Oh Dear..... | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Oh Dear.....

Excuse my ignorance, but how did we go in the 1st pre-season game in 2001 ? 2002 we lost to Geelong and lost the final by 9pts. Melbourne were on the ball and running at mid season form. Also with their amount of members and Diamond Joe not there, they do need the money.
One other thing, how long have Melbourne had them nice jumpers, the way it brought out the colour of Neitz's eyes. Girls you wouldn't go to far wrong with them as bridesmaids dress's. ;)
Hey, will everyone just relax. It was our first hit out and frankly, I don't expect us to be much good first game in. At this time of the year there will always be some disparity between sides in their lead ups. This result gives us a chance to make some changes and see what worked and didn't work.

Everyone would agree that the last game of the year, the Grand Final in September, is the most important match of the year. Therefore, the opening game of the Escort, Sterling, Panasonic, Fosters, Ansett, Wizard (have I missed any?) Cups is the least important so let's not beat ourselves up over it.
Fair enough first game, but......

*smile* Biddiscombe is still *smile* hopeless, cant hit a *smile* target and turns the ball over far too easily.

The guy's manager is a star for getting a 3 year deal on top $$$. The guy in the Football department who signed him should be *smile* shot. Absolute dud.

Put in Coburg and leave him there, same with King....
When players don't run into open spaces is a combination of laziness of stupidity.. When players kick to a contest of 1 richmond player to 3 opposition players, on more than one occasion is stupidity.. Plain and simple..

There is no excuse for kicking to a contest that is unfavourable to us..

I can't seriously imagine that after all the training and hard work the players put in over pre-season that they're going to throw it all away by being lazy on the field.
I didn't see a damn thing last night that indicated to me that we are any better than we were last year.
Has anyone heard what Danny has said yet? If he's doing the whole, 'yeah/nah we have gotten so many positives outta this match' i swear i'll reconsider buying a membership.
I know that winning in the WizzFizz isn't the number one priority but still. If last nights match was any indication on how we'll perform this year then I'd be pretty disappointed.
Stuff the hype, I've been supporting the tigers for 9 years and i'm starting to believe that we are shithouse. Maybe 2001 was just a freak season that won't be repeated again.
Ok ok, we've had one match so far, so maybe i'm carrying on, but things have got to get better than this.
At least Rory and Kane added some class.

And what the hell was wrong with Robertson (alias Pepe la Pew) after the match? He was near tears.
And what the hell was wrong with Robertson (alias Pepe la Pew) after the match? He was near tears.

I think it had somthing to do with the fact that his partner was heading overseas indefinitlyand that he was emotional that this would be the last game that she would see him play for sometime...... somthing along those lines.
You've only done 9 years R-g. You lucky thing, quick get out while you still can!!

By the way Ben Haynes is playin pretty well for the Bombers, he is hitting targets by foot, so thats why we got rid of him ::)
Haven't seen the game yet, but Danny's assessment seemed pretty honest saying that you can't expect to win games when you are second to the contest. Said it was a bit of a reality check.

I would say it was just a Fizz not a Whizzfizz cup by the sound of it.

As others have said it is only the first hit out and it is the first hit out we have had outside the club intraclub match. Lets not get too down on ourselves yet.

I think everyone would agree that we may have peaked a little early last year. At least now there should be no illusion as to what we have to achieve over the next 6 weeks or so.

Anyone know Ploughs phone number just in case (just joking)
Well finally got to dampen my Satruday afternoon spirits by watching the replay.

It might be early in the season, but we appeared to be once again one dimesional. Kicking long to Richo who was double tagged. Kicking to static targets up forward. No defensive pressure in the forward line when the Dee's ran it out of defence.

It was a worry the lack of midfield pressure as well. Melbourne always seemed to have numbers at the ball and were able to clear it from the stoppages much to easily. They set up forward thrust out of defense all night, by running into space.

When will we adopt some of these strategies.

Good to see HILTON back. Thought JONSON, ROGERS, CHAFFEY AND STAFF were our better players.

Who was th bloke in number 5????? As Dermie said RICHO and OTTO should be swallowing a few of the marks that went missing in a couple of weeks...Lets hope so.

Hopefully CAMBO and BLUMFIELD will add to the midfield pressure we can apply in the weeks to come.

Was disappointed in some of the younger guys who should be taking the game by the scruff of the neck now if they are going to make at this level.

I am still confident we make giant leaps forward over the next 5 weeks leading up to the season proper.

