Membership concerns | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Membership concerns

David C

Tiger Cub
Jul 6, 2020
I assume my following comments are going to upset some die hard supporters. However, I would like to know the general consensus without receiving abuse. Do members who have paid for their premium category seats believe it is fair and reasonable that the club keeps 50% of the 2020 fee just to hold the seat for 2021 and that we are still required to pay an additional 100% for the same membership in 2021? Currently, the combined amount being held by the club for my membership and my (14 year old) son’s membership is $1100. I was told the club needed to keep this money to remain solvent. It is my opinion that keeping 50% is quite unreasonable because many households have suffered under-employment and/or unemployment during the pandemic crisis. Job Keeper and Job Seeker allowances have had to be suffice for these households. If money is so tight and the situation is dire at Richmond, why are players not being paid Job Keeper instead of their reduced salaries, which in many cases still exceed the average combined household income? I would have accepted a 10% holding fee but 50% seems excessive and out of touch. Also, I was advised that I could receive a reimbursement minus an administration fee but despite a decade of loyalty, my seat allocation would be offered to somebody else for 2021. It would appear that loyalty is expected from members but none is offered by the club. To put context around this, how would everyone feel if the Federal government imposed $1000 levy on every household to repay the debt incurred for COVID-19 or to keep commerce solvent in Australia for the next 12 months?
There’s a refund less an admin fee there if you want it. Sounds fair to me personally.
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There are harder times coming.
If you feel that a refund is the best for you and your family, you should ask for refund.
But the club needs to survive also.
And if your cancellation ment that someone else could buy it, you expect the club to sell it.
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To put context around this, how would everyone feel if the Federal government imposed $1000 levy on every household to repay the debt incurred for COVID-19 or to keep commerce solvent in Australia for the next 12 months?

My guess is we won’t have to imagine.

The club knows that having stuck this long, it has your heart as well as your wallet. Its immense size makes it easier for the club to make impersonal business decisions. Difficult to vote with your feet when it’s the only game in town.

In the end every member falls into one of three groups: the membership provides value; the membership doesn’t provide value but you’ll pay anyway; the membership doesn’t provide value and you’ll regretfully buy a cheaper package or let it slide.

Can’t hurt to write a letter and if the club gets enough such feedback, they might revise their terms. Maybe address it to Gale or O’Neal rather than the membership department and if it’s written well enough, it might strike a chord.

I sympathise; it’s more than I’d be prepared to pay to see the game.
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Next year will be very interesting with regards to membership. Especially if crowds still can't attend the football.
Many members will stump up support for one year but it will be a vastly different story in 2021 if there are still health concerns re live crowds..
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The issue is the club hasn’t provided anything for the 50%. The seat cannot be accessed at all for 2020. I’m quite willing to pay my membership when the seat is accessible.
Next year will be very interesting with regards to membership. Especially if crowds still can't attend the football.
Many members will stump up support for one year but it will be a vastly different story in 2021 if there are still health concerns re live crowds..
The club can’t guarantee anyone the season will go ahead with spectators in 2021. I suspect unless there is a vaccine, crowds will be restricted
I would tend to agree that you should keep your reserved seats and loyalty bonuses even if you need a refund on membership. Although I suspect the club is somewhat desperate, I think this is short sighted. They will lose some loyal members if they treat people this way.

I would go for a carrot rather than a stick. We all know this is an exceptional year, we all know that many have lost their livelihood. Let those who are having trouble sustaining the cost of their membership get a refund without a loss of their rights. Those who stay and pay 100% of their membership could maybe be given a reward, say a year or 2 of additional loyalty points, nothing too big because this is probably more a case of being lucky enough to keep our jobs than being more loyal, just as an incentive for those who can afford to pay the membership to keep them paying.

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I suppose all of us have lost money to the club due to the unforeseen public health problems. No one can be happy about it but in my view the money was willingly paid out as I could afford it even as an OAP so it's gone and if it helps to keep our club solvent then I have no real problem. Next season is another matter and as don't have a crystal ball I will defer my actions until membership renewal time
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I would tend to agree that you should keep your reserved seats and loyalty bonuses even if you need a refund on membership. Although I suspect the club is somewhat desperate, I think this is short sighted. They will lose some loyal members if they treat people this way.

I would go for a carrot rather than a stick. We all know this is an exceptional year, we all know that many have lost their livelihood. Let those who are having trouble sustaining the cost of their membership get a refund without a loss of their rights. Those who stay and pay 100% of their membership could maybe be given a reward, say a year or 2 of additional loyalty points, nothing too big because this is probably more a case of being lucky enough to keep our jobs than being more loyal, just as an incentive for those who can afford to pay the membership to keep them paying.

I requested a negotiation of allowing the club to keep the 50% in exchange for a Rioli membership option for 2021. Unfortunately, the response wasn’t positive. The club wants it all their own way. Loyalty is a two way process.
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I think they should be issuing heavy, faux gold and onyx gansta style Super Bowl rings to retained members, that says

'I stuk fat 20'

no judgement from me on anyone who doesn't brandish a ring.
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This is a difficult issue. It would be easy to say that the club has done nothing in providing a reward to members who have stuck with the club despite not receiving the benefits for which they paid.
How or what do you give for the hard earned coin members such as David C are paying for something that gives nothing in return except for a warm fuzzy?
As a QLD member we saw an offering from them in regards to one complimentary ticket per membership for the cancelled West Coast game at Metricon. Vic. members are not likely to have access to stadiums and games for the rest of this season.

Club needs the money versus members need the money - but don't want to lose their loyalty bonus when it comes to seating, access, and finals tickets. I totally get both sides.

If a platinum or gold member refunds that is a long way down the list to drop if they don't retain their status. But is it fair to others if they do?

What could the club offer you, that costs them little, to have you see value in your 2020 membership?
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I reckon the right thing to do would be do give a significant discount in 2021 for anyone that pays in full this year. and when i say siginficant, i mean 20%-25% at least.
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Do members who have paid for their premium category seats believe it is fair and reasonable that the club keeps 50% of the 2020 fee just to hold the seat for 2021 and that we are still required to pay an additional 100% for the same membership in 2021?

David what you are saying here doesn't sync up with what is on the website (unless I have misunderstood). Ultimately to keep it for next year, I do understand that the cost is '1.5' or 75% of the standard fee the over the two seasons.

Can I request a partial refund of my 2020 membership?

As there has been a material difference in the playing of the next phase of the season which impacts memberships that have access to games, members are entitled to request a refund. A partial refund can be in the form of a credit card refund/bank transfer or a credit towards your 2021 membership.

If you request a partial refund, members must retain at least 50% of their membership fees to retain their current membership benefits including access to games in 2020.
My guess is we won’t have to imagine.

Can’t hurt to write a letter and if the club gets enough such feedback, they might revise their terms. Maybe address it to Gale or O’Neal rather than the membership department and if it’s written well enough, it might strike a chord.
I had reason to write to the club on a membership issue I have so sent letters to Benny Gale and the head of the membership dept back in January and to date no reply. It doesn't to contact the club like this as if nothing else the clubs knows your viewpoint but don't expect a reply
I had reason to write to the club on a membership issue I have so sent letters to Benny Gale and the head of the membership dept back in January and to date no reply. It doesn't to contact the club like this as if nothing else the clubs knows your viewpoint but don't expect a reply

Long time ago but Mum queued for hours for GF tickets in 1980 and had three people in front of her when they put up the 'sold out' sign. Wrote a letter to the club - no joy, but at least got a hand-signed reply from GM Richard Doggett.