an "aggressive" colour.
Queensland's Deputy Opposition Leader Mark McArdle told parliament today that teachers were being advised to reconsider their pen choice because it may offend children.
Mr McArdle tabled a Queensland Health document proposing "strategies for addressing mental health wellbeing in any classroom".
It says: "Don't mark in a red pen (which can be seen as aggressive) - use a different colour."
"Given your 10-year-old Labor government presides over the lowest numeracy and literacy standards of any state in Australia, don't you think it's time we focused on classroom outcomes rather than these kooky, loony, loopy, lefty policies?" Mr McArdle asked.
Premier Anna Bligh called the question trivial at a time of "such economic peril".

Liverpool said:
Must be part of the 'education revolution'....? :hihi

Red pen too aggressive, Queensland teachers told
By Gabrielle Dunlevy
December 03, 2008 12:54pm

TEACHERS have been told to stop marking schoolchildren's work with red pen because it is an "aggressive" colour.
Queensland's Deputy Opposition Leader Mark McArdle told parliament today that teachers were being advised to reconsider their pen choice because it may offend children.
Mr McArdle tabled a Queensland Health document proposing "strategies for addressing mental health wellbeing in any classroom".
It says: "Don't mark in a red pen (which can be seen as aggressive) - use a different colour."
"Given your 10-year-old Labor government presides over the lowest numeracy and literacy standards of any state in Australia, don't you think it's time we focused on classroom outcomes rather than these kooky, loony, loopy, lefty policies?" Mr McArdle asked.
Premier Anna Bligh called the question trivial at a time of "such economic peril".


I'm just hearing and seeing this on Today Tonight..........we need to politically correct political correctness.
Disco08 said:
So do you reckon 'Adolf Hitler's Bunker' might be a good name for a pub?

What about Adolf Hitler for a name of a kid and on a birthday cake?

Store refuses to decorate cake for child called Adolf Hitler Campbell
THE father of a toddler called Adolf Hitler Campbell says it's unfair that a store denied him a birthday cake with his child's name on it.
Mr Campbell said he didn't expect the names to cause problems when the children start school.

He's clearly an idiot.
Disco08 said:
Mr Campbell said he didn't expect the names to cause problems when the children start school.

He's clearly an idiot.

I totally agree.
A numbskul. A *smile*. A nazi-sympathiser.
You name it.

But should the child be discriminated against because its his name?
And keep in mind that this name may offend certain groups...
:hihi :help

Fish 'should be rebranded as sea kittens'

A campaign to rename fish as “sea kittens” in order to improve their image has been ridiculed by the federal opposition.
Outspoken animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is using the “sea kitten” name as part of its push to restrict fishing.
“Nobody would hurt a sea kitten!” PETA said on its website.
“People don’t seem to like fish.
“We’re going to start by retiring the old name for good.
“When your name can also be used as a verb that means driving a hook through your head, it’s time for a serious image makeover.”
The website features images of fish with cats’ whiskers and ears.
PETA is using the campaign to entice people to sign a petition calling on the US Fish and Wildlife Service to stop promoting “the hunting of sea kittens (otherwise known as fishing)”.
Opposition fisheries spokesman John Cobb was not impressed with the campaign, nor with PETA.
PETA has offended some in Australia with is high-profile campaign against mulesing, the practice of cutting away the skin from a sheep’s rear to prevent flystrike.
Mr Cobb said the group had little credibility.
“It is hard to take an organisation which wants to change the name of fish seriously,” he said.
Many people might laugh at the sea kitten campaign, Mr Cobb said, but PETA’s agenda was actually more sinister: destroying the meat and fish industries.
PETA has convinced a number of large companies to boycott Australian wool which comes from mulesed flocks. The group argues mulesing is cruel and there are better ways to prevent flystrike.

oh deary me they need to be weeded out and shot the lot of them nancy dogooders poitical correct nincompoops.has anyone heard the absolute *smile* surrounding prince harry because he dared call a fiend his paki mate what a joke. we have to put a stop to this nonsense we really do .
the claw said:
oh deary me they need to be weeded out and shot the lot of them nancy dogooders poitical correct nincompoops.has anyone heard the absolute *smile* surrounding prince harry because he dared call a fiend his paki mate what a joke. we have to put a stop to this nonsense we really do .

The Tintin story is more ridiculous.
TigerForce said:
The Tintin story is more ridiculous.

Don't worry about Tintin...what aboutTimTam? :hihi

Had to laugh at this...political correctness going to a new level:

Tim Tams banned by Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore at council events
SYDNEY Lord Mayor Clover Moore has banned Tim Tams from council events for fear they're partially produced through cruel child labour on Africa's Ivory Coast.
In a move to create "sustainable, healthy and cruelty-free catering" at City of Sydney meetings and events, staff have stopped providing chocolate biscuits along with meals containing eggs, bottled water, fat-rich cakes, dairy deserts and "bad" fish species.
One of the first attempts at the new politically correct meals policy was at the council's Investing in Sydney's Future business forum on February 25.
On the menu were vegetables (locally grown), NSW wines (organic) and "a good fish species choice" (blue-eye trevalla).
Liberal councillor Shayne Mallard, who was at a briefing on the guidelines, said the first hint of the new policy was when Tim Tams disappeared from meetings.
"We are being dictated to by a radical green agenda telling us what fish we can eat, what water we drink and banning eggs or Tim Tams instead of focusing on issues like saving jobs," Mr Mallard said.
"Council staff told me Tim Tams were banned because 80 per cent of world cocoa production comes from the Ivory Coast, where there are allegations of child labour."
An Arnott's spokeswoman said only a very limited supply of chocolate was from the Ivory Coast.
"But this supplier is a member of the International Cocoa Initiative, which is dedicated to ensuring no child is exploited in the growing of cocoa and to ending child and forced labour," she said.
Requests for comment from Ms Moore were declined yesterday but a spokeswoman said: "No particular brand of food or drink has been identified as being off the menu."
In a memo obtained by The Daily Telegraph, the council's environmental projects manager Kirsten Woodward said the council would serve only cruelty-free and healthy options.
"Vegan, vegetarian and lactose intolerant options have also been developed for future events," Ms Woodward's memo said.

a company I once worked for took away the choc biscuits and Moccona, and replaced it with Black & Gold brand dry biscuits and International Roast as a cost saving measure.