Still a disappointing start....but not as disappointing as some. BUMMERS flogged and the SWANNIES are fairing to well against the lions last time I looked.

Not all DOOM and GLOOM people. (I hope)
Not forgetting that this was our fRe: Oh Dear.....

Not forgetting that this was our first serious hit-out, there wasn’t a lot to be encouraged by last night.

Positives for me:
Stafford – our only big bloke who can take an overhead mark with a bit of body contact around him,
Hilton ,although he is never going to scare an oppsotion,
Johnson is going to be a stud for us.
Jay Schulz actually looked promising when he got some game time and looks to have a penetrating kick on him, although he dropped a sitter about 15 seconds before the end of the game that he will not be to pleased about.

Our game plan. Come on this bombing the ball to our twin towers who cannot catch a cold is getting old and predictable,
Richo – if he keeps playing this way (albeit too early to be critical) I will be swinging from a rope from about round 8. What are they doing with his body shape? If they are going to go for the lean look then tell him to stop pushing and shoving in the goal square and get out on an lead and run around the half forward line. Otherwise let him bulk up and stay in the goal square. His hands are abysmal, I hope it is his wrist causing him grief at the moment.
Ottens, can we please take a pack mark! This applies to Richo as well.
Pettifer – time is running out, he still looks scared to me and getting cleaned up about 3 or 4 times as he was disposing of the ball isn’t going to help his confidence.
Mills – how is this guy still at the club?
Coughlan didn’t look switched on but he wasn’t our worst. Perhaps it will take im time to adjust to playing with Johnson in the side.

I turned the t.v over to the WC v Freo game and almost immediately saw a passage of play where Judd took the ball from the center clearance at brakeneck speed and hit Troy Wilson with a 45 metre laser and I thought to myself that I doubt that we will see a passage of play like this all season from Richmond. Pretty sad. Our midfield was smashed last night by the Dee’s.

I just saw some of the Kangas v Essendon game and am really impressed with Jobe Watson’s poise, ball winning ability and finishing. Why can’t we find young guy’s like this? We have nobody (save perhaps Coughlan) with any class that I can see being a great player for the Tiges for the next 10 years. Our high draft picks are skinny small bodied players (read Fiora & Pettifer) who take years to mature (if ever) into topline players.

On a sidenote Wayne Brittain looked to be addressing the players at ¾ time. I was a bit surprised to see that – had the Parkin vein happening and all.
Not forgetting that this was our fRe: Oh Dear.....

Not forgetting that this was our first serious hit-out, there wasn’t a lot to be encouraged by last night.

Positives for me:
Stafford – our only big bloke who can take an overhead mark with a bit of body contact around him,
Hilton ,although he is never going to scare an oppsotion,
Johnson is going to be a stud for us.
Jay Schulz actually looked promising when he got some game time and looks to have a penetrating kick on him, although he dropped a sitter about 15 seconds before the end of the game that he will not be to pleased about.

Our game plan. Come on this bombing the ball to our twin towers who cannot catch a cold is getting old and predictable,
Richo – if he keeps playing this way (albeit too early to be critical) I will be swinging from a rope from about round 8. What are they doing with his body shape? If they are going to go for the lean look then tell him to stop pushing and shoving in the goal square and get out on an lead and run around the half forward line. Otherwise let him bulk up and stay in the goal square. His hands are abysmal, I hope it is his wrist causing him grief at the moment.
Ottens, can we please take a pack mark! This applies to Richo as well.
Pettifer – time is running out, he still looks scared to me and getting cleaned up about 3 or 4 times as he was disposing of the ball isn’t going to help his confidence.
Mills – how is this guy still at the club?
Coughlan didn’t look switched on but he wasn’t our worst. Perhaps it will take im time to adjust to playing with Johnson in the side.

I turned the t.v over to the WC v Freo game and almost immediately saw a passage of play where Judd took the ball from the center clearance at brakeneck speed and hit Troy Wilson with a 45 metre laser and I thought to myself that I doubt that we will see a passage of play like this all season from Richmond. Pretty sad. Our midfield was smashed last night by the Dee’s.

I just saw some of the Kangas v Essendon game and am really impressed with Jobe Watson’s poise, ball winning ability and finishing. Why can’t we find young guy’s like this? We have nobody (save perhaps Coughlan) with any class that I can see being a great player for the Tiges for the next 10 years. Our high draft picks are skinny small bodied players (read Fiora & Pettifer) who take years to mature (if ever) into topline players.

