Hey rockin.tiger just got onto the website today and saw your post.
How was your time there? Train?
Yeah watching the kids go at it is something else. Kids 5,6,7 fighting each other, the kicks, punches,knees and even some elbows that they dish out is a sight. No school yard bullying for these types!
Today I'm going for my certificate 2 accreditation @ 2-3 pm so I hope I do well.
The body is screaming in pain , shins bruised, hips sore, shoulders sore but it's almost over. Was going to stay and do my certificate 3 Advance level and train to fight but I think I will call it a day , for now and head off to Phuket to see some friends and come back in 2,3-6 months time and finish this off.
Training in Muay Thai is so different to your boxing, or running or kick boxing or what ever else. You involve all of your body, all 8 limbs that it truly tests you out both physically, mentally and spiritually. Muay Thai isn't for everyone. It's a life long adventure with a sport such as this. Once you get addicted to it , it's like anything in life you do which you love and enjoy, it's so hard for some people to understand why you do what you do. They don't understand why you subject your body to such much pain. A big part of Muay Thai I feel is HEART. You have to have it there to punish your body and train. To kick , punch, knee , elbow those bags and pads because you love it.
It's 5. 21 am and I'm having trouble sleeping just thinking what my masters have planned for me today in my testing. You get watched and graded by 3 masters and your score is then averaged out. The pass mark they place is high that not all pass. You have to get 75% or above. No ifs or buts. There have been cases where people have failed for 1% , getting 74% and for that 1% they haven't passed that student. I'm aiming high 70's to early 80's and would be so disappointed if I didn't achieve it. At least I want to better my 76% from my certificate 1 score.
Anyway that's enough rambling from me guys. Let you know how I have done later on.