NSW State Election 2011 | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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NSW State Election 2011


Jul 29, 2004
All us PRE New South Welshmen/women have to vote in March this year.

And hasn't the NSW State Government railroaded democracy - checkout the following laws recently passed by the NSW Government

1) Tobacco product companies cannot make donations to political parties
2) Alcohol product companies cannot make donations to political parties
3) Individuals can only donate $10,000 to a political party
4) Companies and Trusts can only donate $10,000 to a political party
5) Trade Unions can donate up to $1,000,000 to a political party
6) Candidates of the main political parties are allocated Government funds up to $150,000 to cover election expenses for each electorate
7) Any Candidate for an electorate may only spend $150,000 on his/her/its election campaign

I run a couple of local businesses here in the State Seat of Monaro - I was completing my advertising campaign for the next 3 months and ready to place an order with the local radio, TV and press only to be advised that there is very limited time in March 2011 available as the ALP has booked a large majority of the Radio and TV time slots and pages in the papers.

Now if each candidate is only allowed to spend $150k on their campaign and political donations are limited for individuals and companies then who is paying for the ALP advertising? The Unions with their $1m donations of course.

According to the polls the ALP first vote is down to as low as 23% which means a landslide victory to the Coalition led by Barry O'Farrell. Guess the ALP are pulling out all stops to maintain their 16 year hold on power in the state.

This state has been circling the gurgler since Bob Carr began his campaign of idealism for the Arts and his abdicating of responsibility for infrastructure. Its been all downhill with the State having its financial rating downgraded and on the brink of going broke. Keneally has turned around the finances to a degree but at the expense of services to the people.

God I hope there is a change in Government - but I also fear that O'Farrell will not be much better..........RT
RemoteTiger said:
- but I also fear that O'Farrell will not be much better..........RT

That's been a very common theme lately with similar feelings in regard to the Vic and the Federal elections. All as bad as each other and the results have indicated there was no clear majority support for either side.

Those new laws are so biased towards ALP they should be embarrassed for themselves. I don't know much about NSW policitcs, and care even less, but I hope the above restrictions they've made, trying to influence the party's chances backfire on them.

Mb I'm in complete ignorance in regard to NSW politics and wouldn't have a clue about the public feeling. Will Labor win or will Libs sweep them away?
RemoteTiger said:
The Unions with their $1m donations of course.

According to the polls the ALP first vote is down to as low as 23% which means a landslide victory to the Coalition led by Barry O'Farrell. Guess the ALP are pulling out all stops to maintain their 16 year hold on power in the state.

What a complete waste of union money; and on politics of all things. The ALP have no chance of winning as you have noted. Too bad if your not an ALP supporter, eh. You still financially support them anyway.

There's no way I'd ever join a union.
rosy23 said:
That's been a very common theme lately with similar feelings in regard to the Vic and the Federal elections. All as bad as each other and the results have indicated there was no clear majority support for either side.

Those new laws are so biased towards ALP they should be embarrassed for themselves. I don't know much about NSW policitcs, and care even less, but I hope the above restrictions they've made, trying to influence the party's chances backfire on them.

Mb I'm in complete ignorance in regard to NSW politics and wouldn't have a clue about the public feeling. Will Labor win or will Libs sweep them away?
The Libs will sweep them away Rosy,they won't even have to put a policy on the table.
Two weeks to go to the biggest train wreck - blood bath in Australian Political History.

In a two horse race the bookies have the Coalition at $1.01 and Labor at $15. (That is 14/1 - unheard of in a two party election)
Last few days before the polls. Nothing has changed. Except - there is no real electioneering - where are the radio ads - where are the pamphlets in our letterboxes - where are the smiling candidates kissing babies? There are none.

The election is that far gone it appears the Labor Party has halted spending - why flog a dead horse. The Liberal Party are so sure of being elected they feel they do not need to advertise.

This would have to be the quietest election I have lived through........RT
Keneally's hair has been doing a quality job of taking one for the team. I expect her hair to be rewarded with a safe federal seat.
What a swing to the coalition.

This is the biggest election train wreck in the history of Australian Politics surely?

Some seat swings are as high as 36% - statewide swing of around 17%.

That's what happens when the Labor machine focuses on itself and not the people.

Will Barry O'Farrell be any better........time will tell.........for NSW sake I hope so........
RemoteTiger said:
What a swing to the coalition.

This is the biggest election train wreck in the history of Australian Politics surely?

Some seat swings are as high as 36% - statewide swing of around 17%.

That's what happens when the Labor machine focuses on itself and not the people.

Will Barry O'Farrell be any better........time will tell.........for NSW sake I hope so........

It's murder. And most times as Paul Keating once said "so goes NSW Labor, nationally Labor follows suit 18 months later".

Bring on the faceless men to lead the Labor Party. Step up or shut up.
Streak said:
One thing is for sure, Australia just lost its best looking Premier.
yeah she wasn't bad looking in a soccer-mom sorta way

Pretty savage beating of the ALP. It'll be interesting to see if it affects the 'brand'. There's a lot of people in NSW voting Liberal for the first time.
RemoteTiger said:
What a swing to the coalition.

This is the biggest election train wreck in the history of Australian Politics surely?

Some seat swings are as high as 36% - statewide swing of around 17%.

That's what happens when the Labor machine focuses on itself and not the people.

Will Barry O'Farrell be any better........time will tell.........for NSW sake I hope so........
Can't be any worse