38 Players signed the consent form. 34 were charged and found guilty. Lets change my use of the word "performed on all" to "intended for the majority of the senior players" then that is a Yes. It's not know whether players like David Zaharakis and Jason Winderlich who Hird used as examples to dodge the "All Players" charge are 2 of the 4 that signed consent forms but didn't get charged. 44 Players on a list is it's a select few that didn't partake. I'm assuming even Essendon had the good sense not to put Rookies through this.
Unspecific and buzzwordy? Let me dumb it down for you.
Let's replace Systematic with Organised. - Yes it was. Institionalised we can swap with the word Official. - Yes it was. You've accepted Clandestine with a caveat but the fact they sent the players outside of the club for the injections brings it back to my intent. So another Yes. Finally Injections you've agreed but you don't see an issue with using players as pin cushions. but still a Yes.
So what part doesn't fit Essendon?
But lets use your preferred watered down description so we can stop the deflections. So my question is, are you aware, or heard rumours, of another club that ran an unscientific and highly experimental supplement program that lacked any of the sort of appropriate levels of supervision, knowledge and accountability it should have required. One that exposed their players to unacceptable risks in all manner of ways by not ensuring the people in charge of them had the right level of knowledge and understanding to provide them with the proper support and expertise, and they failed to implement a chain of command to monitor the operations of their organisation, which led to break downs at almost every level of the chain, which targeted the vast majority of their senior players?
Unspecific and buzzwordy? Let me dumb it down for you.
Let's replace Systematic with Organised. - Yes it was. Institionalised we can swap with the word Official. - Yes it was. You've accepted Clandestine with a caveat but the fact they sent the players outside of the club for the injections brings it back to my intent. So another Yes. Finally Injections you've agreed but you don't see an issue with using players as pin cushions. but still a Yes.
So what part doesn't fit Essendon?
But lets use your preferred watered down description so we can stop the deflections. So my question is, are you aware, or heard rumours, of another club that ran an unscientific and highly experimental supplement program that lacked any of the sort of appropriate levels of supervision, knowledge and accountability it should have required. One that exposed their players to unacceptable risks in all manner of ways by not ensuring the people in charge of them had the right level of knowledge and understanding to provide them with the proper support and expertise, and they failed to implement a chain of command to monitor the operations of their organisation, which led to break downs at almost every level of the chain, which targeted the vast majority of their senior players?