Drugs in Sport | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Drugs in Sport

Baloo said:
You would still have drug cheats entering the clean comps as you do today, but with better drugs.

Spot on. Whats the go with pain killers? It unaturally enhances the performance of athletes???
I'll concede defeat in that drug assisted athletes would continue to try and compete with non-drug assisted in order to win and claim glory, just as they do now. So, no change there really.
I'm still interested in what humans are capable of, drug assisted or not, as long as there are no lasting, negative side effects.

dukeos said:
Spot on. Whats the go with pain killers? It unaturally enhances the performance of athletes???

Pain killers artificially enable an athlete who would otherwise not be able to perform due to pain to continue to perform. Others seem so concerned about the side effects of performance enhancing drugs but have no second thoughts of sending a pain killer filled athlete back onto the field which may cause further deterioration in their condition.

So where do you draw the line?
Let me guess,
Now that the AFL are involved, all of this is going to be made somehow acceptable. After-all, we can't have AFL footballers be burnt at the stake like Armstrong, can we now? AFL footballers are a protected species, protected by the multilayer law system we have in this country which dictates that there is one law for some, and another law for others.
I've always been against the 3 strikes policy as the AFL is not the law and in fact, is breaking the law by harboring others who break the law with illicit drugs.

It's time the legal system was bought back into line with the rest of the community.

One set of laws for all, no exceptions.
I've been vindicated,
Listening to MMM yesterday morning, I had the pleasure of listening to our best friend Eddie, talking about "you can't turn back the tide" and with "this is the way the world is heading" along with "by all means regulation is fine". Already, we see that instead of punishing the offenders, we are going to make the whole situation 'acceptable'.

Money talks I guess. It'll cost too much to contain and then there will the usual claims that prohibition drives drugs underground. They have point but when people attack the cycling community and then go rather quiet and try and justify the skeletons in their own closet, you can get stuffed!