True it did save costs, but the staff then started disappearing for 5-10 mins several times a day to go down to the coffee shop at the base of the building. Not a great productivity saving.
This semester I made the mistake of enrolling in a subject called "Culture and Text".

For those not familiar with current university studies in the arts that is code for post structuralism/postmodernism 101.

Anyway please be advised that a significant section of Australian academia now believe and teach students that considering time in a linear fashion (ie as a clock tells it) is a concealled bourgeois male plot to oppress woman and the working class.

Here is a bit from my lecture to give an idea:

Peter Brooks writes of this linear thinking that it is typical of post-Renaissance western cultures:"The emergence of narrative plot as a dominant mode of ordering and explanation may belong to the large process of secularization, dating from the Renaissance and gathering force during the Enlightenment, which marks a falling-away from those revealed plots - the Chosen People, Redemption, the Second Coming - that appeared to subsume transitory human time to the timeless."

Time ceased to be seen as cyclical, like the cycling of the seasons. No longer was one year seen as a reiteration of the one before in an essentially timeless or infinite universe. And no longer was the year measured in terms of religious feasts that celebrated, in repeated cycles, the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Christ – leading to another Coming of Christ, a recursive concept. Instead secularization brought us the bourgeois concept of time as progress – time measured out in units that could be measured and assigned a value, as in the Bundy Clock. Now, in our bourgeois post-Renaissance world, linear time – rather than the timelessness of recursive cycles – is perceived as 'natural'.

It goes on, but you get the idea hopefully.
Panthera tigris FC said:
Good luck with that one Evo ::).
Thanks mate.

Science get extra special treatment. ;D

PS I assumed everyone already knew when they had a Timtam it was tantamount to whipping a 9 year old child.
evo said:
This semester I made the mistake of enrolling in a subject called "Culture and Text".

For those not familiar with current university studies in the arts that is code for post structuralism/postmodernism 101.

Anyway please be advised that a significant section of Australian academia now believe and teach students that considering time in a linear fashion (ie as a clock tells it) is a concealled bourgeois male plot to oppress woman and the working class.

Here is a bit from my lecture to give an idea:

Peter Brooks writes of this linear thinking that it is typical of post-Renaissance western cultures:"The emergence of narrative plot as a dominant mode of ordering and explanation may belong to the large process of secularization, dating from the Renaissance and gathering force during the Enlightenment, which marks a falling-away from those revealed plots - the Chosen People, Redemption, the Second Coming - that appeared to subsume transitory human time to the timeless."

Time ceased to be seen as cyclical, like the cycling of the seasons. No longer was one year seen as a reiteration of the one before in an essentially timeless or infinite universe. And no longer was the year measured in terms of religious feasts that celebrated, in repeated cycles, the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Christ – leading to another Coming of Christ, a recursive concept. Instead secularization brought us the bourgeois concept of time as progress – time measured out in units that could be measured and assigned a value, as in the Bundy Clock. Now, in our bourgeois post-Renaissance world, linear time – rather than the timelessness of recursive cycles – is perceived as 'natural'.

It goes on, but you get the idea hopefully.

It doesn't even make sense. It assumes each season, feast, birth, death is bloody identical.

Even if you take the cycles as being a given, thats how we have measured time for eons, and continue to do today. A year is one cycle around the sun, a month is one cycle of the moon, a day is one cycle of the earth's rotation. Minutes, seconds, and hours are just divisions of this.

As for it only becoming an issue in secular societies, the Eygptians had religion as the core of their universe yet they had invented "linear" measurements for time.

Crap like this annoys me. Without knowing the lecturer, I'm willing to wager its some fool who has idealized the peasants life, and believes we would all be better off tilling the soil "in harmony with nature", being close to the earth, and baying at the moon to please the earth godess. Reality is a peasants life completely sucked, most we effectively treated as slaves, infant and child mortality were through the roof, and they had a life expectancy of around 30. Hardly the legacy of balance and harmony.

I'm glad its you Evo, I would have called this guy something by now that would have gotten me into mandatory counselling with the campus officer in charge of wellness and diversity.
Tiger74 said:
Crap like this annoys me. Without knowing the lecturer, I'm willing to wager its some fool who has idealized the peasants life, and believes we would all be better off tilling the soil "in harmony with nature", being close to the earth, and baying at the moon to please the earth godess. Reality is a peasants life completely sucked, most we effectively treated as slaves, infant and child mortality were through the roof, and they had a life expectancy of around 30. Hardly the legacy of balance and harmony.
In my experience the types that construct these subjects don't actually want to be peasants. Rather they idealize and deify the toiling classes' perspective;as did Marx/ Engels, Gramsci et al.

As result everything is framed as a bourgois hegemonic and unequal relationship with the [proletariat, or as an oppression of womyn by man.

They don't actually want to live as the working class,they want to condescend to them, under the guise of fighting for their rights.

It is alot like the academic/'noble savage' relationship, but with the working class and woman as the eternal victim.
Whats this course get you anyway...like whats the career?

or is this where they get these blokes from? :hihi
