Flood Levy Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Flood Levy Poll

How do you feel about the flood levy?

  • All for it as a once of

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • Dead against it

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters


Tiger Legend
Mar 27, 2003
I've been in Canberra to watch a cricket grand final and there was a lot of discussion about the Flood levy. There seemed to be a lot of mixed opinions but the majority seemed to think it was a good idea on the provisos that it was for one year only and it was used for the actual purpose rather than advertising or pumping up the Govt's tyres. Most thought it was an affordable and worthwhile donation.

I'm interested to know how people here feel about it. The cynic in me makes me wonder how the money will be used and if it will be for one year only. However I don't know so I'll have to take it on face value, and as such I support the tax. A small amount to help fellow Aussies who find themselves in a far less fortunate situation than I am here.
The (mis) use of funds raised from appeals for the bushfire disaster here has put me off contributing towards general appeals now. I haven't donated for the flood appeal because of it. We'd donate hay or pet food or help in any way we felt was practical but I'd much prefer to pay via the levy than an appeal for the flood victims.
Firstly let me say that I subscribe to the Laurie Oakes summation of politics in this country at the moment i.e Parties of all persuasions are currently run by political pigmies. So this is not about one Party against another .

What I hate is that the real issue , which is reconstruction after the floods , is being lost in the political garbage that is going on. What we really need is a disaster relief fund that can be managed independantly of all the politics . I have also heard opinions that this fund could provide disaster insurance of some kind through some sort of basic Insurance cover , like compulsory 3rd party insurance , and that it be made available to all Australians through that fund. This is the sort of debate we should be having , not the rubbish that the Political opportunists on both sides of the fence seem want to have.
Sintiger said:
This is the sort of debate we should be having , not the rubbish that the Political opportunists on both sides of the fence seem want to have.

Wouldn't that be a debate in regard to the future rather than addressing the immediate situation? They're not mutually exclusive and there's a massive problem that has already occurred, rather than might occur one day, that needs attention now. Both debates are worthwhile.
I think in this instance it is economically lazy of the government - there is certainly enough fat in the budget to source the additional $1.8 billion that will be raised by the levy, on top of the other cut and delayed programs.

Having said that, I don't mind paying the levy and I have no problem at all with additional government expenditure on rebuilding and helping people in need.
In principle, I am not opposed to the tax.

I am more concerned that the revenues received will be diverted from flood relief.

It disturbs me that after more than a year since the major bushfires, promised funds have not been delivered.

Will this be the case with the flood levy too?
poppa x said:
Dead against it because I believe the biggest losers will be the Charities.

Yes, a reduction in charitable donations will be an unintended consequence of the levy. That is another advantage of funding from general revenue.
Im against it dead set against it.

Maybe Gillard and her mates could use the 500 million dollars they give to Indonesia ..... a country that hates us, our ideology, our politics our beliefs and customs, pushes illegal immigrants through to so they dont have to worry bout them, harbours terrorists and is aggressive to our friends and neighbours.

They could also can the broadband network roll out which will be obsolete by the time its fully rolled out.

They could also can the exorbitant wastage of $$ by pollies and ex pollies.

Madness of the highest order.

Dead set bunch of moronic brain dead money wasting ingrates.

Ive paid enough of my taxes and donated to chariy for the flood.
craig said:
Im against everything dead set against everything.

Fixed that for you

They could also can the broadband network roll out which will be obsolete by the time its fully rolled out.

How is fibre going to be obsolete ? I'm not aware of any technology that comes close to delivering capabilities of Fibre.
What is a disgrace is the Libs fundraising funds to fight the Flood Levy tax while Queensland gets battered by Yasi.


So tacky.
I will willingly pay the tax and would do so again in the future, on top of what I have already contributed.

I understand and share people's cynicism about political figures and the use or misuse of funds, but whatever we can do now is better than doing nothing. As for charities, well they aren't all squeaky clean either.

And Craig, as for Indonesia, they do not as a country hate us. If you have travelled in Indonesia, or have Indonesian friends or relatives here, or there, you would know that as a country they do not hate us.
I have no problem paying the tax along with what I donated to the appeal and also along with the time I spent sand bagging up here when the Campaspe roared.

In fact I would like to see the levy retained and used as a disaster relief fund but not for any other use.
Ridiculous that they turn to the people to pay more tax, the annual budget is in the hundreds of billions, surely another 1.8 billion could be found
All Labor has done is cut the expensive green policies they didn't really want anyway, they've made no tough decisions
Put things into perspective, it costs 5.8 billion to rebuild one of biggest capital cities after devistating floods and it costs 7 times that to give everyone a fast internet connection. The fact the NBN is the first bill to be discussed in parliament instead of the Brisbane rebuilding highlights the messed up priorities of this government, internet is a luxury, not a need.
ZeroGame said:
Ridiculous that they turn to the people to pay more tax, the annual budget is in the hundreds of billions, surely another 1.8 billion could be found
All Labor has done is cut the expensive green policies they didn't really want anyway, they've made no tough decisions
Put things into perspective, it costs 5.8 billion to rebuild one of biggest capital cities after devistating floods and it costs 7 times that to give everyone a fast internet connection. The fact the NBN is the first bill to be discussed in parliament instead of the Brisbane rebuilding highlights the messed up priorities of this government, internet is a luxury, not a need.
As just one of the people, I will happly pay the tax and it won't stop me donating in the future.

Abbott is playing politics on this. I remember the gun tax and I think the social arguement here is much stronger than compensating people who owned guns back then.

For the record, I also don't mind paying for the NBN as I can see the enormous long term benefits from this for the next 20 years.