On a sidenote Wayne Brittain looked to be addressing the players at ¾ time. I was a bit surprised to see that – had the Parkin vein happening and all.
OK we played pretty s**t!! But the thig that disappoints me most is that none of the young guys or recruits did anything!! Schluz ;) looked ok in some little things he did which was encouraging but apart from that it was just the blokes you guys have already mentioned that did well.
I posted on some thread awhile back that I didnt mind losing aslong as they gave the young guys a go and we didnt get thumped. Well I got one out of 3!!
However I am more disappointed than anything I cast my mind back over the last 2 years pre season and we have been ordinary to say the least. In some games we kicked only 5 and 6 goals :( I dont think its time to go spare just yet but hopefully it will give some guys a reality check. And it can be hard to look good in a team that plays that badly so I am sure it will all get better from here. Although the lack of an alternative game plan to the towering forward line is of concern.
Anyway hopefully a trip to Geraldton might sort a few of em out and we get reports back that some of the kids did well.
Where do we play after the Geraldton game?
Fair assessment OMH ... and if I see Richo trying to take a CHEST MARK either inside TelstraDome, or while the *smile*' drought's still going, I might just lose it completely.

Take it out in front of you Richo .. for God's sake!! The number of times he let the Demon first-gamer get a fist on the ball as it was about to thud into Richo's chest was unforgivable ...
Unfortunately GoJJ Richo seems to have lost that skill (TBH I cant remember when he had it) may be wrong on that one! But his body language wasnt that great last night. This doesn't surprise me though because I think he read our posts about improved delivery this year!
Anyway still glad he is ours and happy he didnt get injured (more).
*smile*!!!!!!!!! Why does Essendon end up with Watson and Laycock and we get Pettifer and Fiora. I reckon we'd manage to get all *smile* players even if we had the first ten draft picks in a season. Maybe its not the recuiting staff's fault, because its hard to predict who will be up to playing in the AFL until they are chucked in the deep-end, but still, it makes you wonder...

By the way, wish we had somebody with footy smarts at the club. We make such silly mistakes under pressure.
Danny did say in his press conference that our game plan fell down under pressure.

Lets on hope there is an alternative if plan A fails. Didn't look like it the other night.

Still say we don't need to be on fire this early

Bring on round 1 and the wobbles
Went to the game on Fri and it was pretty obvious from 1/4 time we just weren't fit enough!!. :mad:

Melbourne ran all over us...........

There seemed no structure at all.

Disposal was shocking and always under pressure.

Richardson is by far the quickest big forward in the comp. Put the damm ball in a spot 30 metres in front of him where he can take a chest mark. Stop kicking it up high(predictble) :(

I don't take the these games too seriously. But We have five weeks to get some run and direction.

Just some observations but boy do we looked flat. ???

Bring on the pies that's when it counts for me ;D
before we all commit suicide here lets look at the big picture:
we have not won a 1st round pre-season comp in 5 yrs.
danny has stated that this year,s pre-season plan is to ease the players thru the pre-season therefore no chance of a mid-season burnout.
the way the game is played what side would want to go thru beyond the 1st round?non stop football isnt the best way to prepare for a H+A season.

now onto more serious matters:
when was the last time otto took a pack mark?this is a huge concern.lets hope its just a too early in the season hiccup.
take krak and rodan out of the fwd line who is there to crumb?
while our game plan on friday night was the same ol same ol.why show ya cards in a who cares game?
despite this our game plan isnt that bad really. you kick to your strengths which is richo otto etc.its just a matter of "teaching" krak rodan etc where to be.

dont read to much into it people.
the pies lost all their games last year as did the dees who both played in the finals.
They were raving about Johnson on the telly, but to be honest, I thought he was quite ineffectual. He grabbed the ball a few times in the first half, but noticeably none of his touches resulted in sequences of play leading up to a goal. The jury's still out as far as I'm concerned ... I'll have Coughlan in the engine room before him.

you have to be kidding ghost surely.johnson was one of the shinning lights on friday night.i guess it was his fault that the player he kicked to or handballed to or got the hardball to didnt hit the target or whatever? :-/
I may stand corrected here, but I seem to remember JOHNSON getting the ball in the centre of the ground and kicking to Richo on a lead, which I think resulted in Richo's first goal.

(Seem to remember DERMIE saying that is what they should have been doing all night.  Seemed like a reasonable assessment to me.  Now can someone just play the video at training on Monday so they all know it)

Also think that the only time OTTO actually lead all night he took a mark, but missed the goal.

Can it be that hard to work out that we need to hit moving targets not kick long to static targets who are being double tagged???????????????