2nd on sale event for grand final tickets has now closed (no longer able to buy tickets to GF on ticketek site even with qualifying barcode). I checked at 12:58pm and tickets for Cat 1, 2, 3 are all gone. Cat4 and Cat5 have limited availability (although I was still able to get 2 tickets next to each other) and Cat6, Cat7, Restricted view and Standing Room all remained and selectable options.
Question is - what happens now. Let's guess:
1. AFL directs ticketek to create yet another window for GWS and RFC registered barcodes - this is unlikely, as I don't think it will result in selling out the GF.
2. AFL directs ticketek to all game day access completing club members (so anyone wit barcode) to jump on and buy tickets - possibly this
3. AFL directs ticketek at the request of RFC to open up tickets to silver members as well as Priority 1,2,3 people for a period of time - this is the fairest way to do it, but ticketek may push back saying they are getting sick of running ticketing events for the GF (as stupid as that felt to write, I wouldn't put it past ticketek to have a whinge about how much extra work they are having to do to sell tickets to the GF.
4. Tickets made available to the public - grossly unfair, but incredibly possible as it doesn't require RFC to provide additional barcode info and ticketek to upload it to their system.
Ultimately, option 3 is the best for our members and hopefully it's not a hard thing for RFC to just provide a CSV file with all silver member barcodes and then for ticketek to put them into their system.
Then just announce that there is another window for RFC members tomorrow.
Surprised that we didn't sell out GWS unused allocation though.