I'll take another spoon but............. | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

I'll take another spoon but.............

thejinx said:
All through school, I always copped it, but now whenever anyone gives me crap, I just agree with them. Because we are crap... I just come back and say that you can't truly enjoy the highs without first experiencing the lows.

I like to turn it around these days.

I gave it to Haw people last week. Things like " You almost lost to Rich. You are sh!t "

Ess this week I will say " You can only beat us by 6 goals. Most others by 10 or more. You kick the first 7 goals and can't put us away. Your sh!t "

I also like telling teams like Ess " You only play us once. Sucked in "

It is all a sort of laugh or cry menatallity. What I say is obviously only covering the hurt I really feel. My mates know and understand this.
My kids are 15, 14 and 9 and even though we go as a family as often as possible it's getting harder to drag them along.
I even joined them all up in the cheer squad to try and get a bit of fun happening but they came and sat with me at 3/4 time on Saturday night because even the cheer squad were flat after we got jumped in the first 1/4 and all the Essendon supporters sitting around them were giving them crap.

Atleast the know that they won't have to take any crap when there sitting with me ;D
Jack said:
My kids will almost certainly stick as long as I let them. But it very sad that we have been so bad for so long that you grow up and part of you doesn't want your kids to go through the same as you, and you are tempted to let them support someone else to make them happier.

There are still more Tigers jumpers at Auskick than any other teams. So get your kids to stick with us, and if you want to really help them along get them to study psychiatry because there's going to be quite a lot of damaged kids requiring counselling.
Spent the day with my Carlton following brother-in-law and his kids yesterday. He made sure his 8 year old daughter (who follows the Tigers) was well aware we'd lost again.

I was delighted with her response (shows she's been listening) - "I can't follow the Blues dad - they are cheats."
Im 26, dont have kids (thank god) but I always say to my girlffriend, when I have kids it's either follow the tigers and get everything paid for ie; memberships, jumpers, scarves etc or they're more than welcome to follow another team if they wish but there won't be one cent of my hard earned going to any other club. I can however fully sympathise with all you ppl with kids, both of my nephews are mad richmond supporters and they love everything about the tiges up until about quarter time, they then plead with their mum to go home as 'its boring watching us lose every week' or I'll get the 'Uncle you said years ago that we were young and would be good in a few years, now you say it again' I just reply 'Please go and speak to Mr Wallace and Mr Miller...yes Terry Wallace the man with the funny voice that used to sit where Damien does'
tigerjoe said:
We must win at least a couple of games!

For the sake of my 4 tiger cubs at home, a winless season is just not something that really young supporters ( or older ones) can take. Whilst I was dissapointed with another bad loss last night my 7 year old who went with me last night had nothing whatsoever to cheer for, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to appease him
and his brothers.

With a better draw in the second half of the season I really hope the club can muster at least a couple of wins.

For the sake of our tiger cubs!

I certainly feel the pain. Being born in our last premiership year, 1980, it's safe to say that I've had little to cheer about when you consider that my first hazy memories of footy would be about 1984 or 1985. My mother and father were both Tiger supporters so I had little choice in the mattter.

I think this is why I have such a hatred for Hawthorn (as intense as my hatred for Collingwood and Carlton), which most of my footy following mates can't understand. But as a kid when your team is absoulute *smile* and you watch another team play in 8 grand finals in 9 years or something rediculous like that and all the kids at school jump on the bandwaggon, it was just infuriating as a kid >:D! So to me Hawthorn supporters always carry the stigma of bandwaggon jumpers and not true supporters of the Tiger breed!

In the next year or two hopefully I might have kids of my own which means I've got about 5 or 6 for the Tigers to come good :hihi
Wont ever improve with the dwarf recruiting strategies at Tigerland.

Any football under 5"10 and weighing in at 65 kilos in Australia would be singing "hi ho, hi ho its off to tigerland we go"
hopper said:
Hopper parenting 101
Kids don't eat unless they barrack for Richmond.
There endeth the lecture.

Too true hopper. I've converted 3 this way. Always works. Seriously, as much as I would love to see at least one more flag myself, my biggest joy will be to see the joy it would bring to all the generation that has stuck thick with the Tiges for bugger all reward. Come on you Tigers - LIFT!!
tiger12 said:
Fancy being in the trenches of Galipoli with you? I'd shoot you first.

Too true hopper. I've converted 3 this way. Always works. Seriously, as much as I would love to see at least one more flag myself, my biggest joy will be to see the joy it would bring to all the generation that has stuck thick with the Tiges for bugger all reward. Come on you Tigers - LIFT!!

The wheel's turning....slowly but I think we all see it.
We have a 5 month old boy and he is already a RFC member. I am banking on some success forthcoming by the time he is aware of winning and losing. I would struggle to force him to watch the crap our club has served up over the last 30 years since I was able to enjoy us just smashing 'em.

I did hear a couple of good one's about how to ensure they stay RFC supporters:

Father: You have a choice son / sweetheart, if you wanna go to the footy with me it's Richmond. If you wanna support another team that's fine but you will never come to the footy with me again.
Son / Daughter (aged 5 - 6): :-X

The second one was:

Father: You can barrack for anyone you like but just wait while I pack your bags.
Son / Daughter: What?
Father: Just wait whilst I pack your bags (start walking towards their room with a bag).
Son / Daughter: What are you doing?
Father: You have a choice and can barrack for anyone you like but you won't be living under this roof and if you want to barrack for Collingwood you will be jeopardising all your visiting rights.
Told this once befor but love telling it (true story) got home from work one evening to find number 2 daughter sitting on the front step crying.
I asked what was wrong, she replied her older brother Matt had pushed her out the door and locked it. So down the hallway to his room go i to give him a blast then i thought to my self I better get his side of the story befor i give him a serve.

So i open his door look him in the eye and say why have you thrown your sister out of the house. He looked straight back at me with out blinking and replied she said she was going to quit the tiges and go for collingwood.

So i did the only thing a responsible parent could do said fair enough, closed his door and let him get on with his play time
diggler said:
Wont ever improve with the dwarf recruiting strategies at Tigerland.

Any football under 5"10 and weighing in at 65 kilos in Australia would be singing "hi ho, hi ho its off to tigerland we go"

Gold :clap
chaz said:
Told this once befor but love telling it (true story) got home from work one evening to find number 2 daughter sitting on the front step crying.
I asked what was wrong, she replied her older brother Matt had pushed her out the door and locked it. So down the hallway to his room go i to give him a blast then i thought to my self I better get his side of the story befor i give him a serve.

So i open his door look him in the eye and say why have you thrown your sister out of the house. He looked straight back at me with out blinking and replied she said she was going to quit the tiges and go for collingwood.

So i did the only thing a responsible parent could do said fair enough, closed his door and let him get on with his play time
I remember you telling that story before and absolutely love it, you can repeat that one as often as you want :clap :clap :clap
chaz said:
Told this once befor but love telling it (true story) got home from work one evening to find number 2 daughter sitting on the front step crying.
I asked what was wrong, she replied her older brother Matt had pushed her out the door and locked it. So down the hallway to his room go i to give him a blast then i thought to my self I better get his side of the story befor i give him a serve.

So i open his door look him in the eye and say why have you thrown your sister out of the house. He looked straight back at me with out blinking and replied she said she was going to quit the tiges and go for collingwood.

So i did the only thing a responsible parent could do said fair enough, closed his door and let him get on with his play time
That is Gold! :hihi

Someone should send that into the Footy Show or SEN.
To the RFC....

That was the most enjoyable game my kids and I have watched for months.

My kids and I say thankyou very much!!!!!!! :partyfest